Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

041: Why Are You The Only One Praised As A Hero?

As Kirino left, Lina also came to Dagu, watched Kirino's leaving back, and asked Dagu who this person was?

Dagu chose to hide it, telling Lina that it was just a stranger asking him for the time.

Lina nodded thoughtfully, as if she saw what Da Gu was hiding from her, but she didn't expose it.

As the scene turned, the two of them came to the river to disperse. The sun was setting, and the two looked like a couple.

[Silver Wolf: Why don’t you hold hands? What kind of straight man is this? 】

[Liu Ying: Dagu, he shouldn’t be thinking about using Mr. Kirino, right? 】

[Huang Quan: After all, he found out about Tiga’s identity. I’m afraid Dagu must be thinking about what Kirino is going to do now. 】

[Keli: Captain Qin, are they going to the river to fry fish? 】

[Qin: Uh... no. 】

[Lisa: Haha~ When little Keli grows up, you will understand~]

While everyone in the chat group was communicating, Lina, who was walking side by side with Dagu, suddenly spoke softly -

"Dagu, I think you seem to have changed."

"Ah?" Dagu was slightly startled.

"Whether it's the way you look at people or nature..."

Lina paused and said slowly: "They have become so gentle."

"Don't praise me like that, I won't give you any prizes." Da Gu smiled teasingly.

Lina glanced at him with a smile, and then added: "However, sometimes--you also show sad eyes.

As if recalling something, Lina's expression became a little lonely.

But soon she smiled again and her tone regained her composure: "Tell me, you don't want to worry alone!"

"——Don't you think we are like a family? The conductor said so too!"

[Liuying: Sure enough, Miss Lina discovered the changes in Dagu. 】

[Black Swan: After all, Miss Lina’s feelings for Mr. Dagu can be clearly seen by a bystander. 】

[Hook: What did you see? Why didn’t Hook see it? 】

[Natasha: Hook, you'll understand when you grow up. 】

[Hook: Hmm! Hook has heard this sentence no less than eight hundred times!!]

[Mockingbird: I am more curious than this - will Mr. Shi Dagu tell Lina his secret? 】

As if signaling the words of a robin, Dagu on the screen lowered his head and hesitated for a while before raising his head again and looking at Lina——20

"Thank you."

Dagu thanked him sincerely, then turned his head and looked at the sea in the distance: "However, I can't say it now.

"Why can't you say it?" Lina was puzzled.

Dagu walked forward silently, then slowly stopped and faced Lina -

"One day, I will definitely tell you."

"But, not now."

[March 7: Sure enough, Dagu still chose to continue hiding it? 】

[March 7: Alas, actually I hope Dagu can tell Miss Lina this secret, even if it is just a slight hint. 】

[March 7: Miss Lina is obviously trustworthy, isn’t she? 】

[Ji Zi: Maybe Da Gu also has his own considerations. 】

[Himeko: After all, the heavy mission of saving the world, even just watching... can still make people feel suffocated. 】

[Alicia: Maybe Dagu just doesn’t want Lina to worry too much about him. 】

[Alicia: After all, Lina is really more worried about Taikoo than others... 】

[Xinadia: So, even if Mr. Dagu lets himself bear the loneliness alone, he doesn’t want Miss Lina to add unnecessary worries to him? 】

[Funina: If this is the case, Mr. Dagu is really a gentle person. 】

Night falls.

However, in the dead of night, the monster that appeared during the day appeared again!

It began to wreak havoc on the earth, and the flames ejected from its head burned the surrounding forests into a sea of ​​​​fire. In an instant, thick smoke and fire rose into the sky!

The Victory Team made an emergency dispatch and drove the Victory Flying Swallow to the location where the monsters appeared!

When they arrived at their destination, the monsters were still wreaking havoc!

When the deputy captain Zongfang ordered the Victory Feiyan to launch a liquid hydrogen bomb at the monster to stop it, it was intercepted in the air by using flame light. When seeing the arrival of the Victory Feiyan, the monster actually got back into the ground again. In the blink of an eye, Just disappeared!

Even if the Victory Feiyan wanted to launch the monster tracking bomb, it was already too late.

The victorious team had no choice but to temporarily give up chasing the monsters and start firefighting operations instead.

After the fire was extinguished, the victory team returned to the headquarters.

When Da Gu returned to his room, he suddenly discovered that a letter appeared in his e-mail box again!

He immediately realized that this was probably from Kirino, so he clicked on it and started reading -

【"Ultraman Tiga, hello."

