Palmer sat down again, looked at the five questions on the blackboard, looked at Amy confidently and said, "I'll count three, and then we'll start working on the questions at the same time. Whoever finishes first wins. One... "

“64、42、72、48、63。 It's done. " Amy looked back at the blackboard and calmly reported five numbers.

Palmer has just finished counting three, his open mouth is not closed, and the paper hasn't even started copying. Amy has finished.

The classroom was quiet, and the children didn't know if Amy was right, but this speed was much faster than that of Palmer. Before Palmer even started to calculate, Amy reported the answer, so the meeting looked at teacher Luna and wanted to know if Amy was right.

"You're not talking nonsense, are you?" Palmer looks at Amy and hesitates.

"I calculated it carefully." Amy said seriously, looking at Luna as well.

“64、42、72、48、63。 All right Luna looked at the questions on the blackboard and said the answers one by one, which was exactly the same as what Amy said. When she was surprised, her voice could not help but improve a bit.

This level of arithmetic is not difficult for her, but even she needs to think about it in her mind to get the answer, but just now Amy almost looked at the question and said the correct answer, so the speed is amazing, it's a genius!

"Amy is so powerful!" Daphne whispered, expressing the feelings of other children. She thought Palmer was the best, but now it seems that Amy is the best.

"It's terrible. I can't play with her any more. Those who study well are abnormal." Ignaz had a look of horror and shook his head regretfully.

"I lost." Palmer was silent for a while and nodded seriously. His father said that as a man, winning or losing should be graceful, especially for women.

Although it may be that he was often beaten by his mother, and did not dare to fight back, and made it up to comfort himself, Palmer still felt that this was quite right.

"Well, you lost." Amy also nodded, but not too proud of the performance, but some take it for granted.

Of course, this attitude made Palmer feel a little frustrated.

"How powerful!" This is the only idea many children have in mind when they look at Amy. It turns out that the little girl in the old clothes is better than Palmer.

"The multiplication formula table of the great heaven Dynasty is really powerful." McGonagall laughed and looked at the boy with a gentlemanly manner. He looked a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

At this time, the bell rings after class, and the children immediately forget about it. Some of them can't bear to wait for teacher Luna to say that class is over, and then go out to play.

"OK, class is over." Luna has a lot of problems in her mind, but she doesn't delay. She takes Amy's hand out of the classroom and looks at McGonagall. "Mr. McGonagall, I have some questions for you. If you have time, can you go to my office and have a chat?"

"All right." MEG nodded with a smile. He had something to ask her.

"Mr. McGonagall, did you teach Amy how to count?" When she gets to the office, Luna brings Amy a candy to play in the small chair beside her. She still can't help asking MEG about her doubts.

How did Amy learn to calculate these problems quickly in a short time? She had taught Amy many algorithm formulas before, but because there were too many, she didn't remember all of them. She could never answer them in seconds.

"I taught Xiaomi a new multiplication formula, and changed an algorithm. The calculation process became simple, and the answer could be obtained directly." McGonagall didn't mean to hide it. First, he trusted Luna. Second, there was no need to hide this kind of thing.

Let the multiplication table carry forward in this world, everyone recites multiplication table, think about it is an interesting thing.

The integration of various ethnic groups is the most direct means of war, but it is also the most problematic. It is certainly a good thing to rely on culture to promote the integration.

"A new algorithm?" Luna's eyes lit up. She thought MEG was teaching Amy a lot at home.

If McGonagall's mouth is more concise, the algorithm that can directly get the answer really exists, which is a subversive step for the mathematical world. Her hand can't help shaking. Looking at McGonagall, she seriously asked, "Mr. McGonagall, is this algorithm universal?"

"There should be." McGonagall nodded. The algorithm has been popularized in China for so many years. There is no need to worry about the universality.

However, in this world, it is not realistic to rely on Luna as a math teacher alone. At least it needs the participation of institutions at the level of the grey temple.

"Miss Luna, my father is really amazing." Amy, who was sitting with the ugly duckling in her arms, said in a voice. Her face was full of pride.

"Mr. McGonagall, it's a bit abrupt, but may I have a look at your new algorithm?" Luna looked at McGonagall sincerely and said, "if you're going to publish, maybe I can help you. My grandfather is one of the officials in charge of education in the Los empire. Although it is not convenient to disclose his name, he has always been committed to the promotion of arithmetic. But the existing algorithm is too complex, have patience to learn, and really master not many people. Even if it is chaos school, only about half of the students who can get qualified in arithmetic after graduating from the green bud garden every year.

If your algorithm is really more simple and applicable than the existing algorithm, I believe he will be happy to do his part to promote it and keep your name in the history of arithmetic forever. "

It's a good thing to keep a name in history, but McGonagall doesn't want to make a high profile now. The name of McGonagall Alex should be a thorn in the heart of many people in lodu. If it comes out suddenly, many people will be stimulated.

However, Luna's identity surprised him a little. Originally, she thought she was just a young lady of an ordinary noble family in the Los empire. Unexpectedly, her grandfather was still an official in charge of education.

At the beginning, McGonagall Alex mainly contacted people from the military, so he didn't know much about Wenchen. In retrospect, field is just a surname with some impression. It seems that there was an old man who had drunk with him at a palace banquet. However, his drinking posture is quite heroic. I don't know if he has anything to do with Luna.

"Well, I can write the algorithm to miss Luna, but if I need to sign it, I'd like to sign it. May I?" McGonagall nodded with a smile. It's natural that signature is the most suitable thing for advertising.

It's just such an epoch-making algorithm and multiplication table named after the name of the restaurant. I don't know what the students who recite the table every day will think.

"This can be done as you wish." Luna nodded, but didn't go deep. Now she didn't even see the algorithm. It's too early to say that.

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