Original Seeker

Chapter 334

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Original Substance, which was originally scattered, followed by the completion of the One with Heaven and Earth towers in various places, after returning to Bai Mo, he was condensed into a whole.

This is also the first time that he truly felt all his power. With the support of Mental Power and Divine Sense with this precision, he can finally observe and interfere with the molecular and atomic World with his Divine Sense.

The ephemeral power that was fleeting in the Fusing Dao Tribulation before, and finally 8 years later, can finally realize part of it.

The accuracy of divine sense was gradually improved by Bai Mo until it reached its new limit, and then it was limited to a drop of water fixed in the air in front of him.

With the continuous enlargement of this drop of water in his eyes, a world beyond his imagination gradually appeared in his eyes, and the boundary between particles and waves gradually blurred.

Difficult to count atoms. Under the observation of the Divine Sense, except for a small piece around the nucleus, which remains in a completely solid state because of insufficient observation accuracy, the surrounding electron cloud is exposed for the first time in the form of a probability cloud in front of Bai Mo .

Just like half-melted, colorful ice cream, the core is the part that has not yet melted, and the surrounding part is the melted part that turns into a colored amorphous liquid.

They are group after group, at the same time revealing the existence of the wave-particle 2 iconicity, which are superimposed on each other, and finally compose an extremely complicated symphony.

But through a process of directly facing such bizarre worlds, Bai Mo has the most perceptual knowledge of the quantum mechanics that rule this cosmic micro-world.

The state of the water molecule changes rapidly at 10000, so that the information of vast as the open sea is continuously passed to his mind through the sense of diversity. But now he only has the ability to properly handle this order of magnitude information with the help of a supercomputer connected behind him.

If only his own information processing ability, at least one of the third information will have a great loss of accuracy, which will bring countless confusion to the whole water world’s cognitive puzzle. And all this is actually just the amount of information contained in a drop of water.

Just a drop of water, at this moment Bai Mo seems to have hidden an ocean, and the irregular movement of countless water molecules has made this Tiny World chaos.

With the deepening of his consciousness, he gradually got an idea, the so-called Elementalization, in fact, is likely to be a controllable macroscopic wave-particle transformation.

When being attacked, it actively converts the macroscopic material existence that constitutes the body into a blurred material wave, also known as a Debroglie wave, which achieves a powerful effect that general physical attacks are ineffective.

At the same time, in theory, a particle may be observed to appear on the moon, or it may be observed to appear in a corner of Earth, but the probability of the two is not the same.

If he can really control this probability, Bai Mo thinks that unlimited ultra-long-range teleportation may be born, and the ubiquity in this cosmic space also has the opportunity to become a reality, but he still can’t imagine what great power is needed to truly achieve it. at this point.

It is a little bit possible to achieve the former, which is Elementalization, as he guessed. But this also requires huge computing power and horrible information processing capabilities as support. His realm is far from enough.

According to Bai Mo’s estimation, at least 5000 to a level of Ten Thousand Thoughts is needed to truly support a part of the body and perform recoverable Elementalization. Otherwise, it is just like his previous test in Florence, which is purely suicide one-way. Runefication and there is no way to restore it.

After figuring out something, he started to really develop his original capability, Mental Power.

Whether it is using Mental Power to control firearms or other weapons to attack, or using Mental Power to control water vapor to create illusions, or even to control air to create a vacuum, these skills are actually of little significance to him now, he created them. The hundreds of Universal Spirit Techniques are enough to perfectly replace all of them.

The development of this degree of ability is mostly because there are no substitutes.

Most of the above techniques are essentially leveraging various levers to amplify the power behind Mental Power. It may be an excellent technique in low-level battles, but standing in his current position is not enough.

In his view, quantitative change causes qualitative change. After being able to really interfere with the micro world, Mental Power’s greatest use is not destruction, but creation.

Mental Power, which can smoothly perform atomic level manipulation, even if it has only half a drop of water, it can do too much.

He pointed with a finger, a test stone in front of him had been cut in half, and the cut was neat and smooth enough to allow any cutting machine to be flushed with shame, because this is the use of Mental Power to directly offset the 2 sides of the cut surface. The force between the molecules is like using an invisible knife to cut into the gaps between the molecules, causing them to separate into two pieces.

If atomic molecules can be cut, naturally it can be reversed for molecular synthesis. With several easily available elements, Bai Mo can synthesize trace amounts of common organic compounds in human society with a count of 1000000 at any time.

Maybe this is only a few tens of milligrams, which seems to be of little significance. It is not as good as a pill in normally, but if it is synthesized, if it is an ordinary person with a lethal dose of 1 mg of botulinum toxin, then the problem It’s a bit big.

In addition to Mental Power’s molecular engineering to synthesize new substances, he is also trying other things.

Macroscopically, he continuously transferred away the internal energy possessed by this drop of water by virtue of his own energy absorption capability. At this time, from a microscopic perspective, the irregular movement speed of water molecules can be noticeably decreased, and from a macro perspective, water droplets start to become ice crystals.

Then he switched to Mental Power to intervene, trying to achieve a similar effect. Under the action of Mental Power, the thermal motion of water molecules is continuously “suppressed”.

Just like using hands to catch a bounce of fish, Mental Power’s invisible hand is also continuously reducing every water molecule and the intensity of its thermal movement.

Just to a considerable degree, Bai Mo felt that the resistance under Mental Power had almost grown exponentially, and soon became a bit weak. At this point he measured the temperature of the ice flower and found that it had reached minus 115 degrees.

“Whether it’s my Mental Power, Ye Zi’s energy transfer, or Chen Bo’s internal energy control, they are all moving towards the goal of controlling micro particles, but their starting points are different.”

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