Original Seeker

Chapter 302

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One of the most common Clones, on average, probably needs their single thought head to control, while Wen Jian’s Sword Energy Clone, single thought head can control 4 at the same time.

With his One Hundred Thoughts level that can now be reached, 400 channels can match the powerful sword energy of a small tracking missile attack, which is completely enough to cut through a thick mysterious flower layer, which can effectively kill enemies of the same level, and can also damage a large number of Lower-level enemies carried out carpet bombing.

“Now we have a few countries settled. After 6 months, we will send a clean-up army together to clear out the intelligent lifeform of the moon. They are too close to one another, do not allow others to sleep!”

“According to previous inspections, there is also spiritual energy on the moon, so it will become our first colony point out of space. As for Sea Race, let’s leave it for the time being, as long as we keep suppressing it and don’t let them Any probe out of space, time will be on our side, and sooner or later will win with an overwhelming advantage. “

Thanks to the protection of Life Field, the high-level capability users of Fusion Stage have been able to persist in a completely vacuum environment for more than 2 days, and they can at least be in the absence of oxygen with sufficient spiritual energy support Survived for more than a month.

Such a long time is enough to build an outpost for permanent survival and take the First Step of colonizing the moon.

As for the extraordinary person of Mysterious Flower Realm, they have been able to live for several years even after they have evolved their bodies, even in a vacuum environment with no spiritual energy at all. On the moon with spiritual energy, they will not have any problems with Earth. The difference.

It is precisely because of this group of powerhouses that can survive for a long time on the moon, there is enough manpower to cooperate with the machine for large-scale development of the moon.

“The first batch of our 6 countries will send 6000 people to build outposts, and every person in the system with a Rank 5 or more will send at least one Clone to accompany.”

“I’ll take 4 Clones, 2 battle-types, 2 Research-types,” Bai Mo said indifferently.

His development of the moon was not too concerned, and now the focus is still on what he got in Mysore.

After Ramdo Self-destruction, its Demi-God Hercules came back to find Bai Mo desperately, but unfortunately just shook the tree and was wiped out directly, becoming Bai Mo’s most precious experiment.

This is the first time that he has obtained Rank 5 level complete materials. Now the total number of humans who can reach Rank 5 in the entire World is less than 300. Most of them are the existing seniors of Six Great Influences. Handing them to them is equivalent to triggering the World War. .

Only the strange country, Mysore Country, has a very poor diplomatic environment, surrounded by enemies, and all the forces concentrated on one man’s hands, will give him a chance.

Ramdo, who pretends to be God, is best at researching spiritual beliefs and Bloodline. The former is the foundation of his power and the latter is his ambition.

By searching the information stored in the Divine Spark fragment, Bai Mo discovered an extremely large project called “divine blood”. He tried to turn his existence into a bloodline that can be inherited and circulated within countless people within the body.

As long as there are people with such Bloodline, even if he is beaten destroy both body and soul, there will always be a day to return. Unfortunately, the plan has just begun. The first Demi-God Hercules that can carry its own power was just created shortly after, and it was directly endorsed.

People with divine blood will have varying degrees of all-round bonuses depending on the concentration of Bloodline, thereby attracting countless people who desire the power to actively introduce Bloodlines that they have created, and then spread out through their reproduction.

And the origin of his Bloodline has natural coercion over these so-called “blood descendants”, allowing them to involuntarily contribute Power of Faith to themselves.

For 100 years, with the power of Bloodline, Ramdo believes he can certainly be the king of the entire world.

But everything was disappeared, and Bloodline ’s power was directly cut off. Now he can only pin his hopes on nothingness in the future, and he can find a Child of Destiny, and he defying all the way to terrifying the enemy, then resurrect himself .

At the same time, with Ramdo’s research on Bloodline genetics, Bai Mo also found that the ability brought by Jade Pearl Fruit is essentially different from the ability brought by natural Spiritual Pivot.

The ability obtained through Jade Pearl Fruit cannot be inherited, but the natural awakening ability has a certain probability to be passed on to the next generation. The stronger the parents are, the higher the probability of inheritance, but the lower the probability of having children.

“Are four? Okay. Six months later, at the Tianqiong City Satellite Launch Center, 4 people sent by us will depart there.” Chen Bo agreed for a time.

“Well.” Tone barely fell, and this Clone from Bai Mo disappeared directly.

A large portion of the Spirit Stone resources discovered on Earth have been mined by crazy humans in the past ten years. The market price of 100 Stones is one gram of Spirit Stone. It seems that the value is far less than gold, but if you consider that the mining of Spirit Stone does not require refining at all, as long as you dig like coal, you can get the finished product directly. The interests represented here are extremely horrifying.

Even the smallest volcano accompanied by veins represents 100000000 million yuan of wealth. The scale of the Spirit Stone Ore Vein is generally more than 100 100000000 million.

In order to find a new Spirit Stone Mine, in addition to the ocean and the 4 secret areas, humans have almost explored the 6 continents to their footprints, leaving only the completely frozen Antarctica without involvement.

The ocean has 4 Sea Races cruising, so it can only be used as a hunting ground, and work such as ore mining is impossible.

The 4 secret areas formed by Lin Hai are shrouded in a very powerful protective Energy Field. All the machinery will fail unfathomable mystery in it, and the satellites cannot detect the situation inside.

As soon as someone with strength exceeding a certain limit enters it, they will immediately realize what it means to be “every enemy in the world.” Countless mutant animals will suddenly attack them frantically, and a few of them emerge from deep in the forest. The battle monster reaches Rank 5 and the super monster growls to drive the invaders away.

Someone has formulated a related offensive plan, but after detailed calculations, it is likely that it will lose more than it pays.

Because in it, all modern weapons will fail, and can only be forced by the strength of the ability user itself. But Rank 5 powerhouses in each and everyone’s high position is obviously unwilling to hold the danger of falling, and desperately fight with countless crazy wild beasts, and explore a forest that doesn’t know what terrifying existence is hidden inside.

Clone alone, without the support of the regular army, is also not far away in the forest, so it is better to let Clone support the development of the moon.

Anyway, on the moon, at least the most powerful modern weapon of human beings can be used to open the way, and according to the report of the exploration team, the Moon’s Spirit Stone reserves are also rich.

[5 One is finally on the shelves. . . I hope you all support

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