Original Seeker

Chapter 609

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At this time, such a scene is happening in the bizarre city missed by the bearded intelligence officer.

“King, the ceremonial jade sword.” A blue waiter, one-knee kneels, raised a bizarre jade stone object over his head with 4 hands.

“Come on.” On the throne, the peculiar life of a purple robe, with his mind, took Yudie actively in front of him.


Half awkward.

“How bad luck is that Oracle actually instructed Alien to invade this planet … the kind he was prepared for.” After seeing the result of the divination on Yudie, “watching” the purple robe creature felt that his head was big.


Qiu Yi was originally an Earth person.

A few decades ago, because of a whim on the Internet one day, he imitated a classic dialogue, shouting “I’m not a man!” To the sky, and then he was struck by a flash of unfathomable mystery.

When he woke up, it had become what it is now.

If you want to describe it, he looks like he has an extra pair of arms on the legendary horse.

But crucially, everything that makes up his body structure is inorganic!

Spirit Energy gave these sands that could be seen everywhere on the fire star a miracle of life, and gave birth to wisdom and slowly formed civilization.

However, his luck was good, and he went directly to the patriarch he called the 4-armed Sagittarius, and after a battle between the consciousness of both sides, Qiu Yi finally won the dominance and devoured the original patriarch’s memory.

Therefore, he also carried everything he had.

Qiu Yi became the leader of the Greyhoof tribe.

Living in another world, he had no choice but to use all the knowledge in his memory to lead the Greyhoof tribe forward.

Under the leadership of transmigrator, a primitive tribe has spent more than 20 years becoming the ashes city Zhou State.

If you give him another 100 years, you do n’t really have a chance to win the fire star.


It’s a pity that all the peace was broken by some hexagram.

Most of the races on the fire star are naturally devoted to the existence of a mother named nature, from a super powerhouse with a punch to a crater, and down to 4 arms of a horse can kill a few ashes Rabbits have a lot of believer, the mother of nature.

Where there is faith, there is naturally a priest. Just a few days ago, the priests of all races were warned from the mother of nature-watch out for the invaders from outside!

The news instantly shocked the entire fire star.


“I don’t know if I have a chance to return to Earth in my life?” Looking up at the two little “moons” in the sky-Huoweiyi and Huowei2, Qiu Yi couldn’t help feeling.

After living in this unknown planet for decades, after all, he still wants to return to Earth. There are his parents and loved ones there, and there is only monster, all kinds of monsters.

Although after merging Old Patriarch’s memories, his aesthetic perception of the 4-armed Sagittarius is not too bad, but the feeling of loneliness is still lingering.

Because he still can’t accept the operation of mating with the horses.

Unfortunately, Comrade Qiu Yi, who has not studied astronomy, calculated at night at Celestial Phenomenon, which is actually a fire star next to Earth.

After all, when he was crossing, Spirit Tide had just appeared. Fire star life was only the subject of science fiction stories. Naturally, he would not think about it here.


As the moon approaches, various phenomena caused by gravity begin to appear more frequently, and the fire star becomes more and more chaotic.

In particular, life forms that are sensitive to changes in gravity and Magnetic Field, under the disturbance of lunar gravity, they feel very uncomfortable and appear restless.

Qiu Yi knew that he was trying to hold an alliance against the enemies of the sky in the name of Ash City in space, but his appeal was too far away, and he did not attract any people at all.

The most powerful monsters on the fire star, they even have the power to explore the truth of the mother of nature, and they do not believe that any enemy outside the world can never be defeated.

They used to believe in the Mother of Nature, but the ever-expanding power eventually dispelled the fog of piety and gave birth to greater ambitions.


“The third moon ?!” Before actually seeing it, Qiu Yi also didn’t expect. The so-called aliens came from a plane.

In the past week, he stared at the sky whenever he was free, thinking about how the enemy would attack.

What he guessed most was Space Passage, but he was wrong.

Recently, a very prominent star has been added to the sky, and it is getting larger every day. To this day, it already looks similar to the small “Moon”, that is, Phobos 2.

“We drove a planetary battleship directly across the road … and also ran a woolen yarn.” Qiu Yi estimated that this spaceship should be about the size of the moon in that year.

I do n’t even have a mother star here, and I ’m simply not in a dimension with a ship-sized interstellar civilization.

The only hope may be that the other party belongs to a pure scientific and technological civilization. Except for the advanced technology, the true body is not powerful.

In this case, the monsters on the parent star that have eager to have a try, still have a chance to implement the decapitation plan.


“What did you say?”


Two black clothed men whispered in the dark room.

The beard, severely tied by Spirit Energy’s lasso, was escorted by several federal secret inspectors to a humble ash-gray building.

The special interrogation room where countless people talk is located at the bottom of this ordinary building.

“You can’t do this to me, I bleed through the blood of Sea Race! I’ve done my part for the Federation! I want to see Senator Seistu!” Hurriedly moved out of his backer in an attempt to attract the attention of the other party.

At midnight yesterday, when the beard was still drowsy, suddenly the door was opened by a group of black clothed persons, and he was taken directly out of the bed, leaving his wife shiver coldly on the bed.

Without a word of security outside, the leader took out the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs’ documents and blocked his mouth.

No one has ever impersonated the Ministry of the Interior, because everything that has been tried has disappeared from in this world.


“You have 5 minutes to explain to us what happened.

Time starts now.


2 100 99.

: 2 100 98

… “In the interrogation room, one of the black clothed persons took out the stopwatch and each minding their own business counted the hour.

It’s not hard to imagine that if he didn’t get the answer he wanted after 5 minutes, many of the torture devices that were flashing Spirit Energy’s light would start to speak for him.

“What did I do! I am loyal to the Commonwealth, Heaven and Earth can learn from it …”

“2 100.

100 99.

100 98.


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