Original Seeker

Chapter 610

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In the critical moment, the bearded man quickly recalled what he was angry about, and it required the use of the great God of the Ministry of the Interior.

“It shouldn’t be the little money I collected before. I didn’t offend any great character recently … is it possible that it was the previous one who didn’t report it? But malfeasance alone does not make this treatment to enemy spies …”


“You are still too slow.” While the beard was still racking his brains, a white shadow appeared quietly behind two black clothed persons.

“Sir?” Two people saw the leadership of their immediate leader coming and hurriedly replaced the original dead face with a smile.

There is a massive Defending Formation in the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If it is not the main lord with sufficient authority, it is impossible to teleport or invisible in it.

“Let him go,” Bai Ying said bluntly

2 black clothed persons hesitated.

They couldn’t figure out what was meant by the above. Why did the person who just ordered the catch have to let it go again in a blink of an eye, but they didn’t dare to express their suspicions, so they only acted particularly slowly.

“Someone has figured out that he was simply a misconduct, not at all instructed.” Seeing the doubts of his men, Bai Ying, who seems to be in a good mood today, explained to the 2 pawns patiently.


“Give you two days to clean up, and Mr. Sisto has won you a fight. You do n’t have to go to the military court to go straight to the ground core prison for a few years to reflect on it.” pats said the unshaken bearded shoulder.

He, who belongs to the same faction as Beard, is relatively friendly.

“Thank you, Mister Xie.” At this moment I finally wanted to understand what was going on, knowing that I was already a bearded man who had walked from the gates of hell and thanked each other with the most sincere attitude that could be shown.


Through the explanation of the other party, he realized that he had inadvertently been involved in the storm of the upper-level struggle of the Federation.

A great character thinks that Bearded ’s unwittingness is caused by his competitors, who harms himself as the commander of the fire star vanguard landing team. Ask him to suffer a loss because he underestimated the enemy in the outpost.

However, as the backman of the Beard, Mr. Sistu has a good personal relationship with the great character, so he came forward to save him, went to the military court trial, and changed to serve five years in the first floor of the geocentric prison.

Once you go to the military court, without knowing it, and delaying the crime of fighter jets, you will basically lose it for a lifetime.

Although the underground prison is often referred to as hell, it is no different from an ordinary prison if it is just the first layer.

Of course, the deeper the criminal, the more cruel the prisoner will be, and the more the surroundings will look like real hell.


After losing the biggest external pressure of Bai Mo, it was originally a federated federation, and internal conflicts became sharp again.

Especially in the face of the upcoming fire star, the general interests of astronomical figures contained therein, but also to further stimulate the contradiction.

Who can cut the biggest piece of the cake, the step beyond the 7th grade is more certain, and thus has the best chance to dominate the future of the Federation.

As for the battle of fire stars, no one thinks that they will lose, the key is just how much they need to pay.


“Heaven, here!” The huge gravitational fluctuations of the lunar fortress can’t hide the powerhouse on the fire star. The powerful fighters who do not understand the meaning of the four words of interstellar civilization are also confidently thinking about killing the past. In the future, how many spoils of war can be plundered.

Through visual inspection, they found that the diameter of the huge object (moon) where the attacker is located is only half of the diameter of the huge object (fire star) on their own side, so they feel that they have a good chance of winning.

Big is strong, simple and simple original idea, still dominates the vast majority of fire star life.

With the power of Rank 6 powerhouse on fire star, as long as the concepts of weights and measures and geometry were born, measuring the diameter of fire star in steps is just a small matter.

Both sides of the battle seem to be extremely confident, but they are only different routes to the same destination based on unequal intelligence.

Thanks to the cultural and technical output of a transmigrator, fire star civilizations of all ethnic groups have established simple text and language systems in just a few decades, and also possessed a small amount of ancient human technology.

After all, Qiu Yiye, the creator of the game, didn’t expect. He would one day stand on the opposite side of all mankind. He is really a 4-armed horse race and hopes for his own future.


The huge Luna was approaching, and the gravitation-weakening device of the fortress’s confession land on the fortress began to activate.

At the same distance, the gravity between the moon and the fire star is only one eighth of the moon and Earth.

In the overclocking state, the cottage version of Spirit Energy’s gravitational weakening device is enough to completely offset the gravitational force between the Luna and the fire star, so that the Dao Foundation orbit of the fire star will not be affected.


“Start decelerating!”

“Yang Yan is ready!”

The lunar fortress that is moving at a relatively high speed needs to complete the deceleration before reaching the fire star. For this reason, they adopted a very violent aesthetic method.



“Meteor?” Qiu Yi, who was standing on the fire star and looking up at the sky, suddenly saw a terrifying light, striking from the direction of the so-called “celestial” battleship.

It’s just that this light looks strange and sticky.

“Meteor” appeared so far away from them that Qiu Yi couldn’t even determine what it was.

But soon, a more appropriate and more chilling idea came out of his mind.

“That’s the main gun of the space battleship!”

When he finally understood what the blazing brilliance in the sky was, the near-light speed hit beyond the line of sight came.

It’s just different from Qiu Yi’s expectation that the enemy’s main gun not at all hit his planet, but wiped through the atmosphere and inserted directly into the little moon in the sky (Phobos 2).

The shock wave starts from the contact surface of light and rock and spreads throughout the entire Phobos in an instant. The next moment sweeps the surrounding rocks like butterflies.

The earth was torn under great pressure, revealing one after another terrible rift.

The violent heat energy melts and even vaporizes the rock where the light beam reaches, and the generated lava spouts like a blood wound.

The ultra-high-temperature and high-speed plasma interspersed with the star-melting cannon rushed to make up for the last death of Phobos 2.

The plasma material that carried the lunar deceleration and needed to release momentum was thrown towards Phobos 2 at a very high speed, almost melting it to the extent that the naked eye was visible.

This poor little satellite was opened by a beam of sunlight at the moment, and then it was submerged by the plasma ocean, leaving only a few molten debris, telling the story of its previous visit to this World.

PS: Rare editor gang actually remembered me this salted fish to give a recommendation, thanks for the table, try to change ORZ next week

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