Original Seeker

Chapter 642

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The purple streamer hits the moon like an off-going arrow, among which some at not all happen.

Through the induction of the faint heart, the faint of the girl form quickly found Liu 5 in a certain city on the moon.


“Time’s up,” she declared in a cold tone that didn’t match the sweet appearance.

At this time, Liu 5’s clothes were torn and ragged, exposing a large and smooth skin, and her throat knots seemed to disappear. If she wore a woman’s dress, she could completely pose as a girl.

He was also searching for True Dragon Chengwu everywhere in flustered and exasperated.

Dragon City Wu, who was originally confronting himself, did not know when he was taken away by his father, Long Tianxiang, leaving only a counterfeit goods simulated with props.

Poor he managed to find a gap in the heavy blockade, and took the risk of being hit by the others under siege, but the result was empty.

“Give me some more time, I want to kill him!” Liu 5 who escaped from the enemy who was unwilling to fight, like a red-eyed gambler, anxious to bet every penny he could find. Bet on.

“He’s not on the moon anymore.” Yingchao put a hand on Liu 5’s shoulder. After all, it was his chosen body. If not necessary, he didn’t want to use violence.


After hearing the words of confusion, he seemed to have lost the last strength to support his body. His knees hit the ground heavily, his hands barely supported his body, and he looked like a frustrated body forward.

However, as a result of the collision between the knee and the ground, the ground cried, and was directly smashed into 2 huge mesh cracks … his body was much stronger than the ground.

It just covered the entire force of the moon to maintain a stable force field, and soon smashed the pit smashed out by Liu 5 to little by little …

“I’m still … too weak.”


Liu 5 gave up the support of his hands and landed directly on his face, again hitting a small pit.

Yingwu looked at her heart as if she was dead, Liu 5 who was dead on the ground, lightly sighed, and then used her slender fingers to draw a circle on the ground.

Glittering circles of faint purple light, turned into physical entities and placed on the index finger of confusing, it sang an unknown incantation, pointing the index finger to the sky.

“Start in my name!”

The purple iris hits the sky at the speed of light and instantly loses its trace.

I barely saw all of Liu 5 with the light in the corner of my eye, and his face only had unfathomable mystery.

“I gave your enemy a curse.”

“Can you kill him?” Liu 5’s confused eyes suddenly glowed.


His eyes went dumb again.

“He has too much protection, and I can’t kill him so far.”

“Then what did you do …” He just wanted to kill Dragon City Takeshi, knowing that this guy couldn’t die, so he didn’t want to listen anymore.

“A curse with a distorted orientation.”


“His body will only react to your human males in the future, but he still likes women both mentally and aesthetically.”

“I didn’t understand …” Liu 5’s thinking was a little confused, and he couldn’t understand the words of confusion for a while.

“In human terms, if he sees me like this, he will have an excited and related fantasy, but his body will not react in any way.” Yingchao showed off his shy figure.

“Was that wilted?”

“Not only that, he will only react when he comes in contact with a man …”

“The brain is different, the body is the same.” Ying confused said a big deal, and finally summarized his trivial work in 8 words.


“After all, he hasn’t killed anyone of you, just snatching your spouse from start to finish, and throwing you in jail, this retribution is enough.” Yingchao chuckled and covered her mouth.

It likes to do some interesting things, such as this. As for the life and death of the party, and the possible torture, what does it have to do with it?


After a while, Liu 5 reluctantly persuaded himself with the confusing set and closed his eyes frankly.

“Live it for me and see when this ugly World will perish!” He shouted his last words excitedly.

Even if Yingwu was willing to continue giving him time, Liu 5’s soul couldn’t hold it.

Crossing several major steps to use powers that are not your own, this simply is a suicide operation.

This is not to open Mecha, as long as you move the joystick, the powerhouse’s power, each of which is extremely strong and corrosive. Take their things, but you must pay for them with your life.

The next moment, the purple girl merged into Liu 5’s body.

Originally in the regeneration again and again, Liu 5 has a highly feminine body, at this time added a little charming on the face.

“How can such an interesting World be said to be ugly?”

After Yingwu officially occupied Liu 5’s body, she lightly refuted.

It has been standing at the top of the pyramid since its birth, and naturally has two thoughts with Liu 5 who has been beaten by life.


“En?” Dragon City Wu, lying in the father spaceship VIP room, suddenly felt as if something had happened to his body, but couldn’t tell, he was pinching his sister on his side, as if it had faded.

I can’t say what the problem is, but I always think it should be what happened.

“Let Punk come in.”


After some inspection.

“Mr. Long, your body is very healthy and there are no abnormalities,” said the private Doctor Punk, who took off his gloves.

However, he lowered his head slightly, and was somewhat reluctant to look at Dragon City Wu 4.

“You go out first.”

“Yes.” Punk was relieved and left the VIP room lightly.


“How did the Young Master react to my big man …” He suddenly felt a little cold on his back.

Just as he was undergoing a physical examination of Takeshi Dragon City, Punk discovered it with surprise, but he still pretended not to know it.

A big man with a height of 1.9 m and a weight of 100 9 cannot possibly meet the aesthetics of Dragon City Wu.

As a long-term private Doctor of the other party, Punk is well aware of Long Tianxiang’s aesthetics. He particularly loves petite and exquisite beauties, and his appearance is exactly two extremes.

If it wasn’t for Punk’s medical skills, the rather controlled Dragon City Martial Arts would not have chosen a person who was completely out of his aesthetics to be a private Doctor.


“Hell … why did I suddenly think that Punk was so pretty? And, and I still … !!!” After Punk left, Dragon City Wu alone yelled in the soundproofed room.

Dragon City Takeshi is crazy.

There must be something wrong in it.

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