Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

042: But, I Am A Human Being. I Am A Human Being!

In the city, monsters are wreaking havoc.

Everywhere you go, there are debris everywhere!

Since the winning team didn't know that monsters would appear here before, they now have no support at all except Dagu and Lina!

Dagu used a ray gun to shoot at the monster, but it had no effect. The monster's defense completely ignored this powerful ray gun!

Even if Lina turned on the Sherlock car's light cannon and bombarded the monster, it still didn't hurt!

"No, there's no way to stop it!" Lina shouted anxiously.

"Don't give up! Keep working hard!" Dagu encouraged Lina.

But Lina suddenly looked at Dagu and said softly: "It would be great if Diga came..."

[Alicia: Wait, wait a minute! This look in Lina's eyes...and this reaction...could it be said...!】

[Xinadiya: Could it be said that Miss Lina already......knows that Dagu is Tiga?!]

[Eden: I'm afraid Miss Lina just made a guess about Dagu's secret, but she can't be sure that Dagu is Di. 】

[Sister Aisi: Yes, otherwise, Lina would not have said that, but would have directly let Dagu transform into Tiga. 】

[Qingque: Let’s just say, Miss Lina is so obsessed with Dagu, how could she not be aware of Dagu’s secret at all!]

[Tingyun: I always feel that as long as there is another opportunity, Miss Lina will be able to identify Dagu as Tiga. 】

[Kiana: Will it be this time? 】

In the picture, the monster's destruction continues, and it keeps moving towards the crowd.

The situation is critical!

When Da Gu saw this, he no longer hesitated.

"Lina, I'm going to distract the monster, and you can take advantage of this moment to help the people evacuate!"

"Da Gu? Da Gu!"

After saying that, Dagu quickly set off towards the direction of the monster, unmoved no matter how Lina shouted from behind.

In the blink of an eye, Dagu ran to the rooftop of a high-rise building, aimed his light gun at the monster's eyes, and then pulled the trigger!

call out---!

The light bombarded the monster's eyes, successfully stopping his progress!

After a successful hit, Dagu wanted to take advantage of the victory and continue shooting.

But at this moment, Gu heard someone calling him from below -


Da Gu took a closer look and found that it was Lina!

"Lina...don't come here!!"

However, the distance was too far, and coupled with the monster's destructive roar, Lina did not hear Dagu's reminder at all, and was still looking for Dagu everywhere: "Da——Gu——!!"

The distance between the monsters is getting closer and closer. Because he is worried about Lina's safety, Yintan can't care much at the moment.

He took out the Divine Light Rod from his arms and was about to transform into Ultraman Tiga - as if he sensed someone's aura, he suddenly turned his head.

I saw that familiar man Kirino on the balcony of another building, right there!

He looked at Dagu, as if to warn him.

[Su Shang: How did he know that Da Gu would be here? 】

[Gui Naifen: It must be because of super powers! 】

[Padofilis: What should we do? If Dagu transforms here, the secret that he is Tiga will be made public! 】

[Vilvi: But if she doesn’t transform, Miss Lina’s life may be...]

[Kuki Shinobu: I don’t understand why he targets Dagu and Tiga like this? 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: The most important thing now is, what will Mr. Ogu do? Will he risk his secret being made public and transform into Tiga to protect Miss Lina? Or............just do nothing. See Miss Lina in danger?】

Soon, everyone in the chat group knew the answer!

I saw Dagu holding the divine light stick in his hand tightly and looking directly at Kirino.

Kirino also looked at him, as if waiting for his answer.

At the same time, Lina's figure was getting closer and closer to the monster, and she came under a building.

At this moment, the monster suddenly spit out a stream of flames from its mouth, which happened to hit the building where Lina was.

In an instant, the entire building fell apart and collapsed instantly!

And Lina is right in the middle of it!

It's too late to escape now!

Lina closed her eyes tightly!


At that moment, Da Gu jumped off the rooftop without caring about his own safety, and at the same time transformed into Tiga!

Kirino was not surprised when he saw this scene. He just spoke lightly, as if telling him: "The game is over."

Dagu, who transformed into Tiga, flew in front of Lina at the size of a normal human. Seeing Tiga appearing in front of her at the size of a human, Lina was inevitably shocked.

But he quickly adjusted his mood and flew away from here with the help of Diga, successfully avoiding the collapsed building ruins.

The next second, the entire building collapsed completely!

[March 7: Phew~ It was so dangerous, so lucky that Diga came in time! 】

[Funina: That is to say, if it were a second later, Miss Lina would most likely encounter something unexpected! 】

[Kiana: In the end, Dagu still transformed into Tiga. 】

[Lisa: This also means that Dagu’s secret will be made public...]

