Original Seeker

Chapter 205

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“Classmate reunion party? Most of my classmates should have died in Tianhai?” In the laboratory, Bai Mo put down his work and took the invitation from Chen Xi, feeling a little confused.

“Who wouldn’t be bothered to do this? Still using such a formal invitation.”

“I don’t know, this is something that was mailed to your house.” Chen Xi also felt a bit strange. The classmate reunion party actually used a hot stamp invitation, and did not sign the name of the organizer, but only said the time and place. If it wasn’t for the name of the inviter inside, it might be that she thought it was wrong.

Only then did she remember that the person in front of her was actually just a youngster in her 20s, not a weird old man of 60-70.

“Okay, I’ll do it myself.”

When Chen Xi heard nothing happened, he turned and left the ground.

“Things seem to be getting fun.” Bai Mo looked at the faint Mental Power thread on the invitation, his mouth slightly raised.

Because it was too early, he set aside invitations and continued to refine his plan for Spirit Energy Network System.

With a network that is slowly growing around the testing grounds, he can use 5 times the strength of this core area.

“Is this the most primitive Earth Immortal?” Bai Mo thought again.

The main factor limiting his continued expansion and strengthening is the supply of energy. Absorbing free energy alone is not enough to support the entire system and must rely on external input.

However, the entire testing grounds’ power system has already been finalized and is currently approaching its maximum load. Reconstruction requires a certain amount of time.

“One, two, three, … 2, 3, 23 Life Field Stage and above are on the 24th floor, it seems to be a big news.”

Bai Mo arrived at the Golden Wall Hotel where the party was scheduled according to the time agreed on the invitation, and found that there were more than 20 divine senses impenetrable above his head.

“Hello sir, did you attend one of the graduate classmate reunion party of Tianhai University’s Physics Academy?” The waiter downstairs saw someone holding an invitation outside the door and hurried forward to ask.

“Well.” Bai Mo nodded.

“Come with me. The party is in the Conference Hall on the sixth floor.”

Every waiter in charge received a great tip in advance, so he behaved very warmly.

However, when he met Bai Mo, who had been cold-faced, he quickly responded, and adjusted to a silent state, only keeping his iconic smile.

“Please.” After coming out of the elevator, he walked in front and pulled open the door vigorously, making a please gesture.

There are 7 or 8 people sparsely sitting in the Conference Hall, the most prominent of which is the youngster sitting in the middle

“Yun Wuyong, it was a party you organized?”

There were fewer than 50 people in the entire class of Bai Mo in that session, and they basically knew each other.

“You’re here, too.” Yun Wuyong stood up from his seat. “I really didn’t expect you to enter the research institute of Spiritual Energy of Renowned without a word. It was a good meal for me to find. The post was delivered to where you live. “

His words immediately attracted the attention of everyone chatting in in small groups. After all, everyone present was aware of the status of the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy in the Huaya Federation. Bai Mo’s encounter was not easy.


“I haven’t seen you in 4 years, you have changed a lot.” Yun Wuyong looked at Bai Mo’s long hair said with a smile.

“If more happens, it will naturally change.”

“Also, who wants to come out like this suddenly in Tianhai.” When he said this, he was a little bit sad.

Bai Mo didn’t answer anymore and sat alone in the corner.

“This hasn’t changed.” People around him saw Bai Mo sitting in a corner habitually, just like he did then.

It can be seen that Yun Wuyong, the host of the party, spent a lot of thought, or a lot of money, on this party with only twenty-thirty people. There is a whole floor in Five Star Hotel, and all kinds of drinks and food are also exquisite.

The only flaw is that compared to the large space, the whole environment is a bit too deserted. Bai Mo sat on the seat for nearly half an hour, and the classmates who came were only in their early 20s.

Sitting in a corner, he tried to listen to the conversation of a group of people upstairs, but found that the communication between them was in a language that he hadn’t encountered before, but he had to give up helplessly, but used Skynet to deal with Yun Wuyong’s observation, however, basically guessed the whole sequence of events.

“Bai Mo, what gem are you wearing in this chain? It looks great.”

Without warning, Yun Wuyong came over and asked such a sentence.

“I don’t know. It was just a stone I picked randomly. It looked very beautiful, so I made it into a chain.”


“My dad is also fascinated by the collection of these stones. I still worry about finding a gift for his old man’s birthday. Can you please sell it to me? Classmates, the price must satisfy you!” After a conversation with nutrition, he finally asked the long-awaited question.

“Someone tells you that it can resurrect those who died in Tianhai?” Bai Mo asked a question about the wrong head of a bull.

“What is it, Jade Ruler’s Seal made by Nephrite Jade has never seen an emperor who can be resurrected.” He began to panic, but his expression remained calm, and he continued joking.

“It’s for such a grand reunion?”

In the face of Bai Mo, who didn’t know how to speak and turn, the atmosphere became embarrassing for a while, and everyone around was whispering.

Before Yun Wuyong pave the way for that many nonsense and falsehood, it was also to naturally induce the behavior that he wanted to buy the chain, but it was directly exposed.

“Yes! With it, we can resurrect those who died in Tianhai!” Seeing that things were irreversible, he simply threw out this secret and let others create pressure on the masses.

“What are you talking about ?!” the girl who sat closest asked with bright eyes.

She also lost several relatives in the attack that year, but no matter who was present, she lost a lot of relatives and friends in the attack, and this behavior was normal.

“Absolutely! I guarantee my personality!”

Tone barely fell, and Bai Mo suddenly felt that the emotions of the people around him had all changed. Although he hadn’t said it yet, the purpose was already out.

“Is that the group of people upstairs telling you?” He has played Skynet into a mind-reading ability.

“Can you read your mind ?!” Yun Wuyong winced subconsciously.

The first question had made him a little confused, and now the second question asked by Bai Mo convinced him that the other party had the ability to read.

“No, I don’t have the tall and offensive ability to read.”

“Anyway, I beg you, this stone is nothing more than a useless ornament to you, but to me it is about the resurrection of a few relatives. You can set a price for any amount of money!” After a moment of silence, he finally decided to gather courage and try to move Bai Mo with his family card.

“If I don’t sell it, the people upstairs will grab it directly?” Bai Mo looked up and looked at the location of a group of ability users on the 27th floor.

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