Original Seeker

Chapter 701

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“Why is this?”

“It shouldn’t be like this.”

“Wonderful! Great!”


The 3 people were completely immersed in the research of the surrounding spiritual patterns. The lines of eyes seemed to be beating continuously in their eyes, just like the villains in the legendary martial arts manual, each performing a set of cultivation techniques.

Countless subtle movements and efficient Spirit Energy handling methods.

With more and more in-depth observation, more and more villains in their eyes, and the truth contained in the movements became more and more profound. The three people forgot the reason why they came here, and no other thoughts could be held in their brains.

With a snoring sound, the weakest man among the three spit out a large mouthful of blood, and collapsed on the ground with his eyes closed.

His collapse finally awakened the consciousness of the other two people. They looked at the face pale with surprise, the man whose hair turned gray from the root.

“What happened? Why did he suddenly fall?”

Crude purple heart, stretched out his hand and pressed a few times on his husband’s body, then took out a box of green medicine powder from his pocket and poured it lightly into his mouth.

“Excessive consumption in calculating the work method, just sleep well.” A purple clothed purple heart lifted him with one hand and placed it gently next to a nearby stone.

“This place is really weird …”

Along the direction of Lingwen, they went deep into the martial arts and practiced martial arts without any strangeness.

The only problem is that the body seems to be getting hotter.

But what they perceive are all Fire Attribute methods, which seems to be not too hot.


The time of little by little has passed. Such a wide range of abnormal weather has attracted more and more people’s attention.

People from the nearby Aristocratic Family Sect pulled in the crowd.

In particular, the various singular methods contained in the spirit patterns deep in the snow and snow attracted a large number of fortuitous encounter hunters.

“Under the heavens, is there no god land, in such a secret place, when will any of these cats or dogs get involved?”

At the junction of the snow and the calm place, a young man in a silver robe is leading the uncle behind him to clear the field.

He is a foreign guard under Divine Court, specializing in finding relevant Heaven and Earth secrets for Divine Court.

The treasures accumulated in the reckless world for thousands of years, even the ark cannot be indifferent, and the external guards are the minions they reach to all corners of the world.

“You want to grab me?” On the other side of the junction, a young girl in the same silver robe, with a group of family members behind her, not to be outdone a young man in a hard-top silver suit.

One man and one woman are all foreign guards from Divine Court. The performance of the foreign guards is mainly treasure hunting. Whoever finds a higher treasure value will have a greater contribution, and eventually enters the core of Divine Court, which is transformed into The greater the probability of Ark people.

“What the hell is going on here?” The girl in silver asked the servant behind her after pretending to be stiff.

“Miss, 10000000. Be careful of the spiritual patterns on the ground. Although there are many subtle martial arts techniques hidden in it, it will easily go crazy after a long time of reading, and become a lunatic who will never think about anything other than cultivation martial arts.” The old servant pointed at the dancing people inside.

“Nothing will happen if you don’t watch?”

“Yes, if you look at it, it will be easy to get out of control. There are already a few people in the family who can’t come back. Among those who dance and dance, there are us inside.”

“Can’t they be taken away forcibly?”

“It can be … but as soon as they leave here, their temperature will rise sharply, it’s almost like they are going to burn themselves. Only those who are not in the magic can freely enter and leave this secret place.”

“It’s so dangerous, I wouldn’t have come if I knew it …” The girl in silver, listening to it, regretted that she had just boasted about Haikou, and suddenly thought of shrinking.

She was a spoiled child. Where did she experience such a horrible experience than going to a mental hospital, even her status as a foreign guard was just a family trend and a Divine Court order.

“Why, I’m scared? What kind of foreign guard, go home to feed!” The man in silver robe seemed to see the girl’s strong in appearance but weak in reality, and even more mercilessly.

“Who, who would be afraid of this little thing!”


“Miss is still too young to resist the shock.” The old servant sighed lightly, and the brows slightly wrinkle, then stretched out again.

“The youngster, the temperament is far worse than we were then.

But this is a good thing, at least it shows that the times have improved and they have a chance to survive. “

The old servant was born in an era where evil monsters still scourge the world. The first half of his life has witnessed the deaths of countless people. The ubiquitous evil monster is like a stern filter. It will treat all temperament, wisdom, and luck. All eaten.

Every member of the Bloodline Aristocratic Family, as long as they can survive on the battlefield against the evil monster for 5 years, will become extremely cautious.

But this kind of caution was traded for the lives of companions and loved ones.

The Bloodline Aristocratic Family crushes the world and gains the power to fight against evil monsters at the cost of none of the family members who are always on the bed. The rest are either killed in tragic wars again or again, or in such long years. Crazy in a high-pressure environment.

Everything changed after the war 50 years ago. The evil monster that threatened Human Race for 1000 years disappeared completely, leaving only some less dangerous demon beasts in the wild.

Today Divine Court in aloof and remote claims that they bring peace and civilization.

All history books write:

In the first year of the Daoyuan era, Divine Court fought against the evil monster army in Hanluocheng and completely destroyed the evil monster. Since then, a new era has begun.

“They were born in a good era, an era in which the mediocre can live alive.” The old servant said nothing more, but silently followed behind Miss and walked into the secret world together.


“Oh, another crazy one.”

The deeper they go, the more they are shocked by the sight they see. Every ten steps, they can see a crazy man who dances and dances as if he is performing martial arts.

Even if these two teams of foreign guards have tried not to look at the spirit patterns on the ground as much as possible, but there is always a voice in the ear, which is constantly enticing them to look down.

Along the way, they lost a few more men.

“Miss, the owner of this secret realm doesn’t seem too malicious.” After walking for more than half an hour, the old servant suddenly transmitted to the silver robe girl sound transmission.


“I paid attention to more than 100 people who fell into madness. After deducing the use of heart power, they just fainted, not at all mortal danger.”

PS: PY book “I’m just an inability user”, the brain is open to the plot.

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