Original Seeker

Chapter 347

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“A’Wei, why …” Gao Ling, who was covered with blood and had more than ten cuts on his body, could no longer tell which of the blood was his own and which was from other people.

He loosened the fruit knife in his hand and slumped on the ground with his hands clasped, looking at A’Wei with only one breath in front of him, gasping for breath and asked.

“Why these three words should be asked by me, why are we like us, you must always be commanded by you like a dog, and the money you get still scores most of it. And you, light words, turn It takes a few thousand thousand per hand, and even without saying anything, someone will automatically send the money up! Why! “

A’Wei, who is in the stage of returning to the light, is still full of unwillingness in his words.

“The dead man over there worked a few months ago at the construction site. The foreman took the money and ran away. A group of them chased after him, but they were also beaten back. If I did n’t help, It might be stink now. “


“We are also human. We are living people, not just the numbers on your Great Master file, nor just the names in your mind that represent henchman …”

As the blood loss in the body became more severe, A’Wei’s thinking became more confused and his voice became weaker.

“… At least I once reversed this Old Thief Heaven. It’s not a loss. I’ll wait for you below …” He moved his lips hard, and even the power to control facial muscles was gone.

This is the last sentence that Gao Ling can understand. His injuries are also very serious. There are waves of syncope caused by blood loss, but now he is forcibly prevented from closing his eyes. He’s watched too many TV shows, and he says he can’t open his eyes after closing his eyes after serious injuries.

He managed to climb to this position. He didn’t want to die. It was because of this fierce force that they were all dead, leaving him one.

In the past few decades to go through arduous training or hard work, he has killed a lot of people indirectly, but as of today, he still picks up Knife 捅 人 or First Time.

There was nothing to say during the whole battle. Gao Ling, relying on his own strength and skin, exchanged injuries with several other people, and he lasted by himself.

“A’Hong, you can come out and help me report the alarm …” Gao Ling was so tired that he didn’t even want to move a finger, and slowly moved to lean on one leg of the dining table.

“No need.” A female voice without a trace of emotion sounded. As soon as Gao Ling felt that something was wrong, she felt that a fruit knife was inserted into the heart position from the back.

“Why are you …” the voice that suddenly became angry with Gossip, telling Gao Ling’s full question, just like A’Wei, now she betrayed herself.

“I’m your subordinate, not your mistress.” The young woman wearing only pajamas behind her stabbed a few more knives and wiped tears in her eyes.

Countless slaughters are carried out in the name of resistance, and under the leadership of some people who are afraid of the world being chaotic and trying to fish in troubled water, the incidents of looting commercial houses have become more frequent.

Many or not can be called robberies, more like mouth guns.

“What other shops are you looking at? They sell jewellery all day long. You can’t buy a cup of coffee for a month. You might as well unlock it and take it away.”

“Yes! Nowadays, there are many people who are messy. If you smash the camera and take the things, who cares! The whole thing is messy now. It is a fool not to take advantage of it.”

A group of people who broke into the jewellery store saw the people who were waiting in front of them, and said such kind words one by one.

“It seems to be the same, usually Boss is mean, pays a little bit of salary, and speaks very well. Let us learn the advanced concepts of modern sales and eat on commission.”

“There is a lower limit indicator every month …”

Being in the front line, the hardest and most tiring group of salesmen, under the guidance of these people’s words, soon began to shake, turned and looked towards the storekeeper and manager holding the keys behind them.

Looking at the growing crowd inside and outside the store, the police were not yet there, and the store manager knew that the city’s law and order might be out of control.

“If you don’t hand over the keys, you just can’t live with the people!”

Just as a few surrounded people were still hesitating, such a sentence suddenly emerged from the crowd, which immediately further stimulated the situation.

Several youngsters holding wooden sticks and running pipes emerged from the crowd and issued an ultimatum to diehards.

Anything, as long as the collective and the name representing the majority, no matter how ridiculous it is, will be regarded by the participants as justified in the fanaticism of the group.

“Give … I’ll give it to you.” The shop manager and manager quickly chose to give in under the pressure of the public eye.

After all, this is not their property, and they cannot afford to work hard for others’ money.

“Where have the police gone? Even the sheriff is gone.” Several battered and exhausted people watched as people crowding the entire store were snatching gold jewellery, and this question suddenly occurred.

There is just no one to answer this question, because the police themselves are just humans. After being instigated under the cooperation of Gaia and Red World’s Follower, they all resisted the oppression they thought.

The rest of the people with extremely strong mentality were all transferred to more important places to defend and prevent the impact of the mob, so the entire city was in a vacuum.

Of course, not everyone will succumb to the will of the masses.


“How can you do that! This is a robbery! Stop it!” Similar things are happening in many places. In the face of aggressive thugs who are entangled with the people, some people persist in resisting.

The toughened glass in the jewelry store is quite strong. To avoid trouble, the robbers who do n’t take advantage of the guys generally urge the clerk to open it first, and let the other party add their own sequence.

“Don’t worry about those who are willing to be slaves, take him aside.” Those who insisted on seeing in the mob torrent were directly drowned and washed away, of course, the keys on their hands were also lost.

“I want to rebel against this mob …” After being beaten against the sea of ​​the people, they also started a flame called rebellion.

Red World’s Follower stands for pure resistance, it is not limited to any class, but generally it is better to instigate the bottom layer, it only appears in the image of Red Radiance.

In particular, the numerous social contradictions accumulated in the spiritual energy era, the powerhouse arrogantly brought about various problems, so that it chose to make it difficult at this time to achieve the best results.

Within a short period of 2 to 3 hours, the order established by mankind over a long period of time has largely collapsed. From the fire of stars at the beginning, it quickly evolved into a sea of ​​fire in Ebara.

“My thoughts and will never need them to believe, as long as they know it will be enough.” Tianqing testing grounds underground, in the thicker red light, watching the more difficult opponents, Red World’s Follower said to himself Talk to yourself.

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