Original Seeker

Chapter 206

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“Why … boom ~ boom ~ boom ~ bang bang!” Before Yun Wuyong’s words were spoken, the body suddenly became violent and exploded continuously, and Bai Mo, who was closest to him, was naturally the first to become the human flesh. The first victim of the bomb.

Before the explosion, Yun Wuyong looked at the direction upstairs with resentful eyes, his eyes filled with unbelievable and betrayed anger.

But everything was to no avail. With complicated eyes, he immediately blasted the explosion of coming one after another, whether it was sadness, anger, regret, or all the existence in the roar.

Among the successive explosions, the ability users at the 20 7th Level were conducting the final pre-war communication.

“At such a short distance, I still use the special high-energy explosives made by ability. That Nonbeliever is even more powerful, and certainly obtainable is not light.”

“10000000 Don’t underestimate the opponent. This Nonbeliever is the first person on the World’s Ability User Underground List. Although this list is made by pagans in the United States, there will be some misdirections, but there is no falsehood under the reputation, must be careful! “

“But for the prophet’s revelation, we have to get what he has! At all costs! Remember, at all costs!” The leader emphasized the team members at all costs.

“Boss, how did you learn the Huya person who talked 7 crooked and crooked, and used that weird proverb to express his meaning. Bad habits learned while preaching here?” The ability user responsible for the explosion work beside him Obviously a bitch.

“Where is the field controller, are the arrays of electronic signals to block air and air bans ready? According to the information he bought, he has the ability to fly at high altitudes.” The headed man obviously also knows that this person is endless and simply ignores it.

“Report Captain, the Array of Divine Language is ready, but the highest output is only valid for 5 minutes, so please pay attention.” The next small man answered, he is used to calling rune the language of God.

“Okay, ten or five minutes is completely enough. This is the core of Tianqing, Huaya. We can only stay for ten minutes, listen to my instructions, rush!”

“Yes! For the glory of God!” After more than 20 fanatical believer completed the prayer as fast as possible, they rushed towards the twenty-six floor toward the big hole which had been blasted by the explosives arranged in advance.

Everyone is a well-trained soldier, and once they start the mission, they will never talk nonsense, but after completing the siege, they were surprised for a moment when they saw that the other party was unscathed.

“Bang!” And it was such a little time difference that made them pay the price of blood! The nearest player to Bai Mo was punctured through a large hole in his body.

Originally, with the strength of the ability user, even if the body was broken through a large hole in the bowl, it would not kill him immediately, but Bai Mo released nearly 100 to his body within the body when he broke through the Life Field. Tons of Mental Power directly tore the other side into pieces from the inside out.

“Although they are not familiar with them, it is still a bit upset to be killed and wounded by you.” After mopping the first person into a bloody rain, Bai Mo muttered to himself in a confrontation.

From the sense of divide, he knew very well that among the group of students present, only Yun Wuyong and the second girl who was close to him were really dead on the spot.

Others can live, thanks to this oversized Conference Hall, and of course, thanks to Bai Mo, which absorbed a large part of the explosive kinetic energy.

However, in the next high-end battle, he can only wish these people luck can continue to be better.

Facing the encirclement of more than 20 high-level ability users, Bai Mo came up with a killing move, fiercely frustrated the other party’s spirit.

“Tiffan has returned to the embrace of God. We need to completely purify this Nonbeliever and avenge him with the blazing flames!” After dying a player, the others not only did not flinch, but attacked more frantically.




The successive explosions flooded the entire area, whether it was the clash of fists and feet, or the “push” of the explosion ability user, which caused various irreparable injuries to the building structure on the entire floor.

Panic helpless ordinary people, just like the small sampan on the verge of collapse in rainstorm, shivered coldly in the storm of war between the two sides, but there was nothing they could do.

“Send you a ride.”

While fighting, Bai Mo still wants to throw his passing classmates out of the battlefield from time to time, but the outer layer seems to have an invisible barrier that keeps them from really leaving.

“No wonder Chen Bo, they haven’t come in yet … I obviously contacted them before entering the hotel.” After trying to find out that there was an isolated array on the outside, Bai Mo didn’t do anything unnecessary. The lives and deaths of these people can only be left to fate. He has done his part.

“Boss, I can’t stand it, there are many people outside!” The middle-aged man in charge of the rune array saw the densely packed outside surrounded by his own user, and he continued to crack the ability user, his eyes became somewhat desperate.

“How come! It’s been less than 3 minutes! Is the at first news leaked?” Captain split his mind for a while and was immediately knocked down by Bai Mo.

“Captain !”

“Priest Cachill!”

Seeing that the backbone of the operation was shot down, many people began to panic.

“I’m okay! Keep killing! You have to complete the mission to die! Death is not terrifying. Even after falling here, the soul can rise to the heaven created by the Lord of the Round after completing the mission!” Cachill patted the ashes , Insisted to stand up again and shouted at everyone.

“This person’s bones are really hard!” Bai Mo’s right fist was injured for the first time since the start of the fight, albeit with only minor skin injuries.

“Everyone, let me take a step!” After saying this, the middle-aged man who manipulated the segregation began to have a weird smile on his face, a little like joy, but there was a trace of sadness in the deepest place.

His body began to rapidly ablate and became the last nourishment to maintain the rune. Those who were responsible for attacking the outside face saw this smile, and their backs were inexplicably cold.

Nonbeliever still has no way to understand such a fanatical person.

“They should have other means to take this thing away.” Bai Mo was fighting, thinking about the problem. “Whether it is above heaven under earth, it is completely surrounded. If you want to grab this crystal and send it out, … Is there a Space Ability User hidden inside ?! “

With the passage of time, the barrier formed by the rune array is still shrinking, and the distance between each person is also continuously narrowed, and the entire enclosing net becomes a battlefield.

“Mr. Bai, he … will be fine.”

Outsiders watched the ground shrink continuously, but Bai Mo still had more than a dozen enemies, and he couldn’t help but sweat for him.

“He hasn’t done his best yet,” Chen Bo said calmly.

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