Original Seeker

Chapter 219

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The grenade didn’t explode like anyone imagined, but just lightly exploded, releasing a small rune cover with a radius less than five meters.

To enhance the effect, the hood begins to compress continuously and the rune becomes denser.

Shrouded in rune’s range, Sakazuki’s speed was once again greatly suppressed, and everyone who got a respite continued to discuss the next action quickly.

Considering that the enemy has almost crushing speed and the horrible Immortal Body, the advance team that arranged the test simply did not intend to destroy the opponent.

The offensive equipment they carry with them is basically used to suppress the speed of the opponent to ensure that they can retreat after collecting information.

“How could these primitive runes trap me!” Sakazuki didn’t even use the clever solution method in his memory, and simply violently impacted everything that restrained him, because the latter took even less time.

“Should everyone have gathered almost all the information?” Asked Yue Yu, the leader of Huaya.

“Fortunately, fortunately, this terrifying alien creature does not exist like Life Field. The equipment we brought has completed 3D modeling of it, and it is time to retreat.”

“I also want to cut off a few pieces of meat …” The samurai named Black Moon licked the knife on his hand.

“Ignore him, and our intelligence gathering is basically complete.” The masked man pulled Black Moon behind him, preventing him from going crazy.

“In that case, let us cover the final cover attack. The tattooed man holding the grenade over there is right to you. Give me all the rune grenade and I will drag it by myself.” Yue Yu pointed Ayes said.


“My ability is teleport.”

“These three are slowing down.” After Ayers agreed, the two completed the transfer in an instant.

With the rapid exchange of Spiritual Fluctuation, the entire group was completed in less than 5 seconds, and all retreats were about to begin.

“Tear it!” Sakazuki had torn the rune net with pure violence the next second and walked out of the opening.

“Small insect, I have to say …” As soon as the word was half way, another rune grenade was inserted into its chest, and everyone began to leave quickly, leaving only Yue Yu and Bai Mo to take over the other clone that seduced the enemy Clone.

“Aren’t you leaving?” Yue Yu asked the Clone left.

After more than 2 years, her reaction speed has become extremely scary under her special training. She flashes around Sakazuki as an atomic nucleus like an extranuclear electron, appearing almost randomly anywhere around it, and then using spirit technique Condensed and waiting for Ion Knife to cut each other.

“The play just started, where are you going?” Bai Mo watched the performance of the two parties aside.

“Boom ~ boom ~ boom ~ bang !!!!” Facing this uncertain blow, Sakazuki quickly made the right response-re-formed into sea urchin, and launched a carpet-like blow!

“Lightning strike!” Yue Yu of boldness of execution stems from superb skill, while hitting a saturated laser with a shield, continues to release his attack spirit technique, creating a high-voltage arc to attack the enemy.

“Play with me?” Sakazuki sent a disdainful Spiritual Fluctuation, and the body changed from a sea urchin to a large ball in the middle, with 4 small balls around it, a bit like an 8-clawed fish.

“En?” Watching the surrounding sky gradually begin to be covered by dark clouds, Yue Yu felt inexplicable, stopped the attack in his hand.

The anxiety in her heart grew stronger, and each cell was driving her away from this place, instead of staying still.

Sakazuki incarnation’s large ball and four small balls began to arc, and Wuyunli began to thunder and lightning. At this time, Yue Yu and Bai Mo both guessed what the attack was …

“Using high-power unknown waves, plus its own electrical energy as a guide, to create an artificial lightning attack.” Bai Mo’s clone stood on the side, constantly scanning Sakazuki with a sense of diversity, and the true body began to imitate in Laboratory On its principle.

Losing a Spirit Energy Clone that only accounts for 10% of himself is simply nothing to him. This Spirit Energy Clone does not have pain. It is rare to have the opportunity to get close contact with alien black technology. Naturally, you can’t let it go.

And Yue Yu obviously started to be a little panicked. How could she never imagine that the other party had such a horrible ability to induce thunderbolt. If I had known that she would never choose to be a queen, the smooth sailing along the way made her overconfident.

“A look of magic stick.”

“Even rune has come out abroad?”

“Of course the eggs are still being beaten.”


When Sentiez Group tried Sakazuki before, Bai Mo also used satellites for live broadcasts. At present, the number of people watching this live broadcast in the whole world has exceeded 500 million, and countless people who are curious about alien creatures have crowded into the live broadcast room.

The huge traffic caused the server platforms of the live broadcast platform to be a bit stuck and had to temporarily add equipment.

“Lightning storm ?!”

“Weather controller ?!”

The huge dark clouds obstructed the sight of the spy satellites, and there were only abrupt full-screen dark clouds in the visible range, as well as the lightning that frequently appeared on it. Many imaginative netizens think of Sakazuki’s previous deformation and mind. These concepts have emerged here.

“As you wish, I’m completely fired.” Chen Xi turned off the microphone voice of the live broadcast and looked at the barrage that was constantly brushing in front of the screen and spread his hands helplessly.

“Isn’t this great? Many people can’t wait for it.” Bai Mo split his single thought and talked to his Assistant.

“People who want to be well-known and want to get rich and want to go crazy will do it. I simply don’t lack money. There is absolutely no need to make yourself a consumer product to make headlines on the news like those in the entertainment industry. “Chen Xi’s face was ruthless.

“I have forgotten that you are still a 2nd generation … it works quite well.”

“What do you mean by this, my mother still forgets that you are still personal. I spend the whole day in the basement, either reading at home or doing some scary experiments. There is no concept of social at all.” She simply broke the jar. He stumbled back, completely without the gracefulness of normally, anyway, the Boss in front of him didn’t care about it.

“Social is necessarily related to the concept of people? Let me waste time with a bunch of idiots whose brain speed is less than 10% of their own?” Bai Mo was puzzled.

“It ’s relatively uncomfortable to communicate with the ability user using Spiritual Fluctuation. It ’s too painful to communicate with ordinary people. For me, their information output is too slow, and I can only cautiously control my information output to avoid them. Can’t keep up with my thinking, “he continued.

“Man is a social creature …”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter if people are not, it’s the most important thing to be comfortable with yourself.” He stopped the topic.

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