Original Seeker

Chapter 378

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Among them, even involved 4 Rank 5 inside the Huaya Federation, all of whom have close or close relatives and relatives died in the indiscriminate attack of Hou Zi.

Although it has been nearly ten years, hatred obviously has a stronger Life Strength than love.

Had it not been for a larger enemy as an external threat, the leaders of the 3 Great Sect line would unanimously temporarily suppress all battles between Rank 5 extraordinary persons in the country, maybe 4 people would form an unprecedented revenge squad. In this wonderful opportunity, Hou Zi, who was deeply injured in Africa, gave a critical blow.

Until now, the humanoid nuclear bombs of all countries are trying their best to avoid fighting, because the damage to the surroundings is too great, and the results are not worth it. Generally speaking, the cost of reconstruction will far exceed the gains brought by the fighting.

The gold belt for killing and setting fire is based on the premise that he is a bachelor. No matter how many things are destroyed, the loss will not appear on his own, and what he grabs will be earned.

But as defenders of the existing order, as long as the order can be maintained, they can rely on the system to obtain huge benefits. In this case, they go Murdering to seize the treasures, and stir up rounds of battles completely Is not worth the money.

Especially in the vicinity of the city, as long as there is a aftermath sweeping the urban area, the economic loss in the amount of 10000000 million is immediately calculated. This is still under the premise of the Spirit Energy Network System to reduce damage. So most of the time, they usually walk at Clone 4, which is far less destructive, and true bodies mostly live in villas located in the countryside.

Even if they are studying, they are completely humanoid nuclear bombs, and they will definitely choose some Desert similar to nuclear testing grounds.

But most of them are not a cultivator of painstaking cultivation. They will dig a Cave Mansion in the wild forests of the mountains, and use them as their cultivation sites. Villas and large estates are the choice of most people.

Under the modern construction technology, the palace-like villas are magnificent, and all kinds of facilities are available, which can be described by extreme luxury.

Especially in the clean room that is usually resident, every piece of decoration is exceptionally elegant, without exception, it is something that supplements the cultivation. The rarely seen spirit material outside may be used as a decorative accessory here.

For example, like top grade spiritual purple corals, each strain is soaked with the blood of many deep-sea hunters. After treatment, it has an excellent effect on tranquility. In the clean room of each and everyone, they are sculpted like cloth arrays, exuding charming purple rays of light.

Except for the special large purple coral, the contribution point system can be redeemed. It is only a few scraps, but it is also valuable after making jewelry.

There are classes where there are people, and these people are undoubtedly a handful of people standing at the top of the pyramid. Almost behind them, there are 1000 to 10000 people attached in various forms.

Hundreds of maids who maintain the operation of the mansion, ears and ears responsible for news gathering and processing, assistants, and management personnel responsible for various industries in the periphery, and even secretly trained people who specialize in performing unscrupulous tasks, suddenly constitute For each and everyone independent little kingdom.

However, under the premise of a strong central government, with absolute power overriding everything, these huge networks that exist in the model of economic blocs are still difficult to achieve real secession, so they are more likely to integrate into the system and become the whole of Huaya Part of the federation.

The same situation does not end with Huaya. The original United States has a fairly basic foundation. The concentration of capital and power is even faster.

The vast majority of people have not escaped this huge net in their lifetime. After the working units trace their roots, they can almost always connect to a certain node of the giant network through the layers of share-holding relationships.

And the consumer products used daily, the companies that produce them are no exception. Everything from clothing, food, housing, transportation and even life actually points to that network.

Therefore, in addition to the material wealth consumed by the producers, the entire society created surpluses after deducting consumption, almost all of which passed through this network, and became the upper-level powerhouse towards stronger food.

Undoubtedly, in this case, the higher you stand on the pyramid of society, the resources obtained also increase exponentially. Under a virtuous circle, almost all run faster and faster, making it more difficult for latecomers to have the opportunity to catch up. on.

“Wei Wuya, what do you mean by mentioning this Li Bida?” After hearing the name, Zhao Feiyan thought back for a few seconds, and his face suddenly became a bit unpretentious.

Li Bida’s family died in the drunk driving of Zhao Feiyan big brother Zhao Feiyun. It was just that Zhao Feiyun had committed too many facts. It took Zhao Feiyan a few seconds to remember this from memory. Ageing past.

“According to the secret report from the people I sent, Li Bida not only proclaimed Emperor in Ethiopia, but also set up civil and military 100 officers of different grades, which seems to be an ancient Huaya Imperial Court.”

“But what does this have to do with our affairs?” Many people heard this and asked their own questions.

“Cough!” Wei Wuya pretended to cough, but in essence let go of his control so that everyone can feel his inside the body’s huge Spirit Energy response, telling everyone that although everyone is quite old Youngster, but he is a Rank 5 Spirit Cultivator of the Geneva, and he can’t interrupt any cat or dog.

After such an episode, everyone became serious all of a sudden, except for the other 2 or 3 individuals.

The power gap tells them that there is obviously a hierarchical difference between people. They can look down on ordinary people, but at the same time they are just objects looked down by more powerhouses.

“After proclaimed Emperor, as long as he stays on the land of Ethiopia, he has a power almost comparable to Rank 6, and the officials he has enshrined can obtain different levels of bonuses depending on the grade …”


At the same time, within Tianqing Ziliu Sea, several people with the highest power are holding secret meetings.

Inside the Youth League, naturally they also have their High-Level extensions, so that even the content of internal meetings can be relayed immediately.

“What do you think of Li Bida?” Chen Bo glanced at the records obtained by the Department of Intelligence, and soon realized something.

“Our time is running out, he has to hand it out! Once he loses to that lunatic, it is not good that the whole world will become his testing grounds!” As a staunch supporter of Chen Bo in the meeting, Wen Jian basically said Out of Chen Bo’s attitude.

“His strength in the country must not be taken lightly. How much strength do we need to send in order to guarantee 10000 nothing?”

“Second, after we get the method, who do we recommend to be the emperor ?!”

Dao Academy’s leader, Liang Gong, and the original school leader, Cheng Mu, raised their own questions with ethics. When confronting the boss of the Chen Bo family of officers, they have always been able to work closely together.

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