Original Seeker

Chapter 317

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Looking at the golden-yellow liquid in front of him, he suddenly felt that even if it was ten years since Heaven and Earth turning upside down, human death experiments never stopped.

Bai Mo originally only responded to the requirements of the military and wanted to improve the Life Refinement Array and make an artificial Bloodline with considerable potential, so that ordinary soldiers can rely on the instinctual evolution of Bloodline after implantation, and have the battle power of Rank 2. Against the Power Armor of United States.

It’s just that when he actually does it, he plans to do something to make something more fun. The ordinary implanted Bloodline at the end of Rank 2 is of little significance to him. After making a semifinished product that meets the requirements, I gave it to the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy to perfect the details.

In the rest of the time, he followed this idea and continued to experiment with some of the more crazy ideas, so he invested resources like astronomical figures, intending to make a very high limit, at least he should implant Bloodline in a meaningful way. .

With the improvement of status in the Huaya Federation, Bai Mo’s things are less and less considering costs, sacrificing performance to reduce costs, he is throwing the pot to others to deal with.

Whether it is credit or reward, these are not things he cares about. He has passed the level that requires the approval of others to prove his value.

At Bai Mo, what needs to be done is to judge who is the new generation of Heaven’s Chosen, instead of fighting for the so-called first-class of the same rank on Monkey.

Time goes back a few hours ago.

“This time is another big step for humankind. The four nations alliance will jointly clean up the aliens on the moon that may threaten human survival, and then officially start the moon colonization plan. It is expected that the moon will be transformed into the second within 4 years. Earth for a verdant hills and limpid water! “

A feat such as 1000 people landing on the moon is naturally impossible to get less media coverage. The satellite launch center in Tianqiong City gathered a large number of media personnel from China at this time. They held long spear short cannons and made a series of special reports on the periphery of the launch center.

Rarely, there is no voice to defend Alien ’s human rights throughout the world, even if everyone knew this time that the Lunar Landing Force was going to do genocide, and those who had previously had trouble with everything, this time Silent.

Because even if they do n’t shut up, someone will forcibly close their mouths with their fists. The word freedom of speech has become more luxurious in the new era. No one is willing to hear opposition to the development of the moon, which is related to countless high-level interests. the sound of.

I disagree with you, so I swear to defend your right to shut up.

In a harmonious atmosphere, the rockets were launched one by one, filled with the longing of countless people for the sea of ​​stars, they passed through the atmosphere and headed for the destination of the moon.

However, as the distance increased, the Clones on the rocket found a very serious problem-there was an unbearable signal delay between them and the true body!

Everyone hasn’t considered this problem before. Until now is in Earth and Clone is used by people who have enjoyed it. They always think that Clone should always be synchronized with the true body. In the future, Clone can completely form a conquering Star. River, the super army without fear of life and death.

But the reality has poured them a basin of cold water. There is actually an upper limit on the speed of information transmission between true body and Clone, which is the speed of light, at least at this stage.

The cause of the delay was not found before, it was just that at any two points on Earth, the signal transmitted at the speed of light could not take 2 2% seconds to propagate in the past, which was not enough time to blink.

even more how Most of the time the distance between Clone and the true body is much smaller than Earth’s diameter, and the delay of the signal is even more negligible.

“What to do?” Chen Bo, who was on the ground console, asked those around him. This is another of his Clone, the true body is naturally sitting in the Ziliu Sea.

“When we reach the moon, we send a signal to Clone. There will be a delay of close to 3 seconds.”

“In the past few years, researchers from all over the world, the mainstream conjectures about the principle of Clone information transmission are quantum entanglement, because all kinds of conjectures about electromagnetic waves have been rejected by experiments.”

“Spiritual energy has made the basic physics of this World Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and now toss out the existence of such a type of information transmission at the speed of light, but not the existence of electromagnetic waves …” In the Research Institute of Spiritual Energy, The expressions on the faces of several physicists who were urgently invited to try to solve the problem were not very good-looking.

This is not the first time that spiritual energy has challenged the original physical theory since the emergence of spiritual energy.

A few years ago, in the essence of Spirit Willpower and Mental Power that can interfere with reality, researchers found that they are not actually electromagnetic forces, or even one of the four basic forces!

The mechanism by which spirit willpower interferes with reality is achieved through a force that has not been parsed by them until now, just like the unknown transmission method now.

When this experimental result was reached, the people present were stunned. The four basic forces ruled everything almost in their minds. Now the fifth element is forcibly inserted, which makes many people simply unacceptable .

It is for this reason that basic research in the entire scientific community has stalled, and everyone is thinking about what to do in the future.

Most people led by Bai Mo finally chose to put aside research on the nature of spiritual energy, and instead regarded it as a black box of technology and took the path of purely developing applications.

Because they feel that a civilization that has not even gone out of its parent galaxy, tossing something that is enough to change the Universe Principle is meaningless. Even if it was really part of an unknown existence plan, it wasn’t something their little ants could peer into at all.

After 500 years, 1000 years, when they have enough power, they go back to research and are more likely to find the truth.

And the reason why he will make this choice, there is another most important factor, that is, from his own caution.

It is easy to swallow the stars, and even communicate with another Bai Mo of Parallel World. I still feel that the water behind spiritual energy is very deep. Even if Earth doesn’t go out, it is only a dead end to go in this direction.

Of course, there are also minorities who are unwilling to give up looking for truth and insist on finding the final answer.

It’s just the most advanced observation equipment for human beings at present, what is the difference between naked eye not at all in spiritual energy observation. Apart from knowing that it is a light green gas, there is no way to observe any microstructure. Spiritual energy is like a projection from a high-dimensional world. No matter how you look at it, you can only see one outline.

However, the dramatic changes in these scientific theories will not affect most ordinary persons for a long time.

Just as quantum mechanics appeared in this world 100 years ago, scientists fought in a frenzy, and the loser was even out of Supreme Path’s heart, but the folks danced according to the dance.

For ordinary persons, whether wages will rise next month is definitely more important than the question of what the nature of light is. The debate in cutting-edge science is too far away.

PS: the past few days. Looking at the pirated copybooks, which increased by more than 1000 collections per day, and the starting points, which increased by dozens of collections every day, I felt 10000 1000. I hope everyone can come to the beginning to support genuine 666.

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