Original Seeker

Chapter 375

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“Has the contradiction reached such a degree? Of the 2 people, there are more than 10000 who show obvious hostility.”

Chen Bo glanced at the images transmitted by his hands. Among the nearly 2 viewers at the scene, there were 10000 300 70 densely packed dark red dots, and 6 1100 light red dots, 27 of which were blue. The points marked in circles are the objects where abnormalities are found.

“What’s wrong?” Shi Huachong looked at Chen Bo in the slightly wrinkle of the brows while fighting.

The two parties are just performance-type battles. It ’s not a problem to simply use distractions. What they need to do is to use the power of within the body in a gorgeous way to complete a show of political figures.

“There are people below who want to do something at the venue.” Through Spiritual Fluctuation, he received the news from Chen Bo.

“This kind of trivial matter can’t be handled by the garrison?”

“These people were carrying something that was not simple. They easily concealed all inspections. They could find that it was only because one of them showed a little sloppyness in panic, so they decided to report.”

“Then let them die, but it is a group of Foreign Race people.” Utilizing the mighty Martial Way will, Shi Huachong has already discovered the clue while looking specifically towards 5 people.

After entering a new level, he was able to perceive more and more information, and even forcibly read the protection of the divide power network. Several guys who tried to launch attacks, part of their conversation.

It was with this in mind that he learned the true identities of several people across. After all, they did not take into account that the enemy has such a powerful ability to discover the divine power network and tear the protection of the divine power network directly to intercept the call information.

“Oracle! We were discovered and launched an attack immediately!” Ramdo, who was a Rank 6 level, had dissipated most of his power and could not stop the invasion, but to detect someone breaking the communication network he provided to believer, still It’s not difficult.

“It’s too slow.” Whether it’s Chen Bo or Shi Huachong, looking at a few people on the ground who have been alerted, One Wheel Religion believer who is about to pull out his scroll, only has such an evaluation.

With nearly ten times the speed of sound, they killed the ground from a battlefield of several thousand meters in 2 seconds. However, the storm caused by the two people was miraculously offset by each other under the control of Qi Qi, which minimized the impact on the surroundings.

But even so, with 2 people as the center and almost all audiences within a radius of 20 meters, they were still shocked by the huge kinetic energy.

“Waste is waste!” Before a few believers opened the scroll, Teach’s voice came from inside the scroll, and then a large mass of darkness began to spread around the scroll.

The first to be swallowed up by darkness was naturally the One Wheel Religion personnel at the core. They still had shocked and puzzled eyes before they died, totally didn’t expect that they were just a transporter, and the owner of the scroll never trusted themselves.

In other words, Teach, who is extremely proud, is not disdainful to give his power to this group of stray dogs, so he attaches his own will to it.

In Teach’s eyes, Ramdo’s One Wheel Religion was lost, and it only served as its own transport team.

Another second later, the strength of a row of mountains emerged from the Chen Bo and Shi Huachong 2 people, and the audience that had been shocked by Zhen Fei was blown further away.

This is of course the 2 people trying to protect more civilians and try their best to keep them alive.

Chen Bo, a soldier from the military, still subconsciously protects the nationals of his country, and Shi Huachong on the other side cannot ignore the compatriots who are also Huaya persons.

In the face of this real enemy who is likely to be the same level expert, they took out all their strength, and no one wanted to fall in the sewer because of underestimating the enemy.

“This time is a greeting.” Two seconds after the power of heaven falls and earth rends collided, the swollen darkness suddenly disappeared, leaving only ground meatballs that had been distorted so much.

Teach’s dark ability stands for extreme compression. In just 2 seconds, he squeezed nearly 100 people covered by darkness into a meatball with a big fist for each and everyone through universal power.

After losing the huge pressure exerted by the outside world, these meatballs began to swell again, and were restored to a piece of ground meat and bones, turning this place into a hell on earth.

“King of Darkness Teach, what’s the reason for it?” Chen Bo was lost in thought again.

Almost every expert in this World has their detailed information in several major countries, and Teach, a terrorist who lurks in United States, is no exception.

Those who can be named as King of Darkness are naturally not so good. They are extremely cruel, proud, racist, have no big picture … This series of evaluations can often be seen in various archives.

Not long after he woke up to the ability, he began to slaughter the surrounding ethnic minorities for no reason. At that time, United States, who had not yet begun a civil war, had planned to kill him many times, but all escaped by one after another.

In the end, things shocked the then President Joseph. Maybe it was the resonance of two chauvinists. Maybe it was because of other interests exchanged. After Joseph and the group behind him spent a huge price to find a dead ghost. Finally, he was secretly recruited and became an important ally of Joseph.

In the civil war in the United States ten years ago, Chen Bo, who led the guerrilla regime to various places, encountered the other side many times, leaving a huge scar on Teach’s face diagonally across the entire face.

Chen Bo remembered the evaluation of this guy and started to worry again.

He didn’t know if this was a threat from the United States to the increasingly powerful Huaya Federation, or it was purely a provocative act by Teach himself.

The former is likely to cause extremely serious consequences. Before the last step, no one wants to see the civil war of the two most powerful human beings, while the latter … the relative consequences are not so serious. In the final analysis, it is just a person ’s madness, which does not mean The will of the whole country.

Strength amplifies the harm of every personality defect in powerhouse. Originally, things like regional discrimination and racial discrimination, most people will have a little more or less, but they basically do not make any radical reactions, simply This feeling is in my heart.

But for a monster like Teach, making an ordinary person into a meatball is not harder than choking an ant. Over time, for him, killing a few non-ethnic people and killing a few ants gives him the feeling It’s almost the same.

Anyway, in his eyes, whether it is an insect or a Huaya person, they are all aliens.

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