Original Seeker

Chapter 212

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With this sentence from Bai Mo, many members of the Miwu seminar were staring at Hua Taishan like watching rare worlds, seeing his hair straight in his heart.

The main reason is, of course, that the form of the imagery is not dangerous, and more than 30 people have succeeded, and most of them have not been able to send and receive messages like Hua Taishan. Therefore, he has become a ” heavenly materials, earthly treasures. “

Others who successfully cultivating it afterwards were also quickly drawn to the surrounding people.

“Old Hua, are you free tomorrow …” Someone asked soon.

“Youngster Bai has just come up with ideas. What we need to do next is to quantitatively explore and determine the appropriate strength of the will test.”

“If it weren’t for his special ability, then based on my output, not many people could survive.” Hua Taishan showed his strength in a timely manner, and secretly warned everyone not to bother themselves.

“Old Hua makes sense, you are right.”


“Now that you have a lot of things to start with, you are not in a hurry, and safety is paramount …” After being warned, it is not uncommon for wind to change the wind of the rudder.

“Go and go.” Hua Taishan went downhill.


“These guys aren’t annoying.”

He also knows that blindly expanding the Secret Martial Arts Symposium will bring a lot of problems, but in order to counter the increasingly aggressive new ability user group, Hua Changjiang can only continue to pressurize continuously, so that the Symposium speeds up and finally leads to the present The quality of the members varies, and a bunch of villains want to take advantage of cheap.

“It is estimated that it will take another ten months, and the Spirit Energy Network System of Tianzhong City will be officially completed. The proliferation rate of Original Substance is still too slow. If it grows naturally, even if it takes 20 years, it will not be enough to cover the entire Huaya. Network usage. “

According to Bai Mo’s plan, the Original Substance that constitutes its own existence will continue to spread to various cities with the spread of network engineering, eventually covering the entire Huaya Federation.

Then, using a number of amplification resonances in the network that are almost incalculable, coupled with Spirit Energy Machine as a lever, a large number of newly constructed nuclear power plants are used as energy sources, and finally the vision of multiplying their own capabilities by 10000 times within the network coverage is realized.

Once the plan is successful, he will become the “Earth Immortal” that made the entire Huaya Federation into his own “blessed land”, not just in name only, but also in reality, and become God above the Earth.

Take full control of Huaya with absolute strength, not relative strength, and start the leap forward of Rank 1.

But the problem has come. At this stage, the number of Original Substances he has is obviously not enough to support his huge plan. At a ratio of 3000, all his Original Substances are only enough to build the Spirit Energy Network of 2 cities. .

One year later, Tianzhongcheng ’s Spirit Energy Network will start the acceptance work, and Bai Mo could not imagine any possibility of acceptance problems. According to the overall planning schedule, after confirming the success of Tianzhong as a pilot, the Rank 2 segment will start network construction in 8 cities at the same time. At this time, there will be a gap in the supply of Original Substance.

“The cultivation of acupoint did not expect the proliferation of Original Substance …” This was originally an unintentional attempt, but the results were unexpected, and to a certain extent, the problem of insufficient number of Original Substances could be alleviated.

The total amount of Original Substance is not only related to the above plan, but also a direct reflection of the strength of Bai Mo ability.

Correspondingly, the greater the number of Original Substances, the stronger the ability of each department, and for the time being, no key to limiting growth has been found. This is one of the reasons why he has to shift his focus from the Spiritual Pivot system to the new system of acupoints. .

“The energy that improves the body emerges from the invisibility of within the body …” He has been thinking about it for the next few days, as curiosity drove him to figure out the true source of energy.


“Can it be called the vacuum zero-point energy?” He thought about it, compared with some other ideas, only this explanation is not so metaphysical, this form of energy that only lives in the theory can be considered a relatively reasonable conjecture, but Bai Mo did not Find a way to verify this conjecture.

“According to this inference, the cultivation way of acupuncture is to complete the extraction of the zero-point vacuum energy at the moment of breakthrough, and then use the energy obtained to improve the body …”

“But this will bring another problem, the same energy, why only the vacuum zero can achieve the effect of body refinement … but when you power on yourself, only electric shocks will occur.”

After thinking about it, Bai Mo felt that he stepped into a large pit, and there was a tendency to step deeper and deeper, so he decided to temporarily bypass this problem and start his own acupuncture and cultivation of Form-Intention Path.

“You have a powerful Mental Power, but you lack the fighting intent of a martial artist who never goes back.” A month later, Hua Taishan gave such a comment after consulting with Bai Mo in private, Say, cultivation Martial Way is not your best choice. “

“I’m a man who can only fight the crushing round …” He spread his hands helplessly. “I won’t do such a thing as fighting weakly and strong. Anyway, I always gamble on such a small probability event. dead.”

“Everyone has aspirations, and this cannot be forced.”

“If my estimation is correct, relying solely on practicing with you, I will probably be able to drive to the 5th end.”

After this time with Hua Taishan, he successfully opened an acupoint, but the difficulty is obviously higher than the last time.

“Have you ever tried to guide that part of the energy that is specifically incarnation?” Bai Mo suddenly asked such a question.

“Yes, but it does n’t make much sense. Generally speaking, naturally it is the best optimization of the body. Simply strengthening a certain part is easy to cause an imbalance, but it reduces the overall battle power.”

Bai Mo didn’t say anything, because he spent most of the energy obtained in the second time on the proliferation of Original Substance. The total amount of Original Substance increased by almost one third, and his physical strength was barely increased.

“The fifth trick is also very good. In my discipline, there are now 5 people in total exceeding this number.” Hua Taishan is now looking straight away, and no longer encourages Bai Mo to pit all day.

“Your Dharma Idol illusory shadow is strange.” He felt that his previous words were not appropriate, so he chose to switch topics.

“Is it strange?”

“All I know are some beasts, like my Dharma Idol illusory shadow is a White Tiger, Li Luo is a kid and a tiger, and Zhen Yao is an Old Guy is Qilin. Only you are a starry sky.”

“I think it’s pretty big and comfortable to look at.”

After listening to Bai Mo ’s words, Hua Taishan did n’t know whether to cry or laugh: “In my vision, the next way for Form-Intention Path is to turn reality into reality, so that Dharma Idol illusory shadow can reflect on the real world. Make an impact, your starry sky is broad enough, but it lacks practical significance. “

“My current pillar is still the ability brought by Spiritual Pivot, the thing of Dharma Idol, the boat to the bridge is naturally straight.”

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