Original Seeker

Chapter 379

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There is no doubt that this is the biggest problem before everyone. Although they have the same foreign enemies, they each have their own private plans, and they can’t really help each other completely.

The big collective has the interests of the big collective, the small collective has the interests of the small collective, and the individual also has personal interests. When these interests are not completely consistent, the operating efficiency of the entire collective will be lost.

Regarding this kind of thing that may completely change the comparison of strength, no matter which side, it will not easily let go and grant authority to others, so things become more complicated.

Cheng Mu and the others do not want Bai Mo’s return to seize power, but if Chen Bo had overwhelming power after the proclaimed King, it would not be good for them either.

“First, we sent Clone to Ethiopia to find out the real situation, and if possible, try to deal with this matter in a transactional way.”

“It is unrealistic to count on reasons such as national justice and the overall situation of the country to persuade a person who has gone away because the nobleman’s family has died.”

Everyone at the meeting thought of this, and it was clear that something like Dayi was nothing more than a moral abduction in disguise, and the overall situation was purely overwhelming.

The former is tantamount to a hatred guy, and the latter … Now Li Bida is also a battle power at the apex of the world, and it is unlikely that the other person will let the opponent down.

“How about exchanging with the culprit?” Liu Zhen suggested that he could surrender the perpetrators of the year in exchange for what Li Bida surrendered.

If it wasn’t for the time, they feared that they might not be able to recover during this time. Putting down their face and invading Ethiopia is also a feasible way.

With the intention of paying a considerable price, he sent half of the high-end forces of the Huaya Federation to siege, and at the national level, defeated the defense of this small African country, seized the foundation of Li Bida’s power, and returned him to its original shape.

Just doing this is likely to be all in vain, a person who can bear for years with revenge. When he is trapped in a desperate situation and revenge is hopeless, he is more likely to choose burn both jade and stone. Not only will those who besieged him madly pull him into the water, but they will also disappear forever in this world with their own secrets.

In this way, the fighting of laborers is meaningless. Ethiopia, an enclave far from home, is not very useful for Huaya Federation to eat. In the end, it can only support another puppet to take power.

“Take Zhao Feiyun, who killed his family, in exchange for Li Bida’s cooperation?”

All the data files of Li Bida’s life were sent by the staff as soon as the meeting started. It only took a few seconds for everyone in the meeting to complete his analysis.

“A hedonistic son of rich parents, if you can switch to such a secret law, it is also a very cost-effective business.”

“But over Zhao Family … I’m afraid it’s not easy to convince.”

“As long as there is sufficient compensation, Lao Zhao will agree that Zhao Feiyan is not easy to handle. The two of them are brothers who have a good relationship. It is basically impossible for him to give up.”


“what happened?!”

While everyone was studying how to deal with Zhao Feiling, a giant palm of mysterious flower suddenly appeared behind Chen Bo, grabbing the clerk who was in charge of recording work behind Liang Gong.

“Chairman Chen, are you …?”

“He is leaking the contents of our meeting!” Chen Bo said solemnly, with solid evidence.

“Certificate … Evidence? I … I …” After the whole man was held in the palm of his palm, the panic clerk stuttered. Few people remain calm in the face of overwhelming power.

“Can you give me an explanation?” Looking at the aggressive Chen Bo, in public or in private, Liang Gong had to maintain his own clerk first.

“I saw the message he sent.”

“I have absolutely no leaks!” After the initial panic calmed down, the clerk became stiff again, but the trembling muscles seemed to expose something.

“It will be clear to let them come over.” Chen Bo didn’t explain any more, but whispered to the secretary behind him.

“With their help, he really saved the trial.” Cheng Mu knew exactly what Chen Bo meant, but as a third party, he just sat and watched the excitement.

“Let him prove your innocence,” Liang Gong said, looking at the people behind him.

“Chairman Chen, Representative Cheng, Representative Liang … Good afternoon.” A martial artist wearing ancient azure clothes, led by the secretary to Ziliu Sea.

“Mr. Mo, please.” As one of the writers of “Martial Technique”, Mo Boyan who entered the Secret Wu seminar, successfully advanced to Dharma Body Realm a few years ago, and became 4 of the Mo Mo Hua Lei In the first one.

“What do you want to do!” The clerk whose body was completely fixed, could only look at Mo Buyan’s hand, approached his forehead a little bit, and then quickly turned black before his eyes and passed out.

“I … just … just … will … letter … interest … send … to … it … Zhao … Fei … Yan … hand … on …”

A few seconds later, the clerk, who was completely distracted like a corpse, said intermittently that he had used the concealed ability to sell the meeting-related records.

The martial artist of Dharma Body Realm has the ability to forcibly hypnotize and directly obtain various information when dealing with enemies that cannot be resisted. It is quite suitable for this place.

After reaching such a result, the people present were all in a heavy mood. While releasing the spies, they were actually reverse osmosis! Zhao Feiyan must have received news at this time, and tried his best to cover his brother’s departure. The whole plan became more troublesome.

They don’t have much time to spend on hunting down. They must seize every minute and every second to become stronger in order to have greater confidence when facing the person who doesn’t know which step to go.

“Feiling, I’m Feiyan. I don’t have much time to explain. You bring the cash in the basement and leave Huaya immediately!” After receiving the news, Zhao Feiyan hurriedly ended his meeting and then contacted Zhao Feiling immediately.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Feiling, still a little confused, was still in bed when he received the call.

“The password for the suitcase is 6513. Repeat, leave Huaya immediately, it will sacrifice you, and it will be too late if you don’t run. Remember, don’t trust anyone, including our Zhao Family!”

“Throw your phone away, don’t contact other people over the phone, they will soon monitor everything related to you! Try not to enter the city, otherwise you can’t escape the omnipresent surveillance.”

Although there was no response to what happened, the trust in this pro-younger brother for many years still made Zhao Feiling choose to follow the instructions, quickly pack things, and disappear in the densely monitored city as quickly as possible.

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