[Xiao Gong: But how should I put it? Although Dagu lost this game, we always feel very happy! 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Yes, maybe it’s because we all hope that Dagu can not be coerced by others and do what he thinks is right. 】

[March 7: Now that Diga has appeared, the next thing depends on Diga! 】

【March 7: Ultraman Tiga, come on!!】

[Hook: Ultraman Tiga, come on!!]

As everyone supported Tiga, Tiga also grew bigger again and began to fight against monsters!

The beginning is a classic close-quarters fight between a compound type and a monster. It can only be said that Dagu really doesn't have a long memory.

As expected, the combined power could not break through the monster's defense, and the continuous Ultra punches had no effect.

On the contrary, when Diga wanted to kick the monster with a whip, he was caught by it and then launched a counterattack!

The powerful counterattack knocked Diga to the ground. Before Diga could stand up, the monster grabbed his head again and threw him away with all his strength!

Then, the monster ignored Tiga and walked towards the crowd again.

However, Diga grabbed the tail halfway and said, "Tug hard!"

Tiga even grabbed its tail, attacked its body, and used its spear to attack its shield!

This move was indeed effective and successfully stopped the monster's progress. Diga took this opportunity to come to the front of the monster---he put up the monster's huge body with both arms, successfully lifted it up, and threw it away!

But the monster flying backwards in mid-air actually sprayed flame rays from its mouth, hitting the unsuspecting Diga!

This hit hit Diga firmly, and Diga groaned in pain, and was also knocked to the ground by this huge impact!

The monster took this opportunity to attack Tongjia again!

Diga was beaten into a state of disarray. Every blow was so powerful and heavy that he could not resist it at all!

Seeing this, everyone in the Victory Team quickly drove the Victory Feiyan to support Tiga and opened fire on the monster!

However, the Victory Swallow's attack hit the monster and still failed to cause effective damage to it!

Zongfang was shocked when he saw this scene in the cab——

"This is an armored bullet.||!"

"It's useful against monsters like Qiao Beilii!" Horii also felt incredible.

Xincheng shook his head: "It's more powerful than Qiao Beiliai!"

Seeing this, Diga put his arms across the timer, and with a burst of blue light flashing, he waved his hands hard——Ultra Cut!

However, when the light blue light blade hit the monster's breastplate, it shattered on the spot!

But the monster still looks unscathed!

Diga didn't expect that even this move wouldn't work, and he was stunned on the spot.

At the same time, the timer on his chest began to flash, indicating that Tiga's time on earth was running out!

[Liu Ying: Is the defense of this monster too strong? The attacks of Victory Feiyan and Tiga cannot cause effective damage to it at all! 】

[Barbara: The most important thing is that Ultraman Tiga has very little energy left, but the monster has not been harmed at all!]

[Shigure Kirara: What should we do now? Tiga seems to be powerless! 】

[Silver Wolf: Let me tell you, if I had turned into a powerful type from the beginning, maybe it wouldn't have ended up like this. 】

[Bronya: It can be seen that Dagu... doesn't seem to like the strong type very much. 】

[Silver Wolf: I think it’s Dagu who simply doesn’t know how to play. Don’t forget that he once had a famous scene where he used an aerial type to fight melee! 】

[March 7: Stop making sarcastic comments here and cheer for Diga! 】

In the picture, Lina saw this scene in the distance, and she felt even more anxious.

She shouted loudly——

"Diga, your victory or defeat is related to the future of mankind. You can't give up."

At that moment, Diga seemed to hear Lina's call, and he no longer hesitated or feared.

He rushed towards the monster regardless of his own safety and hit the monster with all his strength!

Even though the monster easily broke free from Tiga's restraints and knocked Tiga to the ground with his backhand, Tiga still stood up and competed with the monster again!

Even though he was knocked down time and time again, Diga stood up again and again without giving up and continued to face the powerful monster!

——Never thought of giving up!

On the balcony in the distance, Kirino watched this scene, his lenses reflected Tiga's struggling appearance, and his heart seemed to be touched: "But...

There was a moment when Tiga was knocked to the ground by a monster and struggled hard, which overlapped with scenes from his childhood.

No matter how many times he was pushed down by his compatriots, he finally stood up stubbornly.


He shouted to the sky: "I am human."

"————I am human!"

On the other side, Diga was knocked to the ground for an unknown number of times and almost had no strength to stand up.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind——

"stand up!"

That voice is Kirino!

"Its weak point is its throat!"

"Hit it in the throat!"

"Your energy is running out! Don't miss it!"

call out---!

The monster walked towards Tiga and suddenly fired a high-heat flame ray from its head.

