Original Seeker

Chapter 316

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However, these are only conjectures. If no one actually goes to Thunder, they cannot draw a final conclusion. And even the current Bai Mo is only majoring in Spiritual Pivot and minoring in Martial Way. The other systems are for reference. The significance of multi-disciplinary fellowship is not significant, because it is impossible for any system with numerous people to cultivate Short board.

He spends a lot of time on how to use the scientific knowledge already available on Earth to continue to optimize the way in which Spirit Energy operates and uses power.

Although Yanhuo has done a large-scale optimization before, after all, it is it. Bai Mo is Bai Mo. Even if the two are of the same origin, the differences in species still bring a lot of subtle differences, which requires one after another. To adjust over.

The two Battle-type Clones with closed eyes are doing exactly that. He gathered a total of 2 Clone specialized in this kind of combat, and the rest are all Research-type existence. Bai Mo’s final plan is far from the beginning, and it is still a silent accumulation of time. It is not necessary to maximize everything toward battle power.

He has always been accustomed to crushing wars and does not like to play adversity. So he would rather accumulate and wait. He has a long life and an amazing amount of disposable resources, which is enough to allow him to wait until the day is ripe.

From ancient times to the present, there are often no good things when heroes appear. Most of their appearance means that they are being beaten in the overall situation and someone needs to come to the rescue. As a powerful party, if you have an overwhelming advantage, it is enough to make no big mistakes. Where is a hero?

In this era where the eternal class is gradually taking shape, and the stronger the powerhouse is, the winner-take-all is. He has already stood at the apex of the pyramid, so there is no need to worry, and it is only the bottom person who is anxious to reverse all this.

Bei Dion, although having some doubts in his heart, still sat quietly in his own place, waiting for the last preparation time.

He will work with these Clones as the first people to land on the moon, and ensure the smooth development of the lunar base vehicle before the subsequent groups arrive.

Although through satellite monitoring, 2 100 kilometers around the landing area not at all lunar silicon-based organisms, in order to prevent 10000, their most powerhouse will still be the first to land.

“5, launch!” As the countdown is completed, the space rocket carrying the 4 Clone, heavy base vehicle, and Bei Dion Dharma Body powerhouse was launched at first.

No one will worry about the problem, because unlike ordinary astronauts, the weakest in the rocket are also Rank 4 intermediate Clones. When necessary, they can even freeze the entire rocket with the spirit technique and control it. Slowly landed on the ground.

Some people have thought about the feasibility of landing directly on the moon, but unfortunately the speed of movement is too slow. The distance between the earth and the moon is 38 10000 kilometers. Without the rocket, the time required is simply unacceptable.

On Earth, it seems to be extremely powerful, enough to smash cultivators, and the maximum speed is only 3000 kilometers per hour, and there are very few people who can stay above the speed of sound for more than a day of long journeys.

Even if you reach the bright moon, which can be clearly seen by raising your head, it will take a full 300 hours of sleepless flight. If you calculate the rest period of the period, the cultivator that keeps flying at the speed of sound will take about a month to really reach the moon.

This universe is so big that it makes people desperate.

“Why is our World so empty?” After flying out of the atmosphere, Bai Mo looked at the infinite space and suddenly turned his thoughts.

Viewed from a low-Earth orbit at a height of 2 kilometers, Earth’s azure planet, wrapped in the atmosphere, is as beautiful as sapphire, in stark contrast to the grey misty moon on the other side.

The entire group was in space and after observing the whole picture of Earth, they suddenly felt that they were actually so small. The complacentness in Normally was just viewing the sky from the bottom of a well.

However, everyone on the rocket has come to this step today after a lot of hard work. Naturally, there will not be any problems of heart failure due to this little thing. After slightly adjusting the mentality, it will soon return to normal. .

At this time, Bai Mo true body of the grounds was being tested, and I did n’t spend much time came back to his senses from the expanse of space and continued my experiments.

“Should this thing be called Abyss Bloodline?” At this time, he was holding a test tube of golden-yellow liquid, and analyzed the changes with the sense of continuously.

He years ago, in the test of the Dao Academy at that time, he discovered a capability user with transformation ability. After launching the capability, he would have a large number of ancient biological tissues. He also joked that he was “genetic lock” capability.

After that, Bai Mo always wanted to find a chance to study him, but unfortunately, when searching the dossier, he found that the youngster died under the nuclear bomb attack of Tianhai, skeleton doesn’t exist. Since then, Bai Mo has never found a similar case, so gradually forgot about it.

Until a few months ago, he found that the experimental products he bought through slave traffickers had the same ability, and the related research was restarted.

After researching the experimental gene, and referring to Ramdo’s painstaking divine blood project, Black Crow invented the Life Refinement Array, he finally obtained such results.

In the golden-yellow liquid, thousands of essences made from Sea Race flesh and blood, a batch of Secret Realm mutated creature flesh essences, a part of the genes of the experimental products, and various ingredients are added. He is like a mysterious Wizard, making something that doesn’t make sense in this world that doesn’t make much sense.

Even the relatively simple production of Sage’s Stone can give users some power. This costly “Abyss Bloodline” project naturally has a more terrifying effect.

After actual measurement, the experimental body injected with Abyss Bloodline, as long as they can survive the original genetic mutation without dying, each can obtain considerable power. By continuously purifying the Bloodline within the body, there will be more and more variability, and the original power will continue to increase.

Whether it’s humans or other tested animals, golden-yellow’s Abyss Bloodline can make them more powerful, even if they are already an ability user or a mutated creature.

At least during this time, Bai Mo not at all found their bottleneck. But even so, he didn’t have any idea of ​​making this kind of thing public.

Not selfishness or selfishness, but for a more terrifying reason-by swallowing the existence of Abyss Bloodline, the devourer can become stronger, and the effect is immediate. Once this kind of thing spread, he felt that the era of person fighting person in the true sense of human greed was not far off.

That’s why he named it Abyss Bloodline.

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