Original Seeker

Chapter 315

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But no matter what, everyone knows that the future of mankind is still boundless space. The struggle between all people, between classes and between classes, and plot against, are all just internal distribution issues.

Either the dissatisfaction at the bottom or the contradictions at the upper level can be alleviated by laying down a new planet, transferring internal contradictions and turning them into external contradictions. It has always been a human specialty. The Moon, the resource reserve, at this time has become the first goal of countries with increasingly prominent contradictions.

After more than two months, four space bases in Huaya, United States, Maoe, and European Union 2 countries, each gathered elites from all over the country. They are fighting for human space colonial cause with the thought of making contributions to the moon.

The major forces that originally participated in the lunar development conference, Holy Light Religion withdrew due to the fact that the strength of the previous infighting and diminished, but Yamato lacked sufficient funds to execute the plan and chose to give up.

As for the Latin Alliance … nobody cares about them. After all, it is just an alliance of a small group of poor countries. Only with the support of Huaya can we barely continue the struggle with the United States. The high cause of human spaceflight is not in every Wizard. King’s consideration.

The troops of the 4 nations preparing for the moon battle will maintain their respective command and deployment independence. The estimated distance between the bases is about 50 1000 meters, and they will be explored from East, South, West, and North directions.

With a surface of 3000 8 million square kilometers of the moon, they expect to complete a preliminary strategic investigation within a month.

Huaya Federation, Tianqiong City.

The 1000 men who are preparing to participate in the lunar clear battle are now ready to go. Each of them is by no means weak, and they have at least received a Rank 4 rating in the battle power test.

Only such a group of people, relying on the powerful Life Field and the body that has initially formed an internal circulation, can carry out unprotected long-term combat on the moon.

Each Space Shuttle carrying 20 people will be divided into 5 batches according to the plan, and the 1000 people will be sent to the moon within half a month. At the same time, there will be a batch of remote-controlled weapons, and most importantly, 5 large base vehicles.

Each of them is a huge monster of more than 100 tons. In order to be able to send them to the moon, the Huaya Federation invested a considerable amount of money to develop and improve the Space Shuttle with a larger capacity at any cost.

Although the upper layer attaches great importance to the research of spiritual energy, this kind of aerospace research related to the National Games will certainly not relax. They do not want to become another Sea Race and are blocked below the atmosphere.

These 5 base vehicles will together form the outpost military base of the Huaya Federation on the moon, providing essential support for the ultimate occupation of the moon.

“Dion, all the way.” Before leaving, Cheng Mu, who came to inspect the situation, patted Bei Dion on the shoulder and said.

Bei Dion is the Rank 5 powerhouse of Martial Way Dharma Body during the recent Wu Wu seminar. In this plan, he will be the only one after another Rank 5 that landed on the moon with a true body, becoming the final battle power of the Huaya Federation, and other Rank 5 will send a varying number of Clone to assist.

“Thank you.” Bei Dion still respects this old man who has cultivated his own. Even if he is absolutely incomparable with each other now in absolute strength. Of course, partly because Cheng Mu still has a huge network of relationships, the potential is much stronger than the cultivator of painstaking cultivation.

Bei Dion’s personal landing on the moon this time was to return Cheng Mu’s faction to spend a lot of resources to cultivate his humanity, and on the other hand, he wanted to go to the moon to find his own opportunity.

After all, the development of the moon is quite dangerous, and there are still many unknown factors, but the Cheng Mu first line also wanted to seize the opportunity in the development of the moon, so it found Bei Dion.

As a late powerhouse, the cake has already been cleaned up by a group of pioneers. If he wants to get his own share, he must either grab the seniors or develop the New World himself.

His foundation was unstable shortly after the breakthrough was completed. Naturally, he would not choose the first path, and now there is an opportunity to explore the moon. Bei Dion chose it logically.

Most of the top 1000 Rank 4 fighters in the same industry are similar to Bei Dion. They are eager to obtain more resources, but they do not want to conflict with the existing forces.

He looked at it all the way, and there were nearly 100 Clones sitting in the huge lounge. Most of these Clones can still see some illusory feelings, but when they sat in the front row of more than a dozen, each and everyone and the living have Can’t see any difference.

These Clones are all from the top-level powerhouse under the Huaya government. Among them, the one who feels the strongest is the two guys in the front corner who are closing their eyes. Bei Dion even feels that even if one-on-one, he may not be their opponent.

This made him feel a bit strange, because the upper limit of Clone battle power is almost lower than the true body by Rank 1. Even if it is Chen Bo, the speaker of Mysterious Flower Realm Perfection, his Clone ’s battle power has just reached Rank 5 and Don’t give yourself a sense of danger.

“Is it possible that he has passed Rank 5?” Bei Dion suddenly turned his thoughts.

It took him only 3 months to complete the breakthrough, and he officially entered the upper level of Huaya. Although he had heard of Bai Mo before, he has actually reached this step of the giant Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, not at all Too clear understanding.

In the entire Huaya Federation, there are currently 4 people relying on faith and gods, 40 3 people are at the level of Mysterious Flower Realm, 2 Martial Way Dharma Body Realm, of which there are 3 people in Spiritual Pivot and Martial Way Dual Cultivation, so Rank 5 battle The total number of power is 56, accounting for one-fourth of the entire World.

In fact, Bai Mo is already working on the demarcation criteria between Rank 5 and Rank 6. Just because there are too few samples now, besides himself, Ramdo also meets the standard. Gondor in Florence can be counted as half, so there is no real strict division.

In his opinion, starting with Rank 6, no matter which system is starting to become extremely difficult to kill, such as him, as long as the Primordial Spirit is not extinguished, there will be a day to recover again. It is not easy to completely eliminate it.

Or Ramdo, if his divine blood plan is rolled out, anyone who has divine blood flowing within the body may be seized by him for Body Rebirth. Even now, Self-destruction Divine Spark has not died yet, waiting to complete his day of revenge.

According to Bai Mo’s understanding of the Mage System, it is likely that their method of entering Rank 6 is to start the elementalization of the body. Correspondingly, the Martial Way system is to begin to allow the spirit willpower to truly separate from the flushy body for a long time.

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