Diga saw the right opportunity to turn over and dodge, then adjusted the balance of his body, and used his special move in the posture of falling to the ground——Zaipelli Ao Ray!

The blazing white light accurately hit the monster's throat, killing it instantly!

This blow directly caused a fatal blow! The monster immediately collapsed to the ground and stopped moving!

Seeing this scene, Kirino finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Tiga flying into the sky and seemed to sigh——


Immediately, he lowered his head, turned around and left.

And in successfully fighting

After defeating the monster, Lina, who was watching the scene from a distance, also breathed a sigh of relief.

She took off her helmet, revealing her smooth shoulder-length hair, and smiled softly.

[Funina: It’s really, really dangerous! 】

[Liu Ying: That is to say, Diga is almost going to lose! 】

[Alicia: Thanks to Mr. Kirino for finally telling Tiga about the weakness of that monster!]

[Nacida: But why did he suddenly change his mind? Obviously... he has already won this game? 】

[Otto: Human hearts are very complicated. Perhaps deep in Mr. Kirino’s heart, he longs for positive emotions like love and justice. 】

[Otto: Unfortunately, he encountered too much darkness in his childhood. 】

[March 7: Thinking about it this way, Mr. Kirino... is really pitiful...]

[Himeko: I hope Mr. Kirino can have a good life in the days to come. 】

[Barbara: I also sincerely wish that everyone in the world can find their own happiness...

[Qin: May the God of Wind bless you, Mr. Kirino. 】

[Wendy: The God of Wind will definitely bless him! 】

[Paimon: Although I don’t know if Barbatos’ blessing will work...]

While everyone in the chat group was communicating, at the Victory Team headquarters on the other side, everyone began to denounce Da Gu.

Horii was the first to speak: "...'You kid is really messing around! If Tiga hadn't appeared, you would have been dead!"

Dagu covered his injured left arm and sincerely apologized to everyone: "...I will never act alone again in the future, I'm sorry."

"Judging from the results, Dagu team member's intuition is very accurate and not wrong."

Captain Hui Jian spoke slowly, then changed the subject: "But rules are rules, I will punish you for two days of self-reflection."

Zongfang was a little surprised and wanted to plead for Dagu: "But captain..."

Hui Jian then looked at Lina: "Also, I remember that Lina's team member hasn't finished her vacation, right?"

"Yes." Lina nodded cautiously.

"Then how about you take two days off?" Although Hui Jian asked in a questioning tone, it sounded like he was suggesting.

Lina understood immediately and her cheeks turned red: "Captain!"

Xincheng, who was next to him, suddenly understood and showed a gossipy and obscene smile: "Oh~ So that's what happened!"

Horii passed by Lina and asked, "What's going on?"

Even Dagu couldn't help but ask Xincheng: "Yes, what's going on!"

Seeing that Xincheng didn't answer, Dagu looked at Captain Hui Jian again.

Captain Hui Jian (played by Zhao) just smiled faintly and joked: "Your intuition is quite accurate, but it's a pity that you are too slow."

Dagu and Lina looked at each other and looked away awkwardly.

Lina's face became even redder.

[Ningguang: It seems that even Captain Hui Jian can't stand it and personally provides assists. 】

[Black Swan: Haha~ The shy look of the two of them is so interesting. 】

[Himeko: The romance between young people is really enviable. 】

[Alicia: Ouch~ I like to see this kind of scene the most~! 】

[Mebius: Really? I don’t think it’s interesting. 】

[Hook: Are you, what are you talking about among adults again?!]

[Qiqi: Qiqi...completely...cannot understand...]

As soon as the scene changed, Dagu returned to his room, and as expected, received a letter from Kirino again.

He read it with some trepidation——

【"Hello, Texie."

"Oh no, hello, Team Dagu."

"It looks like I'm losing this game."

"One of the important things I learned is that people praise you not because of your superpowers, but because you have something that everyone else has.

"For example, the power of courage and love."

“Now I also feel that I can live here.

"I am no longer dependent on my superpower, nor am I afraid of it."

"I admire and respect this hero called Ultraman very much - as an ordinary person."]

After Dagu read this letter, a relaxed smile appeared on his face, as if he had solved a troublesome matter.

Kirino, who was far away on the other side of the city, was also strolling on the streets at night, but then he seemed to remember something and hurriedly set off and ran into the distance - still...

["Note: I'll give you a piece of advice - the girl you're with has a very strong personality, be careful not to let her lead you by the nose."]

Dagu covered his mouth and suddenly sneezed.

And the parrot in his room also imitated him and sneezed!

Da Gu was startled and raised his head suddenly. .

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