"You let that monster escape again, didn't you?"

"Let's start playing games——"

"The rules are very simple. I will tell you the correct time and place when the monster appears next time. If you can defeat the monster according to the conditions I proposed, you will win."

"If you can't do it, then you lose."]

After reading this letter, everyone in the chat group began to denounce it.

[Kiana: What’s wrong with this person! He treats life-threatening matters like a game!]

[Shen He: I have a question. Based on Mr. Kirino’s speech, he seems to be able to know the exact time and place of the monster’s next appearance... In that case, why didn’t he tell the victory team directly and let the victory team How about taking defensive measures in advance?】

[Keqing: Yes, this can also avoid the casualties of many innocent people, right? 】

[March 7: In his eyes, do the lives of so many innocent people not worth a game? 】

[Otto: Although I think you are right, I still need to remind you: knowing the correct time and place when the monster appears - this is something only he can know, that is to say, this is what he has. A right - you can share it with others, or you can choose not to share it. 】

[Otto: No matter how others judge him, this is his own freedom. 】

[Theresa: Although it’s true to say that, I’m still really angry! 】

On the screen, the scene turned to daytime, and Dagu and Kirino met at the deserted racecourse.

The moment he saw Dagu arrive, Kirino asked directly -

"Do you think this game is boring? Unfortunately, I am serious."

Dagu looked at Kirino and asked him two questions:

"I ask you, you are fully capable of saving many people, why don't you use it correctly?"

"Then why do you hide your true identity?"

Kirino asked Dagu back, and Dagu raised his head slightly when he heard the words.

Kirino stared at Dagu and continued: "If my ability is discovered here, what will be the consequences?"

"Everyone must want to know which horse will win, but if everyone knows, then the horse racing itself will lose its meaning.

"————In other words, order will be completely destroyed."

"No one wants this to happen."

Kirino stood there upright, looking into the distance, as if laughing at himself: "In addition to being afraid of a person with superpowers like me, what else is there?"

"——People will just think of me as a monster."

【March 7: Monster....】

[Liu Ying: I always feel that I can somewhat understand Mr. Kirino’s mood. 】

[Zhongli: People will have emotions such as rejection or fear towards unknown people or things, which is inevitable. 】

[Otto: Yes, many people will even turn this rejection of aliens into hatred and persecute them. 】

[Rita: From what Mr. Kirino said, he seemed to have experienced similar experiences in the past...]

[Alicia: Persecution…………………………………………]

[Xinadiya: But! Everyone likes Tiga very much! 】

[Navilet: However, when Tiga first appeared, many people were indeed wary of Tiga, and even regarded Tiga as an invader like those monsters. 】

[Elhaysen: The Kyri Elodians are the best proof, aren’t they? 】

Everyone in the chat group fell into silence one after another, and began to gradually understand Kirino's situation.

In the picture, Lanye turned his head and looked at Dagu

"But you are the only one being praised as a hero. It's all so unfair."

"So, I can never stand idly by."


Dagu retorted: "It's not me that people praise!"

Kirino did not answer, but explained the rules of the game by himself: "The condition of the game is that next time a monster appears, you cannot become Ultraman, and you have to deal with the monster by yourself. 11

"If you can't follow the rules of the game, then you lose."

"————As a winner, I have the right to announce your true identity to the public."

When Dagu heard this, he was immediately shocked: "How is this possible!"

"I do what I say."

Kirino's eyes didn't look like he was lying, he was quite serious and sincere: Please believe me.

After saying this, Kirino turned around and left, leaving Dagu standing there alone, watching his departing back.

[Navia: Can’t transform into Tiga? Do you want to fight as a human? 】

[Paimon: It can’t be done, no matter how hard you think, you can’t do it! 】

[Paimon: That monster is so huge. In human form, there is no way it can deal with that kind of behemoth! 】

[Ganyu: However, if you don’t do what Mr. Kirino said, Di Bian’s secret will be made public. 】

[Xianyun: And judging from his expression and attitude, it doesn't look like he's joking. 】

[Sister Aisi: But, if we don’t transform into Tiga, can humans really deal with that monster? 】

[Fu Hua: Although human technology has been advancing rapidly, without the help of Tiga... I am afraid that even if we can finally defeat the monster, it will cause quite tragic losses to the earth and mankind. . 】

[Funina: Da Gu, what will he do? 】

In the victory team conference room, everyone is investigating the information about the monster. Through Ye Rui's investigation, they learned that this monster is also a kind of super ancient creature.

