Original Seeker

Chapter 688

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Twelve large 2 leading ships came to accommodate these new immigrants.

The resettlement of 100000000 million resettlers is a huge project in every way.

Water, food, garbage disposal, and labor management are all big troubles. No matter how you say, you can’t have a mortality rate as high as 50% like in the era of the black slave trade, which is too uncivilized.

Fortunately, the Commonwealth has experienced the great lunar migration of the year and the era of leading ships, and has already had rich experience in such large-scale population migration.

In order to eat this population, each of the 1000 leading ships was stationed with 1000000 grass-roots management personnel and hunted thousand armed soldiers, in response to the upcoming feast.


“Three hours left.” A group of Samsara Artists still struggling outside the base is experiencing perhaps the longest half day in their lives.

The Lord God has clearly indicated that the goal they want to destroy-crossing the gate, is at the deepest part of this base, and is defended by numerous defenses.

If you can disguise yourself and enter the base, and then look for an opportunity to approach the crossing gate, you will have the opportunity to destroy it, and then return to the main shrine immediately after the mainline mission is completed. Do n’t worry about revenge.

It just seemed that they were a little reconciled.

Obviously see the dawn of freedom!

Even this freedom is freedom after losing everything.

Another hour passed.

“After all, I don’t want to become a mortal again.” Han Lu left in the hell team’s communication network, leaving such a sentence.

“Me too, I can’t bear to look like those NPCs of yesteryear!”

“Freedom without power, simply is not freedom.”


After some blundering, all the members of the hell team finally agreed to the disguise plan, surrendering first, and then taking the opportunity.

“Angel really wanted to surrender. We can’t tell her about this plan.”


“The individual strengths of these soldiers are very weak. As long as they can locate the breakthrough, they will be able to remove the target before they react.”

“Captain, I think there must be something wrong with that. The god is very powerful. How can the soldiers behind him be of this level?”

“But according to my detection, there are indeed no individuals with more than 4 stars in the military base. There is no one. I dare to guarantee it with a human head!”

“I believe you.” Han Luo took the thin boy’s thin shoulders, and the short Scout never let him down.

“Thank you Captain.”

“See the opportunity.”

“Wuyun Changlong!”

“Succeed easily!”

The hell team made the final decision.


“Come to surrender?” The Holy Seeker soldier in charge of the patrol at the outermost base of the base quickly saw the group of strangers each holding a lot of things and walking towards the base gate.

The guards have learned from the Internet where they are coming from, so naturally they won’t make any more nonsense.

“That’s a bit of our heart.”

The Vice Captain of the Hell Team, the cold Assistant’s face smiled standardly, and the space ring containing bribes was quietly stuffed into the hands of the soldiers in front.

After receiving the notice, a car came quickly and picked them up inside the barracks.


“This organization is a bit strange.

The soldier who had just accepted the bribe turned it over and turned it in. “

“Maybe it’s just that we were lucky and met a good guy?”

“If it’s really upright, then just reject it, why bother accepting it.

And more importantly, the tracker shows that the ring has been turned in layer by layer, to the place where it is suspected to be the Command Unit. “

“Did we see through our plan?”

“Impossible, we haven’t done anything yet!”

A few people kept smiling on their faces, but their spirits were concentrated on the discussion, and their eyes were slightly lost.

“There must be something wrong.” Han Luo had a bad premonition.


“Elder sister, they seem to have some attempts.” Ming Qi’s within the body at this time was also in a frenzy chat.

On her back, she is boarding two sub-personalities and four limbs, and boarding four sub-personalities, in addition to her own personality. Equivalent to a total of seven wills sharing this body.

“It’s nothing more than a fake surrender.” Ming Qi pointed out the answer sharply. “Otherwise, what else can they do.”

“Finally live like a normal person.”

It is extremely inconvenient for anyone to live with several wills in one body. Ming Qi has always regarded them as his sisters, and naturally it is impossible to kill them, and now there is finally a chance for relief.


“Here it is.” The little brother in charge of driving stopped in a square-shaped building.

Already faintly visible, the Holy Advent Beacons located in Earl House.

The hell squad is ready to go.

“Here is the Army Rebirth Factory. Come in. After coming out, we are our own.”

Looking coldly, the outer layer is almost a square, and there are a building with spiked iron balls hanging on the 4 sides, which makes some bad associations. When looking towards the driver’s little brother, he seems to find him The smile on his face seemed to have a hint of hypocrisy.

“Captain, how is this like a poison qi room …”

“Asking monarch to enter the urn.

“One person at a time.”

“I will come first.”

Ming Qi chose the first rebirth plant.

After getting rid of the influence of Bai Mo’s will, Ming Ming has used all his divination methods, including from the Lord God, and some from other Worlds.

All answers point to the same-Bai Mo is telling the truth.

That’s why she really wants to trust Bai Mo.

As for the possibility that all divination results are disturbed? She felt that there was such a great magical power, there was no need to spend that many pits on herself, and she was slapped to death.


“Why is there no door?” Ming Qi wondered.

“Stand in place, don’t move, don’t resist, there will be a Transmission Array to pick you in.” The driver explained with patience.


A burst of white light flashed, Ming Qi disappeared in place.

At the same time, the perimeter of the building of the Army Rebirth Plant began to shine with a powerful Spirit Energy rays of light that shocked everyone!

“Ahhhh …”

Vaguely seemed to hear Ming Qi’s scream.

“That silly woman.” Han Luo lightly sighed, “She died in such an obvious trap, and the hope of being used has completely swallowed her IQ.”

With Ming Qi’s life, after confirming that the Holy Adventist was going to kill people, he immediately tore off the camouflage of kindness.


“Attack the cross gate!”

A knife faster than the speed of sound, the driver little brother cut him into 2 pieces before he heard the word kill.

“It’s just a robot ?!”

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