Original Seeker

Chapter 207

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After confirming that a large number of people have completed the entire encirclement on the periphery, Bai Mo has no sense of urgency at first and began to slowly and actively reduce the fighting intensity to minimize frontal collisions with the enemy.

Because he knows that such a barrier array must be time-bound, especially when a large number of people are cracking continuously, so even if the person who controls the array delays his life for a little while, he faces an attacking array of 100 This is nothing but the desperate struggle of mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Although the brave men meet each other on the narrow road, Bai Mo can win without a fight after just dragging on for a while. Naturally, there is no need to fight with such fanatics who can break jade at any time. It will not make you feel better if you die every minute. He has always hated this useless battle.

Coupled with the ability of teleportation and making shadows, Bai Mo continued to drag time one minute and one second, anyway, it was on his side, and he won when he broke through.

“This despicable Nonbeliever!” Cachill sighed secretly. “Sure enough, as the intelligence said, as long as you can fight without head to head, you will never fight head to head. There is no powerhouse spirit.”

“One Wheel God is watching us!” As a battle priest, he naturally won the control of the essence, and when his men became frustrated by the constant flight, he promptly used the power of faith to boost morale.

“Ten Thousand Victories!”

“Ten Thousand Victories!”

Although there were actually less than 20 people shouting out loud, they didn’t give people the feeling of nothingness. Behind every fanatic, everyone seemed to be standing like 10000 1000 believers praying, this weird The situation also makes some people outside feel uncomfortable.

“He still cares about those ordinary people, and then try to use them as a cover for the attack, forcing him to show his true body!” Cachill felt that he had found a breakthrough, so that the other party had to show up, so he used Spirit Fluctuation to pass his own The meaning was conveyed to other people’s minds.

For non-One Wheel God believer, these zealots are basically not regarded as the same kind. Naturally, there is no need to talk about compassion and morality. As long as they can maximize their own interests or benefit the gods behind them, they have everything. Can do it.

Even when Cachill was preaching daily as a pastor, he basically stood on the perspective of a higher, enlightened person. The lost lamb was just a stone before he was converted, and there is “spirituality” after the enlightenment. He did not show much compassion for an ordinary stone. Stop the road, just kick away.

So after the breakdown of Yun Wuyong’s negotiations with Bai Mo, they were able to sell him without the slightest hesitation and directly detonate the bomb on him.

Or maybe they are actually ready to do it from the very beginning, otherwise they will not directly let the bomber use the ability to hide a large number of strong explosives.

After receiving the command of the leader, the remaining players immediately implemented the hostage-taking tactics.

Seeing this situation, Bai Mo quickly calculated that no matter how he attacked, he would surely fall on his classmates first, and faced the impact of this level with their injuries now, without any It is possible to survive.

“Give up what you have and let us go, otherwise these people will all die!” Cachill yelled fluently in Mandarin, not only threatening Bai Mo, but also putting pressure on the people surrounded by him.

After hearing this, the people responsible for violently cracking the barrier formation method stopped the attack in their hands for a while in order to avoid carrying the hostage that killed the hostages, waiting for the orders of their superiors. Anyway, there were not many interests. Everything Just follow the command.

“Can someone make a good stroke?” Bai Mo complained, then stopped slowly on the ground.

“Throw it over and give it to me.” Cachill thought he stood still and chose to be soft.

“Spirit Energy-the storm.” Bai Mo ignored Cachill’s words and silently read 4 words, then his back began to emit a dazzling white light …

“You! Don’t mess around, don’t want their lives?”

The endless Spirit Energy missiles flew from behind Bai Mo, replacing him to answer that question.

As the founder of the Spirit technique for Spirit Energy and one of the improvers of several new versions, he knows more about this spirit technique than other users imagine. The eight threads of the brain began to schedule a large number of Spirit Energy in this body in a non-conflicting manner.

Every second, over 100 small tracking missiles emerge from the back. Under the guidance of the Divine Sense, they gush toward the enemies like raindrops. The emitted Spirit Energy rays of light even block the sight of the out-of-range capability user. .

“I said he didn’t do his best.” Chen Bo continued, “Right.”

“But according to existing records, Mr. Bai Mo is clearly a melee and auxiliary compoundability user. Why now …”

“We are a capability user, a human who knows how to think, not an orangutan who can only use brute force. In addition to developing his own capabilities, he also needs to use the spirit technique to complement his shortcomings.”

“Ability is too singular, and it is easy to be restrained. Even the mundane Universal Spirit Technique, as long as the amount is accumulated, can also destroy heaven extinguishing earth. No short board is the right direction.”

“Kill yourself without blinking. Such a cold and ruthless character is destined to have no loyal subordinates.” Chen Fangqing, who was more compassionate, scoffed at the indiscriminate attack on Bai Mo without the slightest hesitation.

“Fangqing, don’t take charge of the army, when you break, you break. When you are from the army, don’t you understand this?” Chen Bo continued serene. This scene was nothing more than pediatrics for him, and during the months of the bloody battle in United States, more cruel things had been faced.

“But with his personality, he really can’t be a superior, so he also chose a path that really suits him, which is a good thing.”

Over a year, Chen Bo gradually adapted to his new identity brought by his own power. He is no longer the former middle-level officer, but a leader of a large country.

“I just don’t know what they are fighting for. One Wheel Religion is worthy of sending such a luxurious squad.”

“They were too arrogant, and they used to preach everywhere in Huaya, especially this Cachill, publicly preaching the doctrine above the law. Even if I don’t come to die today, I plan to send someone to deal with him.” Ye Zi In the report, the person understood directly gave him a death sentence.

“As for what’s being robbed, ask Bai Mo afterwards. Okay, he won’t be able to surrender anyway, so let’s watch it lively.”

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