In other words, the monster can go anywhere it wants by drilling into the ground.

After hearing this information, everyone in the victory team had a shadow on their faces, because it meant that they could not accurately guess where the monster appeared, and they could not even prevent it!

Captain Hui Jian frowned: "It would be great if we could pinpoint the location where the monster appears."

Vice-captain Zong Fang also frowned: "If it appears in a densely populated area, the casualties will be heavy."

"Disgusting! Can we just sit here and wait for the monster to appear!" Xincheng couldn't help but punch the table.

Others were also silent, not knowing how to respond.

At this moment, Da Gu, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke hesitantly -

"Perhaps, the K3 area can be guarded..."

Hearing Dagu's words, Jian Hui raised his head and looked at Dagu: "K3 area? Why?"

Everyone also stared directly at Dagu, waiting for his explanation.

But Dagu just opened his mouth, but couldn't give any reason. In the end, he could only say: "This is... my... intuition..."

"Intuition?" Horii was confused.

"If we use intensive security and siege, what will happen to other areas?"

Munakata criticized unceremoniously: "Don't speak carelessly!"

"...I'm sorry." Dagu lowered his head.

Lina stared at Dagu, wondering what she was thinking.

[Paimon: Why didn’t you listen to Dagu’s advice? That monster will definitely appear in the K3 area!]

[Zhongli: Paimon, from our perspective, we naturally know where the monster will appear. 】

[Zhongli: But no one in the victory team knows that it is definitely not a wise choice to deploy all the key security in the K3 area without knowing whether the monster will appear in the area. 】

[Keqing: That’s right, plus Dagu actually used the excuse of ‘intuition’ to get through, it’s impossible for this to be allowed! 】

[Liuying: However, Dagu cannot explain the real reason to everyone...270]

[Hanabi: If you think about it this way, wouldn’t it be better to make the secret that Dagu is Tiga public? After all, everyone will listen to Dagu’s opinion, right? 】

[Black Swan: According to the current situation, this is indeed the case. 】

[Leosli: But considering the overall situation, it would be better to conceal it. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. 】

[Leosli: If you meet someone who covets Tiga's power, Dagu will be in a lot of trouble. 】

[Barbara: Tiga, it’s also very hard. 】

Putting aside the exchanges in the chat group for the moment, on the screen, Captain Megumi and Deputy Captain Munakata did not listen to Dagu's opinions in the end.

Dagu, on the other hand, drove the Sherlock car to the K3 area alone, watching the passing vehicles and pedestrians, his eyes unclear as to what he was thinking.

At this moment, the passenger door opened and Li Na sat in from the outside.


Dagu was a little surprised to see Lina appear, because the area that Lina was responsible for was not here.

Lina looked at Dagu and reminded him: "It is against the rules of the victory team to act alone."


Dagu nodded awkwardly: "I'm ready to accept the punishment.

Lina turned on the communicator in the car: "I am Lina. Team Dagu and I are performing security patrols in the K3 area."

Dagu didn't expect that Lina would use such words to help him, and couldn't help but look at her in surprise.

Lina, on the other hand, naturally turned off the communication, and then spoke as if to explain——

"My instinct also tells me that this place is very dangerous."

"...Lina, thank you for believing in me."

Dagu showed a grateful expression.

[Alicia: As expected, Lina still faces Mr. Dagu~]

[Natasha: I have unconditional trust in Dagu, and Ms. Lina’s thoughts are really clear~]

[Hanabi: Ouch~ As expected, women in love don’t know how to think. 】

"...Is it related to the man from last time?" Ying Na asked in the car.

"The man predicted that the monster would appear here at 4 o'clock this afternoon."

Dagu explained.

Lina nodded, knowing full well that she didn't ask any more questions.

Time passed slowly and it came to 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Dagu and Lina set up the beam cannon in advance, took out the beam gun, and stood ready.

Sure enough, with a violent shaking of the ground, the monster - really appeared!

At the same time, the victory team also received an alert about the appearance of monsters——

Ye Rui informed everyone: "A monster appears in the K3 area!"

"K3 area?!" Vice-captain Zong Fang was shocked.

Horii was also very surprised: "Da Gu's prophecy has come true!"

Only Captain Jian Hui immediately regained his composure after a brief shock and gave orders -

"Victory team, attack!"

PS: It’s a new month, please vote for me, family members!

Also, thank you all for your first order! By the way, please send me some flowers and review votes ORZ!

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