Original Seeker

Chapter 326

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“Who are you?” Faced with this silent presence around him, Bai Mo quickly found the source of the sound-the test tube containing the golden-yellow Abyss Bloodline.

“In human terms, I should be called Gaia, but I actually prefer the name Destiny.”

As soon as the sound appeared, he found himself trapped in the underground Laboratory. The invisible barrier around him was quite strong, but he was not in despair.

Bai Mo secretly estimated the strength of the blockade and thought that if he used a trump card, he would have a chance to escape, but it was not necessary for the time being, because he was very curious and gave the other four words of Protagonist of Destiny. meaning.

“You are Destiny, but you say I am the Protagonist of Destiny, is it possible that you arranged my life?” Literally, he said his guess.

“Part of it.” Still an emotionless voice.

After hearing that part of his fate was planned, Bai Mo’s curiosity became stronger.

As for anger? Not yet, because his life is now very good, even if it is really arranged, this mastermind behind the scenes is not bad for him, he did not give himself a wastewood start.

“for example?”

“Why are you discovering the Spirit Stone and not others? Why do you instinctively absorb spiritual energy? Why do you happen to come to Hawaii? Why do you happen to meet Hua Taishan on the beach? … Why did you just meet that one Condensing Soul Flower? … “Gaia said a lot of coincidences.

“These all are you arranged?”

“Yes, no.” It obscured the past with an ambiguous sentence.

“What’s the point of creating such a protagonist?” After hearing so many “coincidences”, he asked a core question.

“Do n’t all of you humans like I will decide my fate, not Heaven? After you found out that your destiny is actually a paved road, don’t you feel any anger?”

“Don’t diverge.”

“It doesn’t make sense. In the long time, always need to do something to pass the time, Ying Zheng, Liu Bang, Liu Xiu, Wang Mang … They and everyone have brought me wonderful stories, and I can still think about it. Humans make me even more memorable. “Gaia is still the voice of calm and composed.

“why me?”

“There is no reason why you are because I chose you at will, and you are qualified to talk to me today. In your human words, it is similar to the so-called principle of selection.”

“I’ve probably guessed how you exist.” After a few seconds of silence, Bai Mo suddenly said such a sentence.

“You are the gene that flows into every life within the body. It affects everyone with the so-called instinct. This genetic virus incident is also directed by you.”

“Sure enough, I was right to choose another protagonist. You are beyond my control.” Gaia not at all Because Bai Mo’s correct guesses at any point showed any panic.

“Spiritual energy, how exactly do you exist, so that a creature can have the ability to be out of my control in less than ten years …”

In its opinion, it is right for the other party to have such a performance, and even those who cannot guess the way it exists simply have no value in dialogue.

“Change the protagonist?” Bai Mo, after guessing the form of Gaia’s existence, also basically guessed its so-called method of manipulating destiny.

It can affect a person’s emotions to a large extent, and thus affect one’s judgment and behavior. By adjusting the levels of various hormones within the body through DNA, human beings can become impulsive, calm, or passionate.

Dopamine that produces pleasure, norepinephrine that brings passion, endorphins responsible for pleasure and analgesia, and help to overcome difficult oxytocins. Through the secretion control of various hormones, it finally weaves out most of the intricate feelings of human beings.

And humans who are rational to control themselves are actually relatively better. Gaia can control their actions almost 100% based on instinctual animals.

“Change to someone I can always control.”

“Continue your game?”

“Make a deal.” Gaia finally said the real reason she appeared today.


“I want to change the protagonist, so let you sit here for 2 months, do not interfere with my affairs, and I cannot disclose my existence in the future. In exchange, I will not say what you did on that battle power evaluation system Hands and feet, will not affect your life in the future. “It slowly said the content of the transaction, but said that the transaction is actually more of a threat.

“You can’t kill me?” Bai Mo asked back.

“Not worth it. I know your trump card. If you do not hesitate to destroy all your potential to unlock it, then I can’t kill you.”

“If I do this, maybe it’s not just dead, but maybe the most violent way to eradicate you from in this world.” He threatened in turn.

“You can’t understand my level of immortality, even if you kill all the life on this planet, I will still not die.” Gaia guessed the other party’s thoughts.

“What the hell is it to appear like your heaven-shaking, earth-shattering?” This Gaia, which represents a part of all life on Earth, is indeed a form of surprise for Bai Mo.

“Just, why don’t you go to space?” He asked the question, but Gaia didn’t answer, and the voice disappeared since then, as if it had never appeared.

If it wasn’t for discovering that the golden-yellow Abyss Bloodline consumed half of it for no reason, Bai Mo might even doubt the authenticity of the conversation just now.

Although Gaia’s appearance explained a lot of questions to him, it also brought more confusion. He didn’t believe that the other party was just idle and bored to create a Protagonist of Destiny, and let countless people play the supporting role.

It is just that the other party ’s level is obviously higher than himself, but he does n’t know why he did n’t choose to eliminate the unstable factor by himself, but chose to negotiate a deal.

“How could Earth, which had no spiritual energy before, give birth to such an existence?” Bai Mo suspected that the other person might be life from an alien many years ago.

“Maybe it’s too bad to be able to leave the living creature too far?” He came and went, only thinking of such a possibility.

Otherwise, with a realm like Gaia and such a long time, it is impossible to not take the path of space exploration. The only explanation is that it has been healing.

“Protagonist of Destiny, will it be the healing food?” He used to rely on conspiracy theory, and soon had this idea.

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