Original Seeker

Chapter 222

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The spiritual impact of this collection of countless believers was counteracted by Sakazuki’s full strength, and finally failed to reach the core, stopping at a distance from its true body and one meter.

However, Sakazuki also paid a considerable price for this, and the size of the entire giant shrank by half. Although it is still recovering at the speed visible to naked eyes, it takes at least an hour to return to its original level.

However, it is very cost-effective to exchange the other’s trump card with a high-speed regeneration organization.

“Unfortunately, this move was originally used as a sacred weapon for the internal defense of the church to allow the invasion of the enemy to convert, but it is now consumed here.”

Pope also felt very distressed after the attack. This time released the power accumulated over the years, and it is estimated that there will be no way to use it in the next ten years.

Other capability users participating in the siege will naturally not miss this good opportunity, and have increased their attacks on the shrinking monster, trying to make it recover faster than the speed of destruction.

The rate of rebirth of unknown material is too horrible, and most of them were dragged to death in the delay.

“Fury of Lightning!” Sakazuki, recovered from a series of attacks, was able to manipulate the shape of the thunderbolt before the core of the giant monster was transformed again, allowing lightning to continuously attack the surrounding “mosquitoes”.

This group of Fusion Stage’s ability users responded even faster, and the lightning attack speed was still no faster than Dharma Idol, and soon someone was injured.

Sakazuki, who won the concept of set fire attack and giving priority to the wounded, will quickly dump all his firepower on the most injured people, and the terror of the monsters will basically hit them, and they will soon besiege the team. First appearance in action.

One, two, …, several people fell heavily on the ground in this way, life and death are unknown, and others who are fighting hard have no detailed estimates of the vacancies, and can only let the medical troops standing on the periphery enter the center of the battlefield.

“She’s dead, don’t think about it too well!” A youngster in the European Union roared with extreme anger and red eyes because his lover was killed.

He put 4 steel pins on his head, then took out a box from his pants pocket, and ate the pill without the slightest hesitation in the box.

“My dear, I’ll be with you soon.” After doing all this, he started to burn, and soon turned into a stream of light, inserted directly into the biggest wound of the monster, continuously drilling into the core go with.

“This is the so-called love between your androgynous creatures?” Sakazuki, who is multiracially divided and has no concept of gender, cannot understand the madness of the man in front of him.

“It’s also a disgusting mental shock. Why are there so many emotional fluctuations in your group of insects!” The streamer that entered from the wound also brought the strongest anger of men, constantly absorbing the heterogeneity that hindered the way forward.

“Big sister Kirie, you said how good it would be if a man could do this for me.” Christine, who was also on the battlefield, said to his bracelet.

“Don’t you attract a lot of stupid people who can work hard for you.” The tone from the bracelet was obviously disdainful.

“That’s just because of ability … no one is sincere.”

“Without giving sincerity, do you still want to gain the sincerity of others?”

“Forget it, don’t talk about emotional issues with your old witch.”

“The pope ’s old fogey is becoming more and more unpleasant to you, and I guess I almost guessed that you do n’t really have a religious faith, simply does n’t deserve the position of a saint, and you rely on the ability to continuously pry out his clergy. He also poked at his pain. “

“What about it, is he still dare to turn his face at the enemy now?” Christine was confident.

“Be careful. His hiding is deep. How can I have experienced wind and rain for hundreds of years.”

“Does Magic World really have such a long history of inheritance? That World really has humans?” Although she has asked many times, she still asks one more habitually.

“Spirit Race, where I am, often trades with humans … You have a lot of time, don’t you always ask me that?”

“Let me focus on killing this big guy first.”

“In my opinion, it’s not that simple. Although our cultivation system is different from yours and even from it, some of the most basic things are similar. Trust me, it won’t hurt you.” The voice in the bracelet After this sentence, it gradually disappeared.

“Sleeping again. But I can’t always rely on her, 10000 one …” Christine also kept a look.

“If Self-destruction is useful, then what is the cultivation?” Sakazuki once again blocked the lovers’ full strength attack, but the huge body of the shell has shrunk from the original two hundred meters high to the current forty meters.

But even so, it is still a huge monster for those who besieged it. And just to achieve such a result, of the dozens of people standing at the apex of the world, seven people have fallen on the spot.

The coalition forces that thought they were crushing the war were very heartbroken about such casualties. Every ability user who stood at the apex had almost countless interests. After the war, it was another fierce power shuffle storm.

But they have if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. Although the enemy’s size is huge, but the speed is not inferior to everyone. Even if you choose to retreat now, you will have to pay a considerable price, let alone the pressure afterwards.

“Unfortunately, people who can only move at a speed of less than 100 can’t even afford cannon fodder in this battle.” The thought of the leaders of the major forces who wanted to use cannon fodder tactics was defeated when both sides had high mobility conditions.

In just one hour of tossing and fighting, the center of the clan has moved nearly 2 kilometers and reached the surface of the Arctic Ocean. The blockade line originally deployed before the war was like a joke.

Sakazuki summon’s lightning has reached its limit, and the subsequent lightning strikes have become weak and weak. It has little meaning for the enemies with heavy Life Field protection, so it simply retracted this deformation.

“Bang! Bang!” Realizing that the insect in front did not imagine the weak one in it, it pulled the battlefield all the way to the ocean, and the shock waves of the fight hit a lot of seawater into the air.

“Didn’t expect is still here, or is that guy intentional?” Hivemind Serres, who oversees the progress of the ice sheet melting plan at the bottom of the sea, also knew the fighting in the Arctic Circle, but didn’t expect they hit the sea all the way .

Its plan has reached the final stage. It uses Sea Race to unsealed an incredible amount of combustible ice on the Arctic sea floor at once, allowing the incalculable greenhouse gas methane to flow out, greatly accelerating the melting of the Arctic ice sheet, and pushing the Antarctic ice sheet to the side. With the dramatic rise in sea level, the purpose of ocean expansion is achieved.

The violent greenhouse effect produced at the same time can also bring almost unsolved disaster to the enemy on land, and all this has little effect on the Sea Race in the deep sea.

This is more effective than any invasion. At this stage, the Sea Race that can go ashore is too weak. The main powerhouse, which is truly hidden in the deep sea, with a length of more than 100 meters, is an attacked target in the absence of buoyant land. Already approaching the speed of sound user Elite has no comparability.

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