Original Seeker

Chapter 376

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“Still clinging to such insignificant things as outer appearance.” A faint voice came from behind them.

In the face of this sudden voice, the 2 powerhouses have been prepared for immediate defense.

Chen Bo instantly became a light man surrounded by high-temperature plasma clusters, with a plasma temperature near the surface of the sun, enough to burn most of the world’s substances.

Even if it is as hard as steel, it is impossible to withstand a single blow in the face of such terrible high temperatures.

In order to protect the surrounding people and their own bodies, Chen Bo’s mysterious flower has temporarily become a thermal insulation layer, one layer is close to the inside, and the other layer is covered within the square several hundred meters, blocking the infinite heat from his own ability.

This World does not have any friendly allies settings. If you use the ability without protection, you may even hurt the user.

Primordial Spirit also suffers from irrecoverable damage when exposed to high temperatures in excess of 1000 degrees. It is because of this that Chen Bo had to make an insulation layer for himself.

At the same time coping with the extremely high temperature from teammates, and the unknown existence that suddenly appeared behind, Shi Huachong immediately let the Dharma Body emerge from within the body, turning into a liquid Battle Armor to cover the whole body.

“Are you back?” Chen Bo finished thinking, and reached a conclusion he least wanted.

“I’ll give you another year to see if I can qualify as my opponent.” The white light that came out of nowhere, gradually reshaped into a human figure, and a stunning face appeared in front of them. .

The surrounding high temperature of 1000 degrees makes the air distort, but this does not damage the beauty in front of you. Bai Mo doesn’t feel anything about this hell-like environment.

“Your face …” Shi Huachong’s first reaction was how the other party cultivated her so much that her gender changed.

“That’s why you are still attached to the outer appearance.” After a word, Bai Mo changed back to the original appearance.

At this time, Shi Huachong found that every few seconds, his appearance would change completely, and various parameters such as gender and body shape would change. He could only truly grasp the inner change by observing with his eyes. The essence.

“When the appearance, skin color, and physique can be changed at will, the appearance is nothing more than that.” Completed the preliminary Elementalization, plus Mental, which is powerful enough to adjust its structure at the molecular level. After Power, the appearance of Bai Mo is like a value that can be modified in the game.

Whether it is the iris or the fingerprint, it is only a trivial matter to change. He can freely imitate the characteristics of ordinary person, so he finally named this new realm Myriad Forms Realm.

In fact, after entering Rank 6, Shi Huachong, who can modify the cell level of the body, has the ability to completely change his appearance.

As for Chen Bo, in the past ten years or more, the Spirit technique developed by Huaya Federation can change the appearance slightly. There are countless spiritual techniques. After all, most people are visual creatures, and there is no harm in getting better.

But normal people obviously do not have the strange habit of completely changing their appearance. After they have the power to change, they will make corrections and become more beautiful on the original basis, but rarely abandon everything. , Directly reshape a brand new self.

It is not difficult for Chen Bo to completely change his appearance, but if a leader like him changes his image every day, his subordinates and the public will be very troublesome, so he will not do such unnecessary things.

“A year? Tell me, what exactly is Red World’s Follower ?!” Chen Bo asked after listening to Bai Mo’s words.

“Knowing too much is actually not good, especially for this monster.” Bai Mo didn’t want to say anything about this Information Lifeform, which was suppressed in Nine Nether Realm.

“Fleshly Body Nine Acupoints, Dharma Body Nine Revolutions, you have a good road.” Bai Mo suddenly looked towards Shi Huachong.

With the ability of Skynet, although there is only one Clone supported by dark spirit rice, there is not much that can be completely hidden from him on this planet.

Even though Shi Huachong’s core secrets could not be seen due to lack of strength, Bai Mo inferred the general situation from some peripheral information.

“Dharma Body Second Revolution has a battle power that rivals that of the Transforming Condensation.”

After Shi Huachong took a new step, the entire Martial Way system was actually reorganized by him and recorded in the database.

From the so-called zero-knock, that is, the physical fitness before starting acupuncture cultivation, until Nine Acupoints United achieved Dharma Body, this section is collectively called Fleshly Body Nine Acupoints.

The second Rank is the Dharma Body Nine Revolutions that he pioneered and conceived. The zeroth turn is just the achievement of the Dharma Body, which relies purely on the power increase battle brought by the Dharma Body.

First Revolution is a Dharma Body that can be deformed at will and placed inside the body for further nourishment; Second Revolution is Shi Huachong’s current level. Dharma Body can in turn strengthen the body and at the same time allow him to have a cell-level body micro-control ability. The earth liberates the power of the body.

As for the subsequent 3 to 4 turns to 9 turns, it is still only in his vision, not at all what the actual clue is.

Relying on the will of 100 people within the body scattered to 1000, Shi Huachong can mobilize some of these people’s idle neural cells, using themselves as the host, and connect them in parallel into a small thinking network.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to become the first person to promote Dharma Body Second Revolution, and Dharma Body First Revolution, in fact, a lot of Dharma Body Realm’s martial artist, has gone through this step unconsciously.

However, this kind of thing is the same as Bai Mo’s hands and feet in the Virtual Reality System. It belongs to the most confidential things of individuals, so Bai Mo can only see what this Clone not at all alone.

“What the hell have you done ?!” After hearing Bai Mo’s words, Shi Huachong felt that his back was sweating.

In silence, the other party has obtained so much confidential information. How can this battle be fought? As for the idea of ​​intending to challenge each other before, he decided to rot in his heart.

Even if the cards are bad, it’s likely that they are still in the state of the card. This game from the very beginning is too unfair.

“I hope you will surprise me a year later, it is still too boring.” Bai Mo did not answer Shi Huachong’s question, but just said each minding their own business.

“Bang!” Then he smashed his punch on the ground. After a few seconds, a light zone with a radius of more than ten meters appeared around the position of the fist, and white rays of light constantly appeared in it.

For two unknown people, the first reaction was that the other party suddenly attacked the sneak attack and subconsciously made the strongest defense measures to deal with it. However, they saw that Bai Mo this fist was only moved towards the ground.

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