Original Seeker

Chapter 333

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Just in the past few days, there were many such vicious incidents that impacted the existing order one after another, which made the infectious Devouring Spirit Virus raging all over the place and exacerbated the excessive pressure of law and order.

Existing societies in all countries, no matter how they advertise their fairness and justice, are similar to the campus shootings that occur every year in United States. Obviously, it is impossible to avoid such vulnerable groups trying to break the jar.

With the appearance of Red Radiance, equivalent to handed each of them a gun, giving these people the power of revenge.

In this regard, it is quite different from the emergence of spiritual energy ten years ago.

The awakening of power brought by spiritual energy occurs randomly on any person, so the probability of power appearing on a minority who is dissatisfied with society is relatively low. The impact is actually not as severe as expected, and they are willing to maintain the existing order. People, their growth far exceeds the number of order disruptors who gain power.

The strange power of Red Radiance, however, is specifically for those who are dissatisfied with society, giving them the power to challenge the existing system.

The former is an average increase, and everyone is getting stronger. Probably speaking, the minority is still the minority, and the majority is still the majority, let alone the army responsible for maintaining order at that time entered the Linghe in an organized manner to obtain the ability. The ratio is even more than ordinary person.

The latter is designed to give the minority a little more, with the aim of growing their power alone.

“Mr. Mo, your incident happened, please come with us and answer the prescribed questions within the prescribed time.”

“Chen Boss, go back and assist our investigation.”


Suddenly, a large number of officials who had exchanged interests and damaged the interests of the people and businessmen were taken away by those who represented the authorities, and all kinds of evidence also surfaced.

Received hints from the media. Everyday is in full swing, hiding the sky and covering the earth to publicize the country’s determination to fight corruption.

At the same time, some 100 loopholes and controversial cases were re-tried, and some of the victims were rehabilitated and real people involved were brought to justice.

All of this is a command from Chen Bo.

After looking at the detailed reports of various Red Radiance-related cases in recent days, he roughly analyzed the results. The other party is likely to slowly shake the foundation of the rule by provoking the underlying contradictions.

So while Chen Bo sent an investigation team to find the Red Radiance mastermind, he decided to take a salary at the bottom of the tank, first clear out a group of people who have the most grievances, and let other people settle down during this time to restrain themselves and their followers.

At the same time, the retrial of some of the judgments was obviously problematic. Cases that had been subject to human intervention had given hope to the victims, who had been somewhat erratic, and gave up taking extreme revenge.

As long as this time has passed, we have developed a medicine for the Devouring Spirit, so that extraordinary persons in the whole country can return to the management center, control the overall situation, and make no noise.

It is also during such a special time that almost all the people with power hide away from the crowd, so that Red Radiance can take the rhythm to do things.

“Chen Bo is planning to kill two birds with one stone.” Cheng Mu looked at the list that was thrown out. 80% of them were from their own department. It was easy to find the idea of ​​killing by the opponent.

It ’s just that he does n’t have a good response. Almost all of them who can be put on this list have aroused considerable public indignation, or people with strong evidence of crime. In their department, the army is weak and the army is strong today. , Can only give up these people strategically.

“Let ’s do this, and add some of them.” Liu Zhen next to his thoughts, and added dozens of names to his confidential secretary.

As a result, after the tacit compromise of 3 Great Sect, a super news that killed 1000 people and re-examined the last 100 cases was kicked off. Every day, a large number of people were taken away to “assistance the investigation.”

Through media propaganda, the action really let the public understand the determination within the government, and also gave hope to the vast majority of people who were dissatisfied with society.

The public review of these abandoned children for a time, the news in the Huaya Federation even overwhelmed the Devouring Spirit Virus incident that has caused more than 2 deaths and nearly 10000 people in hospital.

Borrowing the first move to ward off civilian indignation is indeed through the ages 100. With a tireless game of chess, while removing some dissidents or backward members in the organization, it also gained popular support.

“Who is the new protagonist in his mouth?” Bai Mo also saw this massive collective public trial on TV, but he didn’t put his mind at all, but thought about the problem mentioned by Gaia.

He also looked at several detailed reports about the Avengers and found that there may be something more complicated behind Red Radiance.

In these cases, Bai Mo feels that Red Radiance’s true body is more like a usury in disguise, lending out the power for the bitter master to complete revenge, and then taking everything from the other party.

He has always tried to figure out what others think with the most malicious intentions, and he is used to leaning on everything. In particular, there is a super-life Gaia whose attitude is unknown and whose intelligence is unknown.

A guy who can affect the emotions of all living creatures to a considerable extent cannot be prepared for.

Because Devouring Spirit has no effect on ordinary people, the lives of most people have returned to normal after the first two days of panic.

In the final analysis, the total number of extraordinary persons accounts for less than 5% of the entire human society. Even if they suddenly died on a certain day, the overall impact on humanity may not be more than 100000000 caused before and after the scene that Serres set off. Super disaster of human death.

The One with Heaven and Earth towers built in many places at the same time were completed with sufficient funds to support the continuous construction of the original Substance of Bai Mo to the true body. He is accelerating his concentration to deal with mysterious Gaia.

Due to the absolute disadvantage in intelligence, the initiative is still in its possession, and Bai Mo can only maintain the defensive posture.

This also strengthened his idea of ​​changing the God above the Earth plan, and even after that, the newly built Spirit Energy Network no longer had its own Original Substance to participate, and instead controlled the network entirely by projection.

Because the scattered Original Substance is easier to be targeted, and it is far higher than its own level, Bai Mo does not think that Gaia cannot find his Original Substance in the Spirit Energy Network.

Even when it was really time to see that the One with Heaven and Earth tower was completely destroyed, what was lost was only part of the projecting past power, which had little effect on the true body, but part of the consequences of the destruction of the Primordial Spirit, he I don’t want to test it myself.

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