Original Seeker

Chapter 327

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A series of questions appeared in Bai Mo’s mind, and there were still too many mysteries behind the creatures who claimed to be “Gaia”.

Regarding the two-person deal, or Gaia’s unilateral threat, he decided to wait and see what happened and temporarily stop interfering with related matters. The other party has more power than its own, and it is estimated that it is unwilling to pay too much to do it before choosing the method of appearance.

In its size, a human who has died a few thousand thousand years is not much different from a few hairs. The casualties caused by Devouring Spirit are nothing at all.

“It’s just that you don’t deserve to be called Destiny.” Bai Mo sat in the basement and watched the news quietly. “The instinct of the gene represents a big gap compared with the rationality and will of intelligent life itself.”

Gaia, after choosing what it calls the Protagonist of Destiny, controls the secretion of their hormones and affects their emotions by controlling everyone that the other party can reach. With her horrible computing ability, weaving every story around the protagonist.

Everyone around the protagonist, unless it is the villain they chose, otherwise comes with an affinity bonus, allowing them to instinctively think that the other party is a good person at first glance.

Then, as time goes by, this instinctual feeling is continuously strengthened, as long as the main character it chooses does not go to the main action to die, in the back there will always be a large number of “character charm”, “leader style”, “king style “Supporting supporting cast.

Correspondingly, the more powerful villains tend to cause Xiao wall. Some of the internally less motivated men, under the anger of Gaia, did some impulsive stupid things, and eventually cheapened the protagonist.

Relying on all sorts of coincidences, the people it chooses will almost certainly stand out, and the control method using genes is also traceless, because no one can say clearly whether the idea of ​​”Himself” is really true.

Momentary moments, doing impulsive things, the so-called mood may be a part of Gaia’s calculations in itself, or it may be a momentary wind.

And how much life’s obsession with reproduction comes from the individual’s true emotions, and how much is Gaia’s desire for the continuation of her own existence, is also an unsolved mystery, or the two can no longer be distinguished.

“Who are you?” Feng Buhui asked, looking at the mysterious black clothed person who rescued him.

“Chen Kedi.”

“Do you want to free humanity from class exploitation?” Chen Kedi looked at Feng Buhui’s eyes and continued to speak seriously. Feng Buhui saw the sickle and axe flashing bright red rays of light from the opponent’s eyes.

“The vast majority of working people should not be exploited by a handful of capital owners and corrupt governments, because this is essentially a plunder by virtue of violence.”

“They rely on violence, establish a set of distribution rules that safeguard their own interests, and force everyone to follow it. It is called” legitimately “to grab everything it needs.”

“Especially after the new era came, this small group of people nationalized a series of resources such as Spirit Stone through the power of the country, and then passed them through courses at extremely high prices and exchanged a small amount of related materials for ordinary people. Years of labor. “

“Spicy Stone, which has a very low mining cost, is directly priced at 100 RON per gram on the contribution point system. Using this huge scissors difference, we once again harvest the wealth of the people at the bottom. However, each and everyone is full of fat through squeezing. … “

“This group of selfish maggots is trying to establish an eternal order, keeping themselves at the top of the food chain forever.”

“We should overthrow this increasingly authoritarian military government and build a government that truly belongs to the people!”

Chen Kedi eloquently expressed his opinion to Feng Buhui. His magnetic voice seemed to have magic power, which opened a new door for him who has been fascinated with natural science since he was a child and paid little attention to ideology and politics. .

“Mr. Chen, what kind of society do you want to create? And, in what way?” Feng Buhui asked.

“Insatiable and incompetent officials and capitalists should not exist. They have no meaning for the advancement of this society, but are a group of rubbish that exploits the people purely by manipulation of distribution!”

“I’ve been thinking about how to achieve all these things so that our future leaders will never be corrupted. Until 3 years ago, I finally found the answer-Red Radiance.”

“This set of exercises created by me can only be stronger if we adhere to our common beliefs when we were initially sworn, and those who have selfish intentions in their hearts can never practice a little strength.” Chen Kedi took out A book was thrown to Feng Buhui in one hand.

“Even if we were once comrades, if one day goes to fall, the power gained by cultivation Red Radiance will continue to weaken. The more severe the fall, the more power is lost.”

“As long as we don’t change our minds and let everyone cultivate it, we will definitely be able to create a better World!”

Chen Kedi showed his powerful strength in the chat room. Standing alone, just like the actual oppression, made Feng Buhui, who is also an ordinary person, feel a little bit difficult to breathe.

“Why was I selected?”

“Because it is you who spread the virus like Devouring Spirit, and ring the death knell for the greedy maggots.”

“Devouring Spirit has no effect on the cultivator of Red Radiance?”

“No. Because we do n’t ask for immortality, but we devote our lives to this lofty cause, so all evils are easy, and 10000 poisons do not invade!”

This cultivation technique created by Chen Kedi, in theory, every ordinary person who has the same belief can gain strength through cultivation, but as a cost, Red Radiance does not extend the life of the cultivator. They are just like decades of ordinary person, still only decades s life.

“Comrade Feng Buhui, are you now willing to join us and contribute to the cause of human liberation?” Chen Kedi reached out to the other side.

“Of course!” Feng Buhui said firmly, grasping Chen Kedi’s right hand.

He can now say that he is desperate, and the strategy of installing beggar and tramp will be invalidated. In order to find Feng Buhui, the Huaya Federation sent over 10000 soldiers to conduct a one-to-one pull-down investigation. All personnel who did not give valid identification documents were temporarily detained without fail.

The losses were heavy, and Huaya, which began military control, became more severe.

Had it not been for Chen Kedi to rescue him from the siege of countless hunters, he would have been dying under their severe torture, and the best result would have been to disappear silently in a corner after losing his use value. .

It is more likely that Feng Buhui himself, to pay for the death of countless ability users, was finally executed publicly, warn others from following bad examples.

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