Original Seeker

Chapter 687

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“Passport SW-137 is released. Please note that after entering our airspace, turn off the gravity protection device …”

“Really … Gods Vestige,” Scott sighed.

In the airspace of the White Earth, 10000 gravitation is not effective.

The original mass leader, when it is close enough to Earth, there should be a horrible gravitational force between Earth and Earth. The gravitational protection device is also for the protection of the Federation ’s large 1000 lead ships. Gravity collided.

These interior spaces have been specially modified by Space Profound Crystal, which can simultaneously accommodate the huge monsters that live on 100000000 million people. If there were no gravitational protection devices, they would have crashed because of the gravitational force generated too close.

A large 1000-class pilot ship, the internal space is comparable to several provinces of the Huaya Federation.

After decades of hard work, the Federation has produced more than 20 large 1000-class leading ships from the first 1000 ships to the end. As for hereditary leading ships of the aristocracy, the number is closer to hunted thousand.

But fire star is gone.

fire star was dismembered.

Various minerals, including Space Profound Crystal, have been mined out in the past few decades. The remaining waste soil, waste sand, and waste rock have become the land of the inner space of each pilot ship, and there are a lot of building materials. .

The land filled by the fire star material, which the federals call mature land, is quite cheap, because there will no longer be minerals and it can no longer be used for planting.

It is possible to build a house and so on, but most of the mature land is far from the city, which is not much different from the Gobi Desert.

The Space Profound Crystal contained in the fire star is enough to build more than 10000 large 1000-class pilot ships, half of which were sent to the White Land in accordance with the fire star development agreement of the year.

In the other half, the Federation only used less than one third of them, and the rest were used as strategic reserves.

As a civilization aiming to transform into a space nomad, the human federation has continuously and continuously tapped the technology tree of planet resources over the past few decades, and strives to wipe out every planet it occupies.

The fire star is their first prey.

Venus is the second head.


Twelve large 2 leading ships, at the request of the Federal Parliament, came to the sky above Earth, surrounding the middle Earth like the twelve major scales on the clock.

Of course, they did not come to war, and the leading ships were never battleships. They were mobile territories.

The belly of one of the pilots slowly opened and a small spaceship flew out of it.

The speed of spaceship is extremely fast, and within 3 minutes of World, it has reached the nano-atmosphere on Earth’s surface.

At this time, a golden light was shot from the inside of the spaceship, and soon the entire ship was covered by the golden light.

Golden light seems to have an excellent deceleration effect. It wraps the spaceship, which reduces the speed of the spaceship to zero just 1 second before landing.



When the first woman shining golden light came out of the cabin, it seemed that this Heaven and Earth had a voice at a very high distance.

“Thank you.”

She is nothing but a current member of the Commonwealth Sun.

Behind her were the captains of the leading ships, as well as their attendants, the bearded Scott, and the young Doyle Dunton.

The last to get out of the cabin was Blood Corps Head of Blood Prison, Blood War God Shiryu, and several High-Level officers under him.

“Long time no see.” Xu Xuanling said to those who came.

For this luxurious line-up of the federal delegation, only one person from Whiteland came to greet.

She could recognize that the person who came to meet her was an incarnation of Bai Mo.

In other words, it is a holy walker body that Bai Mo temporarily took over.

“It looks like you’ve adapted to life here.”

“It’s really more fun than in the wild world.” Xu Xuanling put away the golden light that enveloped the body surface, exposing that beautiful face.

Higher-level cultivators have many ways to change their appearance. Unless they are deliberately ignored, they are generally handsome men and women.

But Xu Xuanling is not the same. Her face was given to her by Bai Mo when she crossed the moon.

As a foreigner, she is also a high-ranking member of the federal government, and there are very few people who are friendly to Bai Mo.

The man who forced them to leave Earth and embark on the road to the sea of ​​stars is destined to become a permanent pain point for the Federation.

Only I have never lived on Earth, and my hometown is not empty and dark above this azure planet, and I have no hatred for Bai Mo.

“Use what you can exchange to that body,” she suddenly said to Bai Mo sound transmission, “have the body of the disgusting Bloodline.”

Xu Xuanling’s first thing here was to buy with Bai Mo the body he had in the wild world.

It was the son of someone she had loved before, with a person who had 8 90% likeness to a negative person.

Although Xu Xuanling has a new love now, she still wants to sacrifice her first love without fruit.

“Try this Dao Pill for me?” Bai Mo not at all refused, but made a special request for himself-as a test.

The “decay” of the Manghuangjie is still lying quietly in Baiyue now.

For Bai Mo, the thing has no meaning other than leaving a memorial.

But for outsiders, if it can be analyzed in sufficient detail, it is not difficult to launch a set of Divine Art from it.

After all, it is extremely complete, Rank 6 is full, and even briefly boarded the body of the 7th grade fairy power cultivator.

“Yes.” Xu Xuanling thought for a moment and agreed to the deal.

She didn’t ask what this Dao Pill was, if there were any side effects, she just went nodded.

Compared to the federal people, she still trusts Bai Mo more, and believes that he will not be too pit, after all, he gave him the opportunity to ascend the fairy tale.


The others looked at the sound transmission of their two eyebrows, and at first glance they looked like old acquaintances, and could not help but have some ideas.

But no one dares to speak, for fear of being cold next second.

Not to mention the dominion of the White Land, it is nothing to be a member of the Sun Council, but to destroy everyone present.

“That’s all for private affairs.” Xu Xuan zero realized that the eyes of the team members behind him were not right, and then she seemed to be over-enthusiastic.

They came here this time at the invitation of Bai Mo to the Federation to share the Blue Star.

The population of Mercury Star is about 2,000,000,000. According to the principle of the self-determination of White Earth, at least a few 100000000 million people will not choose to join them. These people can no longer stay in Mercury Star, but they have no spaceability.

As for killing in place, Bai Mo can’t be so wasteful. He simply became a good friend, and when he was a wave of human traffickers, he sold these 100000000 million people to the Federation.

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