Original Seeker

Chapter 303

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And shortly after Six Great Influences’ plan to colonize the moon, an unprecedented division took place within Holy Light Religion. The virgin Christine, with her team behind her, broke into the Pope Palace and forced the palace directly towards Pope Gondor.

“Old man Gondor, your faith is too extreme to run a church at all, or give it to us and let us spread the glory of the Lord better.”

“Don’t take out that set of hypocrisy. You just want to steal faith and take the so-called Divine Path that’s all. Those who call God in this world are just mortals. The existence of the Lord does not require We prove that all personal gods are just false gods. “Gondor didn’t care about the others who broke into Pope’s house, but debated with Christine.

“It’s because of your thoughts that our development has stalled. Otherwise, with our believer close to 800 million, how could an outsider defeat this group of pagans!” Christine also wanted to persuade Gondor with the general trend, so Continue to argue with him.

“You are already lost in power like Ramdo. Believer is not our property, we are just the Lord’s servants.”

“The last time I told you this, the times have changed. Let go, Gondor. You should be a saint, not a Pope! You are too religious, but to run an organization, you do n’t need to be religious, but reality. It is advancing with the times! “Christine gave each other an ultimatum.

“The church is just a place to spread Lord’s gospel. It shouldn’t become an ambitious minion for power and benefit!” As a devout believer, Gondor never compromises on this point.

After losing One Wheel Religion, the biggest foreign enemy, both the conflicts within Holy Light Religion and the conflict between the European Union and Holy Light Religion have begun to erupt.

The European Union, which intended to pre-emptively, contacted the long-awaited Christine directly and provided her with a lot of support to make today’s forced palace plan possible. Because whether it is victory or defeat, Holy Light Religion will have a fierce internal friction. A weak church that is unable to interfere in politics is the church they want.

The European Union also knows that it is impossible to rid itself of Holy Light Religion, because this is also the belief of a large part of their people. As long as they dare to play the banner of hostility against Holy Light Religion, the first civil war is the Alliance itself.

“Christine, you have only been affected by the demons from hell, and you have no time to look back.” Gondor pointed directly at the other’s biggest secret.

For ten years, he naturally noticed some clues, and accordingly had a guarded backhand. Gondor is a devout, but not an idiot. If he really didn’t understand anything, he wouldn’t have been sitting in Pope’s position for so many years.

After hearing Gondor’s words, Christine knew that it is impossible to be good today. Whoever finds a secret such as himself will think of death. She pretends to be calm, but she has begun to meditate on the spell, and at the same time, she uses the Spiritual Fluctuation command to do it.

Just half a second later, several giant flying birds outlined by rune suddenly appeared from behind her, killing Gondor at a speed that could not cover them, trying to kill him in a sneak attack. Behind the rune bird, she followed a large number of spell missiles with various attributes, 5 colors and 6 colors issued by her men.

And a few strong youngsters, the surface of the body began to show dazzling rays of light, and something like fighting spirit broke out in preparation for the upcoming battle.

Paladin soldiers specializing in melee, relying on this rays of light, they can explode an unusually horrifying power. They can easily cut the tank with the infuriating long sword, and can even leap to a height of 100 meters, which will make the helicopter fly at low altitude. divided into two.

No one knows why the same humans would take a completely different route when bathed in the same spiritual energy environment.

Bai Mo has also tried to study this problem, but he found that he could also repair the other ’s Arcane fighting system before the body structure conflicted, and they could also repair the Spiritual Pivot Martial Way system, not at all yields other substantive results.

“This is the Pope Palace!” Gondor made a right hand push down, and then a very solid energy barrier appeared in front of him. Whether it’s a rune bird or a variety of spell missiles, everybody is in front of this barrier.

Under the control of Christine, the rune bird, which was almost given life, tried to tear the barrier with its sharp claws, but unfortunately, just after grabbing a few small holes, the claws were already melted by the violent white energy, and then the hole opened again. Heal again.

Relying on the energy shield of the entire Pope Palace’s energy supply successfully dragged the rebels in.

After the barrier appeared, Gondor quickly walked to the backyard of Pope Palace, and began to dispatch the Pope guards loyal to him to wipe out the seemingly powerful rebels.

In order to break through this barrier, Christine continuously bombarded his men with spell for a full one minute, but still failed to really break through this extremely strong barrier of recovery for more than 2 seconds, letting them intend to seize power in a spurt of energy Can not help but start to have a hint of doubt.

At this moment, an inconspicuous youngster with black-frame glasses in the crowd took ten black balls with rune on the surface from his backpack and threw them one by one towards the barrier.

Everyone else thought that this youngster was quite face-to-face, but they belonged to the same team, and the leading maiden said nothing, so they have not questioned the action.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” Every time the ball touched the energy barrier, a slight explosion occurred, and a few muffled sounds were heard. But no one dares to underestimate its formidable power, because after these dark and swarthy things exploded, some strange corrosive substances attached to the barrier, continuously engulfing the surrounding structure, quickly weakening the power of the barrier.

This rune weapon, which can devour energy shields, is called an eclipse bomb, which Christine obtained from the European Union. It is a targeted weapon used against the Pope Palace defense system.

In the two minutes after the explosion, it can grab all the energy around it at a very high speed, and then temporarily break the charged shield into a hole. It is said to have been invented by White, one of the 3 rune masters.

Each of the ten bombs opened a huge hole of half a meter in diameter to the giant barrier, and a mouth was opened that could be passed by 2 or 3 people at the same time.

“Hurry up, rush!” Christine, only a few confidants responsible for communicating with the European Union, knew the existence of this secret weapon, so they were not shocked by the effect of the eclipse bomb, but urged others to hurry through Go through the big hole where the shield was temporarily corroded, and continue to hunt Gondor.

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