Original Seeker

Chapter 611

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Also tragically venomed by the star-melting artillery, there is the small satellite Phobos.

It was still a sunburn from the line of sight, a super torrent of light and heat, which completely melted the satellite with bones.

Under the gravitational force of the fire star, the molten lava smashed into the fire star earth like rain. If there is no extraordinary force to stop it, this wave alone will be enough to destroy the one-fourth civilization on the fire star.

“I will accompany you to see the meteor shower … fall on this grass … let your tears fall to my heart …” Qiu Yi, a transmigrator, touched the scene, inexplicably remembering his favorite song when he was still in Earth .

It is a pity that this meteor shower has been incarnation enough to kill the meteor fire rain, and there is no Yin grass on the ground. In its place are some silicon-based plants with very strange looks and colors.

Of course, this is also because his tribe has a city shield shield that is beyond the primitive era, so it can be so comfortable.

The lava that hits the city will be directly melted by the shield placed in the city.


“Protect the city!” The powerhouses of other tribes are not as easy as he is, and they shouted to fly to the sky, shooting down everything that might threaten their tribes.

If the solid and liquid rocks dropping from the sky hit the city in front, the loss will be unimaginable.



“Tear it!”


The monsters each made a strange move, some violently punched, some hit the stone with stones, and some even used their talent ability just to destroy the falling stones in mid-air.

They don’t even have time to fear the formidable power of the sun, because behind them is clansman, which is their home.

For a while, the chickens and dogs jumped everywhere, and the rubble was scattered all over the no-man’s land on the ground like snow.


“If there is a gun facing the host star … then everything is over.” After seeing Yang Yan’s formidable power, Qiu Yi was totally afraid to imagine the picture. There is nothing to stop the planet.

“No, I can’t just give up like this. I have to fortune tell a wave and let God’s Will decide to surrender!”

Although he had already surrendered, he still wanted to give himself a psychological comfort.

The pity of modern people is not the same as the primitive stupidity of desperate life and death.

Of course, there are still many tribal leaders who have been shaken like Qiu Yi. After all, Yang Yan’s formidable power is obvious to all. It is just the time of a few hourglasses. The 2 months in the sky are completely destroyed, even the residue. Not much left.


“The effect of killing mighty power should be good.” Wen Jian, standing in the command room of Luna, was thinking about the next countermeasures.

Because of the in-depth development of the fire star, they can no longer use Yang Yan to do a devastating blow, but can only send ground forces to cooperate with the Air Force to conquer this planet.

“Using powers that are so powerful that they can’t bear the idea of 鈥嬧€媟esistance, to deter the indigenous people on the fire star, I believe that as long as they are not full-headed, they will definitely breed capitulation.”

“Then using the power of capitulation to humanize the culture of the fire star people, the effect should be able to twice the results for half the effort.” Molly continued.

They all tend to control the fire star in a more peaceful way, so the route chosen is relatively mild.

However, this so-called mildness is only compared with the reserved land proposed by Teach and Ramdo.

Each person’s cultivation way is different, and their views on fire star people’s precious cultivation resources are naturally different.

You can use the Teach as a training tool to make the body Ramdo of the Divine Kingdom, and they all propose to kill the fire star. Mori, a warlock who tends to study the mind, insists that most fire star people survive.

Only a living fire star person has a mind for her research.

In the hawks and doves debate, Luna gradually approached the intended orbit.


After the ejection of massive ultra-high-speed plasma materials, Luna has basically reached the target speed range.

According to the plan, after entering the predetermined orbit, a part of the gravitational balancing device on Luna will be shut down, at which time the moon will temporarily become a fire star satellite, and orbit around the fire star synchronously.

“Li Shunsheng, this is your first mission. Good luck.” Li Shusheng, with a bitter look, accompanied by a large vote of Clone projection, led the “Sinner” vanguard to prepare to land.

This special unit called “Sinners”, all soldiers are from the criminal in the Great Geocentric Prison.

The federal government promised them that as long as enough meritorious deeds are made, they can get a lot of money and get free early.

Looking at this unruly and undisciplined team, Li Shunsheng felt a headache.

He until now does not care about anything except hard work, and the command is naturally clueless. It is really difficult for him to suddenly lead this into 1000 to 10000 people to carry out war missions.

So he decided that as soon as the two armies started, they would use their own arrows to attack, and Box A would choose all of them to beat them.

As for the subsequent projection legion, he couldn’t control it, and he didn’t even want to control it.


“Please note that the release of the criminal Legion will start in ten minutes. Please take the corresponding Space Shuttle to land.”

“Repeat it again, all units note that the launch of the criminal Legion will start in ten minutes, please pay attention to landing on the corresponding Space Shuttle.”

Depending on the level of strength, the federal army has different weapons and logistic configurations.

For Rank 1 and Rank 1 and below, if you need to participate in alien surface warfare, you will be provided with a Rank 2 Spirit Energy Power Armor and board a Level 3 motorized aircraft.

For Rank 2 to Rank 3, if you need to participate in alien surface warfare, you will be provided with a set of Rank 3 Elite Power Armor and board a Level 2 motorized aircraft that can withstand stronger acceleration.

Rank 4 to Rank 5 already have long-term survivability under anaerobic vacuum conditions, without the need for external protection devices, and board a first-class motor aircraft designed for extraordinary humans with acceleration that can cause ordinary people to explode.

As for Rank 6’s super soldiers, it may be more convenient for them not to take Space Shuttle.


“Surender, don’t surrender, surrender, don’t surrender …” Qiu Yi tore a single flower, called a single iron flower, with a single iron flower that always had a singular petal. idea.

At the same time, the tribe determined to fight to the end began to do the last encouragement before the war.

However, as a surrender, Qiu Yi seems to have forgotten one thing. What can he do to communicate with a group of aliens who have no language or culture?

Perhaps the popular action on fire star, which represents surrender, happens to be a kind of provocation in the eyes of the other party.

PS: I’m very sorry. The stock market is a bit turbulent today. There are too many things to deal with. There is no time code until night.

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