Original Seeker

Chapter 218

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“What’s the point of running away like this?” Sakazuki pursued under the sea.

“What’s the point of chasing like this all the way,” Bai Mo asked back.

After hearing this, Sakazuki hesitated.

“Staying in this planet for too long and being infected by these lower creatures, you will think about what it means to do something. I want to kill and kill, what meaning and excuse.”

After swallowing a large number of human Vampires in a short period of time, it was affected by the spirit willpower remaining on it in a subtle way, and the thinking changed slightly.

But after the reaction came, it immediately completed the adjustment, strangling these thoughts that affected itself, and restarted the pursuit of the enemy in front of it.

“It’s really fast.” While Bai Mo used a Clone to seduce the enemy at sea, he also kept the remaining Clones on the land at a distance of about 100 kilometers, always ready to be replaced.

He calculates his Clone position every moment, and then asks Chen Xi to broadcast the latest position every 5 minutes in the live broadcast room to ensure that the people who want to come can reach the right place. After all, the Arctic Circle is still too big.

Out of curiosity and greed for Alien, just within 2 hours after the live broadcast began, observation teams from several countries reached the coast closest to the two.

Because Bai Mo provided too little information in the live broadcast room, it was not enough to take targeted countermeasures. Therefore, these heavily armed and capable users will be used as advance troops to conduct some tentative attacks to collect More intelligence to provide more detailed information for the real main battle power.

Most of them are equipped with Spirit Energy auxiliary equipment that has been advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. The ability is generally biased towards speed and detection to ensure that they can survive in this dangerous battlefield while acquiring information.

At this time, Bai Mo in the testing grounds, the official Command Unit of Huaya, and the large and small Command Units of more than a dozen countries have also been connected via the Internet, opening the curtain for this ambitious hunting operation.

After confirming that the advance team had completed preparations, after entering a state of alert, Clone, who was responsible for seducing the enemy, once again floated up, and brought Sakazuki, who was following closely, to them.

“No matter how many insects come, after all, they are only insects!” Sakazuki faced the siege of dozens of people, his expression did not change, but his body began to deform immediately, from a streamlined pursuit state to a sea urchin-like thorn ball.

Each “thorn” on it is actually a miniature laser gun.

“Uhh …” An amazing amount of lasers are blasted out of Sakazuki every minute, but for prepared troops, this kind of single-body killing is not strong, and relying solely on the number of attacks is not significant .

Five squads, each from 5 forces, have done their combined defense in immediately.

Huaya, who is good at developing the spirit technique, everyone in the team put forward Spirit Energy shields that represent different characteristics, and then merged into a powerful shield to share the impact force.

The European Union, which is good at rune technology, everyone opened a scroll full of rune and poured Spirit Energy into it, which instantly generated an invisible wall that would knock out the door.

Spirit Energy Technology is ahead of United States, and the response method is the simplest and violent. Each team member carries heavy equipment to deal with various battlefield situations. A Spirit Energy shield at the touch of a button.

Holy Light Religion, known as the divine technique, the leading priest meditated on the scriptures, and right hand drew a circle in front of them, and then they seemed to have a Transmission Gate in front of them. All the attacks were immediately transmitted behind them in front of them. forcibly is like passing over everyone.

They believe that spiritual energy is a God-given existence. All the capabilities brought about by Spiritual Pivot and the spells obtained through thinking are all conclusions drawn under his guidance. They are all called divine techniques, which means divine gifts.

Finally, there are many Sects. Yamato, with its own battle power, also has its own tricks to prevent the laser rain.

Due to the rich volcano Spirit Stone resources, the development of individual cultivation is particularly prevalent in the local area, especially the extremely unfavorable situation on the four coasts, forcing everyone to strengthen themselves in order to survive the shock of the Sea Race like a tide.

“It’s a swift stream, Heaven Chong!” Yamato counterattacked for the first time. The samurai holding a long black knife split a crescent-shaped shock wave and killed him directly towards Sakazuki.

But I saw that it did not flash or hide. When the shock wave approached, the body actively split into two petals along the attacked position, letting this move through the gap in the middle of its own body.

“Dark moon, don’t be impulsive, our duty is to test.” As a leader, a masked man with only his right eye exposed held down and wanted to continue to attack the samurai.

“Divine technique, ring of silence.” Behind the priest who maintained the Transmission Gate, he stepped out of a youngster and raised his hand to Sakazuki.

“My divine technique forms a layer of stretching space around this demon. In disguise, it slows it down to about half its original speed. Your long-range attacks will not be affected, but please do not approach melee.” Youngster This was conveyed with Spiritual Fluctuation, and then a little gift to others.

After putting a slowdown halo on each other, various tentative attacks began to erupt, from entities to energy, acids, alkalis, poisons, high temperatures, low temperatures, infrasound shocks, high-frequency vibration arrows, all malicious attacks full of humanity They poured it on Sakazuki to test what resistance was the lowest.

“Enough to play? Small insects.”

Sakazuki ignored these attacks on her body and turned into melee mode. The original dark red surface of the body turned into bright red blood, as if the blood was boiling.

“Peng!” With a thunderbolt, it slammed the youngster that kept the ring of stasis in one hand. “The simple space stretches, but you still want to restrain me?”

“Yeah, even if this guy slows down by half, he will have to move faster than many of us, and now the trouble is even greater after getting out of trouble.” Holy Light Religion’s leader began to panic.

“Boom ~ boom ~ boom ~!” From the European Union squad came out a man wearing goggles, covered with something like a ghost drawing talisman, before Sakazuki planned to take action on others, he initiated the howling wind and torrential rain General impact.

“Ayes is almost all covered with accelerated rune, sure to suppress this monster!”

“There is speed in weakness and weakness.” Sakazuki was surprised at the speed of his opponent’s body, but his fist attack didn’t make much sense to it made of liquid metal.

“Really?” Ayers asked back, then pulled off the rune grenade on the trouser belt, and used the sharp part of the front end to pierce the enemy’s solid-liquid coexistent body.

After completing a series of moves, he quickly retreated in the opposite direction!

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