Original Seeker

Chapter 380

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“Damn! How could there be such a shit reverse!” After reading the last message from the younger brother, Zhao Feiling finally understood what was going on.

The group of jerk actually wanted to use him as a victim, to pay a victim a decade ago in exchange for something!

After deleting the information sent by the younger brother and turning off the phone, he felt that it was not enough insurance, so he tried his best to throw it in the opposite direction of his departure, carrying only a large amount of cash and necessities in the wild. Big bag.

No matter how embarrassing Zhao Feiling is, he also knows that power is as important as background in many cases. In case of unreasonable mental illness, all identities and statuses are worthless. Only fists can make them shut up.

But he does not have the genius of Zhao Feiyan. Even with a variety of shades and resources, he still just walks around the Life Field Stage and barely gets a Rank 2 mid-level assessment.

However, even with zero combat experience, his superior physical quality still allows him to ignore most of the dangers of survival in the wild. In particular, the hunting of mutated creatures by human day after day makes mutated creatures outside the 4 secrets almost extinct.

Maybe it is because nature wants to avoid the endless greed of human beings. In the spiritual energy environment, life and spirituality suddenly awakened in the wild. At the moment of awakening, they will receive a message of unknown origin, calling on them to move towards the nearest immediately. Secret advance.

Driving an off-road vehicle on a country road, Zhao Feiling stepped on the accelerator hard, allowing the car to move towards the northern border faster.

“Suck!” Just as the jeep was about to turn at an intersection, he suddenly felt that the right rear wheel of the car was pressing something strange.

Zhao Feiling, who was still on his way to escape, wanted to ignore this obstacle directly, but somehow he got off the car and turned his eyes to the strange stones that emit blue rays of light.

“No, I didn’t have anything when I came.” Zhao Feiling remembered it very well, and there hadn’t been any blue-emitting stones just now.

He would definitely see such a conspicuous thing at first sight, and he would never feel it until he was run over by a car.

“This is …?” Born from a wealthy family, he has seen many precious Zhao Feiling in his life, vowing that he has never seen such a beautiful gem!

A gem that emits a gentle blue light, is half-buried in the stone pile, revealing only the tip of the iceberg. Just looking at the gem itself, there is a feeling that the soul is sublimating.

Without a moment of hesitation, Zhao Feiling, who was completely intoxicated by the light, rushed to the stone pile at the fastest speed, sweeping away the obstructing ordinary stones 3 times and 2 times. He felt that the existence of these ugly stones was a blasphemy.

The blue rays of light reflected in his eyes, calming all the restlessness in his heart, and for a time, Zhao Feiling even forgot the fact that he was fleeing.

It was only when he put the gem in his palm that he realized that it was actually only a small part of a large existence!

“The entirety of this thing must, must be, and will always be mine!” Zhao Feiling looked around all around, confirming that there were no witnesses, and carefully placed the blue gem in a close-fitting bag.

If someone happens to pass by at this time, he is motivated by strong exclusivity. He has always been lawless of the law and of natural morality. He believes that the younger brother and father can settle all kinds of troubles. He may even do something outright, just to cover up. His whereabouts is to monopolize sapphire forever.

That night, Zhao Feiling, who had lost contact with everyone, simply checked the situation of the off-road vehicle, and lay down in the back seat of the car to pick up the dry food hurriedly taken away.

These dry, but also hard to eat and unpleasant compressed dry food, changed to Zhao Feiling, who was never in his recipes before, but was still in the Life Field Stage. There was no way to completely get rid of food restrictions.

Maintaining this superhuman body requires more energy intake, so in addition to the absorption of spiritual energy, he still needs to eat a certain amount of food as a supplement.

The pride and respect in normally allows this person who has never suffered before, after a day of fugitive bumps to fill his stomach at will, he takes no account of other things, lying on the back seat of the jeep and falling asleep.

Extreme mental fatigue caused Zhao Feiling to throw anti-reconnaissance to beyond the topmost clouds … In the final analysis, he is just a normally young pampered young master who has done things for him. The performance made today before is already Belong to extraordinary play.

In his sleep, Zhao Feiling met a blond young girl wearing a long blue dress with a devastatingly beautiful appearance, and a smile seemed to evoke the deepest desires in the heart.

“Beauty, can I know you?” Normally, it was soaked in 100 flowers. He belongs to the hunting veteran, and has no resistance to this kind of beauty.

He didn’t realize it was in a dream, so he went straight to dial the other person as usual.

With an excellent family background, coupled with a handsome face and streamlined muscles, most of the women he looks at cannot escape this hand. After all, males who meet all the conditions of Prince Charming at one time are also rare animals.

“Can you rescue me?” After seeing Zhao Feiling, the girl looked at him with pitiful eyes.

Such a scourge of all sentient beings, she whispered softly, and instantly inspired Zhao Feiling’s full desire for protection.

“I am the maiden Itres from Blue Water Continent. When the insane demon invaded, I was struck by a vicious curse, and the crystals of my soul broke apart because of this, and ran down in space to this world …”


The girl who claimed to be Itres unfolded a huge picture about the different world to Zhao Feiling with a sensational tone, and it was pleasing to the eye, and sometimes it was faintly discernible, which all stirred his nerves. .

“Injustice!” Zhao Feiling without the slightest hesitation said after hearing her cry.

“My hero, this is the introductory recipe from our Blue Water Temple. If you can really collect all the soul crystals scattered in this World, the little girl is willing to …” The blonde girl used her index finger in front of Zhao Feiling’s chest, provocatively After drawing a circle, passing some information, Zhao Feiling woke up.

“Dark Blue Secret Art … I seem to have found the treasure!” Zhao Feiling opened his eyes after a stream of information related to cultivation entered his mind. He sniffed the surface of the sapphire lightly, and found that there really seemed to be a very light fragrance, and it seemed that it was not just a dream just now.

“You also play more and more.” After seeing Zhao Feiling farewell, the young girl heard a voice behind her letting her have one’s hair stand on end. The source of the sound seemed to be a white light.

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