Original Seeker

Chapter 643

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Dragon City did not dare to tell his father about this, and he did not even dare to make any temptations, because Long Tianxiang was a very traditional man.

He can let his son Harem Belle 3000 be a symbol of the ability to succeed him, but he can never tolerate his son’s love for the same sex. This is the insistence of a straight steel man.

“I’m still abstinent for a while … otherwise you might be interrupted.” Thinking again, Dragon City Wu decided to put this aside temporarily.

“As long as I put my mind on the management of the family’s industry, even Dad will not feel that I don’t have any problems with women, and I still think that I have grown.”

Dragon City Wu has made up his mind. Before he can figure out exactly what is going on, first restrain himself a little and try to think with his upper body.

Otherwise, there is a brain-rump separation disorder that is unclear about where you are, and if you make a joke, the traditional and good-looking father may be able to melt yourself.


“Thief hahahaha … now that the jelly has taken the lead to leave, it’s time for me to leave, goodbye if I can come back alive!”

On the fire star, Teach changed another kind of laughter, which was still disgusting. He grabbed the giant body left by the enchanting, and prepared the fleshhy body to cross space.

Several hundred meters long ruins were dragged by a claw of a monster that was only ten meters long, and it looked very funny.

Bai Mo on the side just scanned everything that happened under his feet with a divine sense, but not at all prevented him from leaving.

He knew that was the main content of Teach’s deal with Yinghao.

Edward Teach is responsible for drawing Bai Mo with his plan, and using his power to destroy the many nodes on the fire star that are bound to Ghost, Ghost will leave its strongest body to the opponent.

As for how many ants’ lives will be involved in the process, that is not considered by the two great gods.

After all, one of the two great gods is the evil party of killing people like scything flax, with a lot of bones behind it, and the other is a born aloof and remote monster that does n’t follow the rules.


Crossing the Samsara Tribulation needs to pass through the World reincarnation of other space layers, but like the gap between the space layer and the layer, if there is no 7th grade body strength and immortality, the risk of death through the flyhy body crossing is very large.

Unless, like the group of Hilders, give up the fleshhy body and play soul wear in a pure soul way …

Teach took this giant’s legacy, precisely for the dangers in the hard-top space gap, regarded it as a disposable consumable, helping himself to pass through the gap, the fleshhy body passed through the pre-selected space layer World.


Compared to a brand new World, like Yun Jie, transcending Tribulation is naturally much simpler, but he is suspicious by nature, but he doesn’t like living in a World infiltrated into a sieve.

Through the secret matchmaking of the main temple of Sildes, the Federation has some communication channels with the wild world.

As long as you are willing to pay a large enough price, transmitting a projection to the opposite is not a problem.

Not to mention that he did that many wicked things, killing Ying Ye, the enemies are all over the world, and this plan to shake the moon has offended everyone …

If there is no one in the reckless realm, maybe someone on the federal side will play the next life and kill him in the process of Transcending Tribulation.


“good luck.”

Bai Mo watched a small rare beast dragging a large rare beast and gradually disappeared into the void. At the same time, there were 3 streams of light flying out of the moon, and they were also plunged into the vortex made by the large rare beast.

“Celestial Immortal and Ghost Immortal 2 break through together …” At the last moment before Teach disappeared, Bai Mo discovered the ambition of the other.

He originally wanted to laugh a few times, but found that the attached projection was eroded by the power of the true body in the constant rebirth. Now he ca n’t even laugh.


“Edward Teach!” After returning to the moon, senior federal gnashing teeth said the name.

Whether it was only the legislators who did not leave by spaceship, or the few meteors that finally disappeared into space, they all pointed the suspect of mastermind behind the scenes to Edward Teach.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they hate gnash the teeth, there is no way to punish them from the very beginning to plot against today’s Teach.

“Unfortunately he didn’t reincarnate into the wild world, otherwise I must he would be better off dead! How dare he plot against us like this.”

“As long as he isn’t a fool, he won’t be able to choose the reckless world … there are hidden secrets in the Commonwealth over there.”

“At least, he left us 1000000 tons of Space Profound Crystal.”

“Those things that were ours!”

“Without Edward, Space Profound Crystal veins hidden deep in the earth’s crust, I don’t know how many years it will take before they are discovered.”

“That’s his strength too!”

“Iron core, how much more time do you need.”

“An hour, and after an hour, the 10000-gram gravitational device can return to normal.”

“The power of that person’s projection has begun to decline, you need to hurry up.”


“This is, is he the limit?”

After ten hours of crazy consumption, the giant of light that stretched out the moon and fire star began to have a dumb eye visible on the surface, like an incandescent light bulb that has been used for too long.

But the silhouette of that able to support both heaven and earth still maintains the original motion, completely motionless like a stone.

The Mental Power torrent flowing on the moon’s surface has also gradually become thinner. After nearly 20 hours of consumption, even ordinary people can now easily break free.

But no one dares to underestimate this power, because it is acting on 40 100000000 federal citizens at the same time. Even if only one Newton’s force per person is multiplied by 40 100000000, it is enough to lift more than 1 thousand cars. .


The people who avoided a catastrophe stopped their work, each and everyone looked up at the sky, looking at the pair of hands that held up the entire moon, symbolizing the last hope of light.

Some people pray, some cry, and some are stunned.

It wasn’t until more than ten hours after the collapse of the 10000 gravitational system that most ordinary people knew a little bit about what was happening on the planet they were in.

Of course 10000 Fortunately, due to the protection of the force field that covers the entire moon and freezes everything, this grand performance of Teach failed to kill many audiences.

The very few who were unfortunately killed were killed in the first few earthquakes.

“Who is that?”

Questions hiding the sky and covering the earth on the Internet.

It is a pity that those who know cannot tell, and those who do not know cannot tell.

After more than a decade of perseverance in the net, the Confederation has eliminated a considerable part of the traces left by Bai Mo, but century-old events such as he forcing everyone to leave the moon will never be washed away in a century.

Perhaps it will take time for those unforgettable histories to wait until the true majority of those who have fled Earth have died.

After 1000 years, we are history.

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