Original Seeker

Chapter 346

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According to Bai Mo’s previous conjecture, Gaia interfered with the True Self Tribulation, while the host tried to generate the Original Substance, condensing the Primordial Spirit, the original gene collapsed, and the mortality rate was artificially increased, thereby indirectly controlling the human powerhouse. Number of.

Only in this way, Gaia’s appearance on this planet must be earlier than Red World, because he cultivated the Primordial Spirit earlier than the encirclement of Sakazuki.

But the information obtained from it can be introduced. The two guys should be old acquaintances. The whole thing is too coincidental. Bai Mo now feels that Gaia is most likely to lead several other existences to reach this planet.

Time passed minute by minute, Bai Mo’s idea of ​​being able to analyze intelligence became less and less, because the Red World’s Follower in front of him seemed to be continuously strengthening, and his defensive pressure was increasing.

“If everything stays the same, there are still 8 hours.” After drinking a bottle of Spirit Energy supplement, he calculated how much time he can persist before the information barrier is completely completed. Under his strenuous resistance, the information distortion barrier from Red World is still slowly forming.

“Big brother, who should we cut first?” Hooligan with a watermelon knife asked youngsters with sunglasses around in an alley in Tianzhong City.

The atmosphere of turmoil has gradually permeated the entire city, and even these little gangs parasitic in dark corners have begun to move.

“Why don’t you go first and cut Hong Xing who always robs us?”

“The person who cut Hong Xing might as well chop Bureau Chief Chen. Without the dead fat support, Hong Xing counted as an egg.” A youngster with a knife next to him suggested something else.

“Cut off the Vampire Old Gao on our heads, and take the hard work to recover the protection fee. You will have to pay for most of it, and you will have to do the dirty work like a dog. Why can he step on us and live like a dog! “

“Leave it! Don’t let it go, they must have a lot of money hidden in the house, everyone can live a good life.” Sunglass youngster was also excited after hearing it, and some vague rumors made him more firm. idea.

But they didn’t notice that in their eyes, they seemed to be flashing red light.


Induced by Red World’s Follower, the dissatisfaction in everyone’s heart is exaggerated, coupled with Gaia’s control of adrenaline, making them more impulsive regardless of the consequences.

“ding dong.”

“Who!” A middle-aged man shouted with dissatisfaction after hearing the doorbell.

“Bureau Chief Gao, I’m A’Wei, and today I’m here to send you respect.”

“Wait outside.” The middle-aged man pretended to be calm, spoke in an imperative tone, and then immediately returned to his bedroom.

“Isn’t it handed over outside before? Why would I still come to my secret apartment today? This guy is getting more and more unruly.”

“A’Wei is here, you should hide it, don’t let him find it.” He urged the woman in a disheveled bed.

“What about things?” Gao Ling, who had a secret heart, just wanted to quickly take away this month’s filial piety, and then send A’Wei away, so he went straight into the subject when he faced the other person into the room.

“Bureau Chief Gao, do you have beer here, hot, thirsty.” A’Wei took off his sunglasses, fanned his clothes desperately, and made a sweaty look.

“It’s getting more and more arrogant, and dare to instruct me to do things, and wait for a while to see if I can die.” Although he thought so, Gao Ling walked into the kitchen expressionlessly, what happened to A’Wei? It is said that he also sent money for himself.

Relying on various drill camps in these years, in addition to two houses, he also hid more than 2 and 1000 cash, smashed down one-fourth 10000 years ago, bought himself a Jade Pearl Fruit, and it became a success The ability user.

But he soon found out that his aptitude was not good, and he wanted to climb to a higher level, either by continuing to throw money or slowly taking time.

If you spend money, the remaining ten million may push yourself to Rank 2, but no one behind you, the official position may not be able to follow. Although Rank 2 is not as bad as a dog, it is just walking around in extraordinary person Level, it would be better to leave this money to a more hopeful son.

As for refining water, Gao Ling has waited enough. It took him 20 years and after countless operations and relationships, he was promoted to the position of deputy director today.

“It has been posted above, as long as it is able to hold the post and maintain the stability of the local stability user officer during the devouring Spirit Virus raging period, at least the officer will be promoted to one level after the incident. After carrying this time, the adverb on my head You can get rid of it. “After thinking about this, Gao Ling felt relieved.

Although Devouring Spirit Virus is very scary, there are still many people who have no background and are not willing to work hard for qualifications. They have a strong sense of fortunateness and intend to take this rare special opportunity for promotion.

This underground agreement, which is out of the daily operation of the government, has become the hope of countless people who work hard in the system once it is released.

Ten years have passed since the era of spiritual energy. With the first group of people standing out, they have redistributed the resources of society with violence and established a new structure. Later, it becomes very difficult for people to reach their height again.

Few people who are already in the upper class are willing to spit out their own benefits and let more people share this big cake.

So they cooperated tacitly to control the supply of the remaining spirit materials more closely, so that most of the collected spirit materials flowed only in a small circle, artificially increasing the difficulty of cultivation.

Externally, the scarcity of spirit material resources is exaggerated, and the prices of various cultivation materials are raised again and again. In the end, only those who are talented enough and rely on resources small enough will have the opportunity to break this invisible barrier and enter their circle.

After all, there are too few people who can know the true data of the overall resource stock. Simply do n’t have a way to verify it if you do n’t stand at a certain height.

“Hurry up, get ready, and start working as soon as he comes out!” While Gao Ling went to get a beer in the kitchen, A’Wei opened the door and let the younger brothers outside and each and everyone come in.

“Must fast, be fierce! Although Old Gao has no fighting experience, he is an ability user. One of us can fight 5 or 6 without problems.”

“A’Wei, beer …” Gao Ling hummed, holding two cans of beer in his hand.

“What are you doing!” When he saw six youngsters holding knives suddenly appearing in his living room, he quickly shouted.

“No more nonsense, chop!” A’Wei, who was obedient, changed his face in an instant, took the knife handed to him, and took the lead to chop to Gao Ling.

“Bang! Bang!” Seeing the situation in front of him, he instinctively threw 2 cans of beer in his hands towards 2 of them, and then rushed to the kitchen at the fastest speed to find a weapon for himself.

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