Original Seeker

Chapter 348

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Every minute and every second, the rebellious actions of the creatures from the entire planet are providing power to it. At this moment, all the plans finally surfaced. All efforts were made for their own recovery, and it was too hurt.

Red World’s Follower, which represents the concept of resistance, can obtain a power similar to Mental Power from those who know its existence, but it is actually more indescribable, provided that the other party has the idea of ​​resistance and puts it into action.

As for what rebellion, it is not important, whether it is the resistance of the working people to the three mountains, or the slave’s resistance to the slave master, it can bring strength to it.

Even if it comes from the resistance of the ordinary person, it can only contribute a very weak force to it. Under the sand tower, it is also a very large number.

It will use all the power accumulated after coming to this planet for this plan.

From the emergence of Red Radiance, to the full outburst in the back, it restrained almost all the high-level battle power and made them temporarily unable to interfere with what happened in the city.

Now everything has received a generous return, its power is slowly recovering, and once it returns to a certain level, the interference with the material World will not be as weak and weak as it is now.

Once a planet-level living body, it actually took a few hours to kill an aborigine. It didn’t want to experience this feeling of powerlessness.

If there is no accident, this crazy riot that will sweep the whole world will continue until it thinks that it can no longer squeeze out many benefits, but by that time, how many people can survive on Earth is also unknown.

In Red World’s view, the only variable now is Gaia, who has an indefinite position. It does not think that the other party will really sit back and watch themselves recover.


“hong long! ”

The streets of United States have become the battlefield of each and everyone. The ordinary person holding various hot weapons will fire at any place they think may be dangerous.

In a country where almost everyone has a gun, Red World’s Follower appears to be a super gunpowder barrel. As long as a few fire stars are dropped, a terrible big explosion will appear.

Under the threat of Devouring Spirit, the vast majority of extraordinary persons hid from the suburbs or more remote villages in order to stay away from crowded places, resulting in the hollowing of the city. Even after hearing the news of the city, it takes at least a few hours to rush back.

Coupled with Red World’s Follower’s containment of the top-level battle power and information blockade, they also have no way to quell the incident, which ultimately led to the mob riots in the urban area to continue, rather than being absolute power. Suppress.

The courageous men with certain powers, normally keyboard men who only dare to resort to dissatisfaction with words, have grown up for the first time, and have picked up the keyboard in their hands. Out of the house, he attacked everything he didn’t like.

“Play local tyrants, divide property! Both rich and poor! I will decide my fate, not Heaven!” In Tianqing City, a crowd of people with various voices, led by some people, broke into the villa area of ​​Tianqing City for looting .

All the people who intend to block the way, the weaker will be infected by the fanaticism and joined the mob, and the most tenacious are directly killed and disabled.

Huaya Federation is also a country where guns are banned. Most bodyguards cannot carry guns on their hands. Facing the waves of people, the few who insist on resistance are just mantis trying to stop a chariot.

“He killed!”

“Who killed someone?”

“There is an ability user in front of me that kills!”

“Where? Lao Tzu hates these guys the most, each and everyone is soaring, seeing one killing one!” A robust man holding a bamboo pole yelled.

Although most of the extraordinary persons in the wealthy area have left, there are also a small number of people who choose to stay at home. Faced with these harboring malicious intentions guys who break into their own homes, of course, they will not have any good attitudes. fist.

It is just an ordinary punch for the extraordinary person. For the ordinary person, it is a disaster. The leader is directly punched by the punch, and the blood sprayed from the back splashes the people behind. A face.

Or it was because of Gaia’s interference that they had temporarily forgotten their fears. The surging blood not only did not calm the intruder, but aroused their ferocity.

More people rushed up, trying to overwhelm the Rank 2 ability user who guarded his house with a crowd of tactics, and hit the ability user of True Fire. There was no longer any remaining hands, and he attacked those who violated his own property with one punch. Jerk.

Due to the narrow terrain in the house, he was able to persist for a longer period of time. After leaving over 100 incomplete corpses, Gu He, who had nothing to do with it, chose to escape through the window.

But what he completely didn’t expect is that during his bloody battle, the mob that poured into the rich area has severely blocked the surrounding retreat to a level of danger comparable to zombie siege, and after just a high-intensity battle, His Spirit Energy within the body has already consumed most of it, and it is not easy to kill it.

“Sister Xun, why is it so noisy outside?” Xiao Yan, who was studying the unknown piece of crystal in his hand, felt something was wrong.

This unknown crystal is what Xiao Yan found on a stall according to his previous feelings, but he has never understood how this crystal can make him stronger.

And from the modeling point of view, this thing is obviously only an incomplete piece of scrap in the big whole, and it may be far away to re-assemble it.

“Mr. Xiao …… very good, you are here …” Gu He, who was covered in blood, and after seeing two people when he ran open the door, he fainted on the ground as soon as he said a word.

From the encircling circle like the sea of ​​people, Gu He didn’t feel that he had the hope of killing. Even if the sea of ​​people in the boundless stood standing and let him kill, he would be tired.

So he turned to find the neighbors who did n’t go out, because he could buy a house in the rich area of ​​Tianqing, and he was also the person of his level. As long as he can find more of himself, he can kill more together. A little hope.

It is a pity that he has found many people in a row, and they are already empty. As early as the Devouring Spirit began to wreak havoc, almost all the people here have fled to the rural areas to hide their heads.

Just when he hoped to be extinguished, it was the mountain road twists around each new peak that bumped into the Xiao Family with others. Because of Xiao Yan’s dedication to power, they have stayed here.

“It’s chaotic outside, but it’s not a climate, and it’s extinct.” Xiao Yan swiped outside to observe the spirit technique, and confirmed that all the people doing things were ordinary people.

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