Original Seeker

Chapter 700

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“It’s snowing?” Snow flakes fell on Yue Yu’s head.

Now is the summer of the wild world, it doesn’t look like serious snow, but the cold melting in the palm of your hand is silently proving that it is the identity of snow.

“It must have been his ghost again.” She could vaguely feel that the source of the mutation in the climate of this area was the “polluted land” not long ago by her Space Transmission to dozens of kilometers away.

But at this time she did not at all mind to join in the excitement, but walked back to the house silently, whoever loves toss and who toss to go.


Above the prairie, three silhouettes chase endlessly after two.

Running ahead is a scholar dressed, but it is not difficult to recognize the gender of her young girl between the eyebrows. She jumps forward like dragonfly touches the water lightly. Every time her toes touch the ground, her figure can move forward ten. Several meters are obviously a good way of cultivation.

The one chasing behind is a man and a woman.

The woman’s face was full of gloom, and hatred flowed on her face. She seemed to wish the girl died on the spot. Her step was like a giant stepping on the ground. Each step was a loud noise, leaving a 3 inch deep footprint behind her.

The man’s expression is complex, and he wants to stop, but he dare not stop.

“Damn, why is it suddenly snowing.” It was summer, and there was only a thin layer of clothing on the girl’s body, even if she was a martial arts, but her lips were still blowing under the sudden wind and snow Frozen blue and purple.

Despite the wind and snow, the pace under her feet did not dare to stagnate a bit. If she was caught by the tigress behind her, she would definitely be better off.

Running through several li in the snow continuously, the cold entered her body, and she began to feel that her brain was a little dizzy. She had to bite the tip of her tongue again and again to stimulate the spirit with pain.

“It’s really going to die. You little fox-spirit, dare to rob men with the old lady?” The middle-aged woman who was ramming in the wind and snow like a tank is obviously more resistant to cold than the former.

On the contrary, she was a man on the side, and began to feel a bit cold.

“No, so if you continue to rush through the snowstorm, you will definitely be killed by the snowstorm if you are not caught up by the tigress behind.”

But she had no way to break the situation, she could only get up and flee desperately.

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, and her body temperature was getting lower and lower, and her vision started to darken, leaving only one breath to rush forward.

When the situation became more and more critical, the girl’s eyes lit up, and suddenly a green appeared.

She couldn’t even think about it, so she broke into the green.

This entry, as if to another World.

“Am I … dead?” The girl was a bit suspicious of life, because the difference between this place and the outside is really too big.

She greedily enjoyed the warm sunshine shining on her body, and her physical strength was squeezed out due to the cold and vigorous exercise, and it seemed to be recovering quickly.

The wind and snow is less than ten meters behind her, but it is far like the picture on TV.

“I didn’t let you die, can you die?” A wicked, hell-like voice appeared quietly behind the girl.

It is said that the purple clothed woman who chased the girl all the way is not a tank. At most, she is a little bit fat. It looks like a man with a little cowering behind her.

The girl who was sitting on the ground panting and wanted to struggle, but came to this comfort zone and after she let out the breath in a spurt of energy, she found that she could not run.

“The environment here is good, but you picked a good cemetery.” The purple clothed woman knew that the opponent’s physical strength had reached the limit, and there was no strength to escape.

“Qing Zixin, you chased me so dead, I really thought I didn’t know it was for the Divine Court order, not this uselessness?”

“You know it’s good, hand over the Divine Court order, I can leave you a beautiful whole body.”

In the speech between two people, it seemed that the man next to him was not taken seriously at all.

“I …” The man seemed to want to interject.

“What are you doing, this slut just wants to use you to steal the Divine Court order kept at home. You fool, really think she likes you?”


“Alas, it’s not saved.” Qing Zixin was completely disappointed with the man behind him.

It has been this kind of counseling image for ten years since she entered her family, and it was easy to be a male once, but the result was still given to you by fox spirits.

The Divine Court order is the Divine Court of the wild world, that is, the ark gave the family who had a great credit. A Divine Court order can be exchanged for an opportunity to join the Divine Court, or for a inheritance that can be cultivated to a high level.

“The wind and snow in the sky, only here is full of spring, it must be the birth of the ancient treasures, it is worse than you and me to join hands, first get the treasure, this is more valuable than a Divine Court external order.”

Divine Court orders are also divided into Divine Court orders and Divine Court orders. At most, the order is to allow the holder to become a peripheral member of Divine Court, or to change the inheritance of Rank 4, for the leafy fortuitous encounter Hunter Aristocratic Family said that it is not too precious.

Only a very rare internal order can allow the holder to directly join the Divine Court core, or change the inheritance that directly points to Rank 6, that is the real heirloom.

“Divine Court ordered it first, and tentatively saved you a life.” Qing Zixin pointed at the other party.

“Well.” The girl was very reluctant to take out a square-shaped, not metal, not jade brand from her arms.

“The situation is unclear, let you fox hunt for the way first.”

If outside, Qing Zixin will surely kill her life with a sword, but this time is different. Multiple cannon fodder to explore the road will give you more hope of winning the treasure.


3 people moved towards the depths of the secret, but didn’t go far, the girl looked at the ground in surprise and said, “Look, this looks like a spirit pattern?”

“Lingwen?” Qing Zixin and her husband looked in the direction of the girl’s fingers, indeed they saw a lot of crooked lines.

At this moment they looked up, and I don’t know when, covering the mountains and the plains are these spirit patterns, and when they put their hands near these patterns, they will feel the horrible heat like a stove.

Three people looked at it, and soon became fascinated. Their eyes were gradually filled with light, and the limbs began to dance involuntarily, as if the fire spread on them.

“Awesome! There is a set of horrible Lightweight Art body flames hidden in this spirit pattern. Trained to the extreme, the body shape can spread like flames!” Said the girl first.

“Talk nonsense! This is obviously Sword Art, which burns the sky, and 10000 ghosts avoid evil.” Qing Zixin waved with a long sword.

“I seem to have seen a set of boxing …” the man said less confidently.


The three people disagreed, and no one could convince them, and even started martial arts.

The more they practice, the more they feel the practice of wide-ranging and profound, and they even feel that the set of burning Sword Art they realized is better than the family’s inheritance Sword Art straight through Rank 6.

Any demons and ghosts will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the sword of this Great Accomplishment.

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