Original Seeker

Chapter 204

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“Spiritual Pivot Fusion Energy … Is this a simulation of your own Spiritual Pivot?” Ye Zi, a quick-thinking idea, changed the subject.

“I am the easiest High Rank ability user experimental sample to obtain. It is too difficult to find other alive Fusion Stage to slice, and the dead have no way to observe life activities, so why not go for it.”

“Every one of the Fusion Stage’s ability users is a square beam and cannot be easily abandoned.” After concluding, she asked a question that everyone concerned was concerned, “What do you think of the way forward?”

“Did you also complete the Spiritual Energy Transformation of your brain?” Bai Mo did not immediately respond positively.

Ye Zi nodded.

After hearing the words Spiritual Energy Transformation in the brain, people present became more focused, because a few people other than Chen Bo were more or less trapped in it, and their power was nowhere to go. Want to know effective ways to accelerate your brain’s Spiritual Energy Transformation.

“I think the next step is to integrate the whole body into Life Field, but there is no further thought.” Bai Mo did not care about the eager eyes of the people around him, but continued the issue just discussed.

“After being full, I think it should be to let Life Field come out through the body and start to interfere with the World outside the body.” Ye Zi raised his own conjecture.

“Specific way, I guess it may be penetrated through overflowing Mental Power …” Chen Bo also joined the discussion on the frontier.

Everyone is the forerunner of the Spiritual Pivot cultivation system. Naturally, they have some private ideas. However, due to various practical reasons, such communication is completely impossible.


The three people representing different factions have for the time being temporarily abandoned the prejudices of all factions and frankly discussed the way forward.

Under their infection, Cheng Mu, who is also the Fusion Stage, also sometimes expressed his opinions with reservations, of course, he was chewing on the words of 3 people.

After all, they have come to this step by relying on heavenly materials, earthly treasures that are transported from various places to the center. They belong to the “peony flow” cultivator. Relatively speaking, daily cultivation experience and thinking are much less.

Later, the discussion became more and more fierce, and the content began to spread from the original problem. The surroundings even became a test ground for controversy by various people, and various spirit techniques continued to roar.

Thanks to the attack absorption system that Bai Mo just built, the tests of various spirit techniques did not cause any damage to the test grounds.

“What to eat! What to sleep! We are cultivation!” During the medical class responsible for the physical monitoring of several Cheng Mu people, they made suggestions to eat first and discuss after lunch break, but they were chatting on the scene He shouted back.

Facing such Senior Official, the nursing staff can only leave with a wry smile.

The discussion lasted a whole day and night. At the end, there was basically nothing to say. When preparing to fall into an embarrassing situation, the talents dispersed.

Everyone forgot the original purpose of coming here, but after the leadership intention has been determined, these are not a problem.

Seven individuals subsequently held a meeting with other people and decided to carry out the first stage of Rank 7 pilot project in Tianzhong City near Tianqing, and then consider the promotion of Rank 1 after completion and acceptance.

After the instruction is issued from the highest level, the related staff members are scheduled and arranged to the corresponding positions.

In the name of Huaya Federation, under the lead of Bai Mo, a batch of rune engraving machines were transported from industrial research centers in Western Europe to the construction headquarters on the outskirts of Tianzhong City.

The preparation work was carried out in an orderly way, and he was holding a municipal planning map of Tianzhong City and using his powerful computing ability, he was studying the network laying of the entire city by himself.

It’s a matter of his plan, he can’t give the design right to others.

At the same time, the construction of a giant nuclear power plant has begun site selection planning. At least at this stage, nuclear energy is still the way with the highest relative energy output.

And after the research report that radiation can promote the proliferation of spiritual energy, the public’s fear of nuclear power has also greatly reduced, and the Chernobyl ruins have become a blessed land with a relatively high concentration of spiritual energy, which directly proves this fact.

Even some who are convinced that success depends on mutation, wanting a nuclear power plant to be built near their home.

As Zhao Jiasen later published, the report on High Energy Radiation accelerating Spiritual Energy Transformation. As early as more than a year ago, some people who smelled business opportunities and had hard-core government relations can get nuclear materials. Dose radiation Practice Room and make huge profits with high fees.

In addition to the radiation Practice Room, the emerging industries surrounding the ability user also have a series of existences such as the Gravity Practice Room and the Mutant Animal Restaurant.

As more and more upper-level characters start their own cultivation for lifespan and strength, the ability user group gradually concentrates the power and wealth of the entire world, and more and more new industries are born around them.

Although there is still a long way to go before the legendary Xianfan, the tearing of the class is obviously irreversible, and many ordinary people are trying to catch the last bus before the tearing and become a master.

“How can the price of this Jade Pearl Fruit be changed every day!” In the elegantly decorated and guarded Jade Pearl Fruit store, a couple with a child complained about sales.

“Please don’t buy it, please, there are still many people behind.” The sales staff responsible for receiving them seemed a little impatient.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, let’s take a look again.” After all, luck came and the opportunity to buy was shaken. Of course, the two of them were unwilling to give up, and there were still many people waiting for their place.

“As soon as possible, dill-dallying.”

“2.5 million, our savings of more than ten years, it is enough to gather together.” The wife whispered to her husband.

“I really didn’t expect it to be 10000 contribution points when I first went public, and now I have doubled it after more than a year. I really regret that I didn’t shoot it!”

“There is no Regret Medicine in this world. For the future of his son, let’s buy it. As long as he becomes a powerful capability user in a few years, all his efforts will be earned.”

“The chance of natural awakening is only 1%, and I don’t know when to wait, step by step, step by step, buy!” As a father, he finally made up his mind and bought it with his half-life savings.

After more than a year of continuous improvement, the proportion of birthability after taking Jade Pearl Fruit has been close to 100%, so each seller promises that one is invalid and the second one is free.

Whether or not to buy Jade Pearl Fruit, and who will use it after purchase, it has become a difficult choice for countless ordinary person families.

For ordinary families who can only afford one Jade Pearl Fruit, this is a more difficult problem than buying a house. The real estate certificate can write more than one people of repute, but this thing can only be eaten by one person. There are a lot of families out of touch because of inability to talk.

Of course, none of this was considered by the original creator Bai Mo. As early as when the production method of Jade Pearl Fruit spread, he had reached his goal, and then left the rest to the time to deal with it.

In the end, he’s just a selfish and wayward person that’s all.

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