"Why did the Emperor suddenly announce his intention to abdicate?"

In the hall of the Rebirth Hall, Mr. Hu drank the tea in his hand with a distressed look on his face.

Sitting on his left and right were Fang Xun and Zhongli.

"If you ask me, the Emperor is still as sharp as ever. Only when he is here can Liyue be called Liyue. If someone else were to replace him, would Liyue still be called Liyue? Do you agree?"

Mr. Hu was originally drinking tea and walking his bird happily, and he was in a good mood. But when the news of the Emperor's abdication came out, he was so depressed.

"I think the Emperor must have his reasons for doing this." Fang Xun said after a moment of silence.

"Since the next Emperor has been chosen, let's see if the next Emperor can lead Liyue to prosperity."

"If the next Emperor doesn't perform well, we can let the Emperor come back to take over Liyue."

When Fang Xun said this, he deliberately observed the expression of Zhongli beside him.

Seeing Zhongli's nonchalant look, it seems that he is determined to let go of Liyue.

"Alas, it is easier to invite a god than to send him away. I am afraid that the next emperor will not be willing to give up this position after he takes it." Old Master Hu sighed.

He paused, turned his head and looked at Zhongli who was silent beside him: "Guest Zhongli, what do you think about the emperor's matter?"

"I have the same idea as Master Hu." Zhongli answered slowly.

Fang Xun thought to himself, I don't believe you, the old man is very bad.

He obviously wanted to retire on the spot, but he said he was reluctant to leave this job.

"Brother Fang Xun! Brother Fang Xun!"

Just then, a cute little baby's voice sounded outside the door.

Shen He brought a group of children to find him.

Fang Xun didn't expect the little guys at home to come here. He said goodbye to Zhongli and Old Master Hu beside him and got up and walked out.

"Brother Fang Xun, do you know that the Emperor is going to abdicate! Things are going to change in Liyue Harbor!" Little Shen He danced with excitement, her movements were very exaggerated.

She learned the term "change" from the adults' casual chat on the road just now, and she thought it was very interesting so she used it.

"Really?" Fang Xun was very cooperative, pretending to be surprised.

"Yeah, it's true! Now everyone is lining up at Yujingtai, and they say that they can see the ceremony of inviting the immortals tomorrow morning."

"Brother Fang Xun, should we go to Yujingtai to see it too?"

"Tomorrow?" Fang Xun pretended to be very embarrassed.

"Little Shen He, Brother Fang Xun can't accompany you to Yujingtai to watch the ceremony of inviting the immortals tomorrow."

"Why?" Shen He blinked in confusion.

Fang Xun explained: "Because I have an appointment with Zhongli Keqing to go fishing together tomorrow, and our schedules conflict."

"Okay, let's go fishing tomorrow! Fishing is also very interesting!"

Shen He didn't feel it would be a pity to miss the invitation ceremony. It would be fun as long as he could be with Fang Xun.

Hearing that Shen He wanted to go with him, Fang Xun quickly declined: "If you want to go to Yujingtai to watch the invitation ceremony, go and watch it. You don't have to go fishing with us."

"Like Amber's grandfather, the Grand Commander Falga, and even the Coral Palace, they will go to watch the invitation ceremony tomorrow. You can just follow them."

"Oh, and Master Ganyu, she will also go tomorrow. Let Master Ganyu take you to Yujingtai."

Shen He didn't know Amber's grandfather or Falga, so he didn't react when Fang Xun said these people's names.

It wasn't until he said that Ganyu was also going to Yujingtai that Shen He's eyes lit up.

She thought for a moment and replied, "Then I'll ask everyone whether they want to go fishing or go to Yujingtai to watch the Immortal Invitation Ceremony."

"Okay, go ahead." Fang Xun reached out and touched Shen He's head, smiling.

On one side is boring fishing, and on the other side is the lively Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

There is really no comparison between the two.

Fang Xun thought the children would definitely choose to participate in the Immortal Invitation Ceremony.

What he didn't expect was that Shen He soon came back, shouting, "Brother Fang Xun, we will go fishing with you tomorrow!"

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