Original Seeker

Chapter 213

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“Who the hell is that person?” Luo Bo continuously looked through the files in the archives, but there was no definite answer.

At that time, Bai Mo gained strength because of his experiments. He relied on his luck to fortuitous encounter all the way through the Death Tribulation after a month, and he became a life user of the Life Field Stage.

Since then, his life has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down. For more than 2 years, he first joined the Dragon Organization and became an ordinary member. Later, he became the backbone of the special warfare department with his excellent strength in the merger tide. .

Then he stood up against the team during the Tianqing transformation, turned gorgeously into a middle-level cadre of the Huaya Federation, and let himself live a fairly rich life with the younger sister.

In less than 3 years, he changed from a thief slumping in the slum area to one of the youngest middle-level members of the entire Huaya Federation. This year, he was seventeen years old.

“There are a total of twelve Fusion Stage ability users who can distort and devour the light …” Although these people did not feel like the shadows of the time, Luo Bo still silently wrote down their information and saved it for one by one in the future. To rule it out, he was unwilling to let go of any possibility.

Soon after entering the Fusion Stage, it was not an appropriate thing to investigate the powerhouse of the same stage too boldly, so all his investigations were conducted in private.

Located in the main archive of Tianqing, it records all kinds of information obtained after the capability user census, but to view the information of different security levels in it naturally requires different permissions.

Originally with the authority of Luo Bo, it was not enough to query the information of these people, but in the case of his coax and pester and someone optimistic about him, everything is no longer a problem.

“These are the relatively average ability users in the Fusion Stage. There are about 300 people with higher security levels. They seem to have to wait for a later promotion to get higher permissions before they have the opportunity to query again.”

Luo Bo has too little information to remember about the shadow, and the investigation is naturally quite difficult, especially the group he is investigating is all the people at the top of the Huaya pyramid, and the back of each is not simple.

“Someday, I will find you and return these 5,000,000 ten times.”


“How about, my little radish, have you found the person you want to know?” When Luo Bo returned to the office door, a tall, beautiful woman was joking, half-fronted.

“Thank you, Sister Zixin, and let you secretly get your father’s permission authentication.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t do anything bad, old fogey didn’t care about such trivial things.” She threw a wink at home, scaring Luo Bo, who looked like a little boy, and hurried back to her office.

“What kind of person is this kid looking for? It doesn’t look like an enemy, is it possible that the person who changed his fate?”

As a key attraction, Luo Bo’s past was naturally investigated, so that he could make more targeted moves.

As the struggle of the 2 Great Sect department within the Huaya Federation intensifies, the faction representing the inherent forces is obviously weaker in force than the New Generation ability user, but they have richer social resources, representing the native upper class.

Without a background like Luo Bo, poor fellows who emerged overnight as a capability user have become their key draw targets.

Through the combination of power, wealth, and color, they softened their positions continuously, let out part of their interests, established a bond of common interests between the two parties, and then slowly integrated these people into their own circles through means such as marriage. Become a member of the community of interest, and ultimately achieve the effect of peaceful transformation.

So far, such a conspiracy is very successful. The peaceful environment in Huaya has created conditions for all of this. Fists are useful, but they are not only useful.

Most people were just a part of the general public before the ability awakened. After suddenly gaining strength, they were still able to maintain their normal minds.

And Tiancha Lone Star like Bai Mo is even rarer with almost no relatives.

Through wife tactics, or to draw relationships with mother and relatives, and use people around to change ideas, even if it is a hard-hearted person, as long as there are people who value it, there is always a way to soften people’s attitude.

Under such waves of soft offensives, most ability users will soon begin to change their way of thinking, adapting to the fact that they have become the upper class, and no longer stand clearly against the original upper class.

After all, they don’t care about playing a few more cards, as long as they still follow the rules, the level of these novices on playing cards is incomparable to their decades of old You Tiao.

They are afraid of people like Ye Zi who do not talk about the rules and directly lift the table to harden and use the violence to open up a new era; or people like Bai Mo, who do not enter the oil and salt and are extremely self-conscious.

In order to let more people complete Thousand Souls Scripture together, Bai Mo directly set a symbolic fee for it-you can read the full text at a contribution point.

The official information of the contribution point system is endorsed by the credit of the entire government. Under the management of Bai Mo, there have been no scandals and few people question its credibility.

Because ordinary people can also enhance their thinking ability by cultivation “Thousand Souls Scripture”, no one does not want their brains to turn faster, so the parents of countless sons, sons and daughters, all start to let their children study cultivation of this manual.

This also caused a huge demand for soul-based materials. Originally, these materials were rarely asked because they were not widely used. They were quickly snapped up, and the relevant prices changed 3 times a day.

Profiteering naturally pushed more people into related industries. Known wild soul materials were quickly taken away by these hyena-like adventurers.

Some relatively well-known haunted districts have also been swept over by adventurers seeking wealth. Driven by huge interests, crazy crowds, even the ghosts, have to retreat from their homes.

After the wild resources that can be developed disappeared almost, many smart people began to make artificial ideas.

At first it was a cemetery and a hospital. This looked like a place related to death and soul.

People try to breed mutant plants in these places in an attempt to get something useful.

And a small part of them rely on their special Spiritual Pivot, they can perceive or touch the ability users of special spirit bodies such as ghosts, they try to capture them and make the required materials.

Regardless, the huge benefits brought by the release of “Thousand Souls Scripture” have indeed promoted research in related fields, and more people have begun to devote themselves to the soul and explore the cultivation method.

Of course, the original creator Bai Mo just wanted to find more labor to promote One Thousand Thoughts and Ten Thousand Thoughts cultivation research. The side effects brought by him were not in his consideration.

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