Original Seeker

Chapter 221

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After the negotiation of benefit distribution was completed, the main force of the multinational coalition that had prepared various plans began to advance to the location of Sakazuki.

In order to prevent the other side from fleeing in an unfavorable situation, the siege was defeated, and countless blockade lines were erected on the periphery of the planned battlefield.

As if Sakazuki didn’t feel it, they sat in the middle of the encirclement and waited, waiting for them to lay down a series of things such as the blockade formation.

Before the main force has not begun to attack, the Loose Practitioners who wait and see around naturally will not take the lead birds to kill them. What they do is to fish in troubled water. It is a little idea to get a little.

For this siege, and the subsequent distribution of the stolen goods can be carried out smoothly, all countries have brought out some trump card things, and also brought a large number of troops responsible for post-war cover and not directly participating in the battle to prevent the fruits of victory. Cardinal snatches are also a guarantee of the implementation of the pre-war distribution plan.

There are many greedy hyenas hiding in the surroundings, and many of them are desperate. They do not care about the pursuit of the country. As long as it has a huge interest, they dare to grab it.

Nearly 80% of the world’s ability users at the apex of the Fusion Stage are gathered here to fight for this breakthrough opportunity.

They are accustomed to the life of their superiors, and it is difficult to accept the reality of becoming a more powerhouse, but they are not willing to leave the system and become lonely.

On the contrary, creatures like Bai Mo, who have always been at the edge of the system, are not as urgent in their pursuit of strength. There is no daily all fear of being overwhelmed by their men and then seizing power, so they can watch the movie quietly.

“The second round is about to begin.” He sat in the testing grounds while mumbling at the images from several satellites.

“Didn’t expect you to come too.” Clone in black robe found Hua Taishan in the camp of Huaya.

“Where is your true body? Do you plan to send a Clone here for fun?”

“No?” Bai Mo asked back.

“It doesn’t look like you.”

“Huaya has no one’s will enough to be my whetstone, I hope it will not let me down,” Hua Taishan continued.

Bai Mo didn’t answer, he was not too able to understand the behavior of martial artist who constantly challenged the powerhouse and constantly engaged in leapfrog battles.

And before the army set off, all live broadcasts had been suspended on the grounds of preventing the disclosure of military secrets, and the show’s connection with the general public ended here.

“It’s finally here. It’s troublesome to hunt down with Earth each and everyone. It’s easy to get together and kill.” Facing the 100 powerhouse siege on the bright side, Sakazuki’s first sentence was shocked. Everyone.

“What gives you the illusion that Earth people are bullying.” Someone retorted.

Without continuing nonsense, the two sides began to fight directly.

Nearly 100 meters of space around Sakazuki suddenly began to appear slightly red, crawling out of the air from the air of countless unshaped life composed of a strange substance, and in turn killed the crowd in all directions.

“What is this ?!” The nearly transparent monster, numbered 100, slammed against the mob forces.

Although each of them is not strong, except that naked eye is difficult to distinguish and not afraid of death, it is not a big threat to the leading Peak powerhouse and basically can end the battle within ten moves.

But what is really desperate is that every time one of them is hacked here, its corpse quickly turns into air, and then a new monster is immediately formed from the rear, which is almost endless.

“Our power cannot be wasted on these things, they are handed over to the people behind us, and our goal is it!” After a few minutes, the leading troops who had killed nearly 10000 monsters before and after found that these things were really endless. Anyway, if you keep tangling, it is just a waste of Spirit Energy.

“Come and come, let’s die!” Sakazuki noticed that the opponent was coming straight to himself, and immediately began to change the tactics to make all the monsters under his control disappear.

“Feel the deepest despair, World Avatar!” A translucent monster up to two hundred meters made up of the same unknown substance appeared in one sentence.

Through the translucent body, you can see that Sakazuki’s true body is constantly swimming near the core of the monster.

“No wonder it has the confidence to kill all of us …” Many people later started to mutter when they saw the monster of this size.

“Different obstacles, see me broken!” None of the leading ability users is easy, and will never give up.

The huge impact of “bang!” Left a terrible scar of over 30 metres on the monster, but it was meaningless. The scar was completely healed within a few seconds.

“It seems a bit like those Ghost Kings, but also an Immortal Body with a strange material composition.” Bai Mo’s clone was also standing on the front line of the battle at this moment, and immediately discovered this.

“It hasn’t started to use its own ability until now, or is its ability just an embellishment compared to this pure power?”

“Don’t worry, such a huge volume will inevitably affect the speed. We will fight according to the plan.” Before making the plan, everyone has more or less referred to the information of Ghost King that once existed in various places, and naturally there are corresponding countermeasures.

“Bang! Bang!” Just after finishing speaking, Sakazuki’s slamming slammed his face heavily. Several reactions were a little slower, and the ability user who did not escape the slap of the giant palm was severely hit by flying.

“This is unscientific! How could there be such a terrible sensitivity in this volume! The blow just exceeded the reaction speed of some people.” Under the palm of the hand, more people began to mess.

“Just to my liking!” After witnessing the strength of the other party, instead of being discouraged, Hua Taishan summoned his own White Tiger Dharma Idol to wrap himself around and start a fight with monster.

Under the leadership of Hua Taishan, a group of people who had originally planned to find a breakthrough opportunity in the battle rushed forward, and each chose a position to attack.

They don’t believe that there is really an immortal body at no cost. This must have a limit. As long as this limit can be broken, the myth of the Immortal Body can also be broken.

“Tianzhou’s Ghost King died of a multi-saturated nuclear strike, and it’s no exception!” Shouted the capability user from the Huaya military.

“With an attack attached to Mental Power, it will be much slower to respawn.” In order to sharpen his will, Hua Taishan, who was shocked with every punch, quickly discovered this.

“Divine technique, Praise Song of the Kingdom of Heaven!” Pope of Holy Light Religion took his own shot, holding a scepter full of gems in his hand, and released a strange attack emitting stars of light.

This attack has no shocking energy impact, only the infiltration of the gentle wind and rain, continuously dissipating the passing material.

“The Power of Faith, formed by the prayers of countless believers, is the most powerful spiritual influence, and will surely make the Lord’s enemies convert!” Pope looked reverently at such a glorious place where all the strange matter was like ice. It melted into the air again.

“Disgusting God Stick! In the final analysis, it is brainwashing with the unified thoughts of countless creatures, but also a bunch of rhetoric.” In order to block such a direct impact on the core, Sakazuki continuously compressed the density of the heterogeneous surroundings, Kill the nasty power.

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