McGonagall nodded, asked for a pen and paper, and drew a complete table of 99 multiplication formulas. For a more detailed explanation, he wrote the multiplication terms upside down, and explained the decimal algorithm in detail.

Nuolan continent now uses the 60 base system, and the multiplication table has more than 1700 items. If it involves multiplication and division with more than two digits, the calculation will become extremely complicated. If it can carry out division with more than three digits, it can be regarded as a mathematical expert.

Therefore, if we want to implement the multiplication table, the first thing we need to change is the complex system. History has proved that the decimal system invented by Chinese sages is the most simple and universal system, and it is enough to solve most of the mathematical problems in life with the multiplication table. That is an era when the Chinese ancients crushed the world in arithmetic.

Luna is watching, her eyes are more and more bright, and her mouth is more and more open. As a math teacher, and growing up in a math family, her eyesight is naturally not comparable to Amy's.

Although the concept of decimal system is not well understood in some aspects, McGonagall's explanation in simple terms is enough to show her that the algorithm is good, and with the highly regular multiplication formula table, she can see the infinite possibilities.

"Mr. McGonagall, although I'm not sure whether your algorithm and decimal method are really universal, it's undeniable that you must be a genius." Luna looked down at MEG and said seriously.

"I'm not a genius, I just know a little more." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. These are the wisdom of the sages. For the world, they are a hedge from top to bottom. He is not sure what kind of influence this piece of paper will have on the world.

"I will send this information to lodu as soon as possible. My ability is not enough to evaluate its value, and I can't completely verify it. But I can be sure that this will definitely cause a big stir in the arithmetic world in Nolan, and the word" McMillan "will not be buried." Luna felt that Meg was more modest and polite. Not only was the food so delicious, but she was also a genius in arithmetic. Even this discovery, with the addition of a word in Amy's name, could be said to have spoiled her daughter to the extreme.

This man is really interesting and curious. What is he not?

Amy looked at MEG with her eyes shining. Even teacher Luna said that her father was a genius, and his father was really good.

McGonagall nodded with a smile. Anyway, there should be no such concepts as contribution fee and invention patent in the world. He didn't want to make money by this, so he should make an advertisement for the restaurant.

Of course, the purpose of coming to the school today is not to teach multiplication tables, but mainly to find a magic teacher for Amy, so to get back to the point, she said, "Miss Luna, I'm bringing Xiaomi here today. Besides Xiaomi wants to see you, I also want to ask if the magic teacher in chaos school will accept paid private teaching. Amy is very interested in magic, But she hasn't reached the entrance age of the school, so I want to find a teacher ahead of time to teach her some basic magic knowledge. "

"I'm afraid that's not good. Teachers who teach in the chaotic School Park can't pay for teaching outside. Once they are found by the School Park, they will be disqualified." Luna shook her head in embarrassment, looked at Amy and said, "and Amy really can't officially enter the park until next year. Even after she enters the park, she has to wait until she grows up again to have access to the knowledge of magic. After the professional magic teacher in the school confirms that she has magic talent, she will be specially gathered together for teaching."

I didn't expect that because Amy wanted to learn magic, McGonagall came to find a private teacher himself.

"Well, thank you, Miss Luna." McGonagall was a little disappointed, but this is a system rule, so there is no way, the original plan has failed, it seems that we have to find other ways.

"In fact, Amy is still young. There's no need to rush to learn magic. It's quite boring." Luna looked at Amy and said with a smile.

"Miss Luna, I like magic very much. I think magic is very interesting." Said Amy, shaking her head.

MEG and Amy played in Luna's office for a while before they left. As they walked out of the school gate, the old guard and the orc were staring at each other. They didn't know when their father and daughter went in.

"It's better to send it to my grandfather as soon as possible. Maybe this will be an important turning point in the large-scale promotion of arithmetic. My grandfather will definitely be interested in him." At the office window, Luna looks at McGonagall's back. Her face looks excited. She quickly walks to the desk, picks up the two pieces of paper, puts them in her arms and walks out.

"Father, shall we go home now?" Amy took Meg's finger and looked up at him. She was in a good mood today. Her singing was liked and praised by everyone. She also compared Palmer with the multiplication table taught by her father. She felt no worse than them.

"No, now that you're out, have a good day, and have lunch outside." McGonagall shakes his head. It's really boring to stay in the restaurant every day. Now it's time for the meal, so he takes Amy to a lively barbecue shop on the side of the road. Today, we'll try the dishes of the popular restaurant in the different world.

The ugly duckling asleep in the basket was covered by MEG with a towel. No one knew what was in the basket.

As soon as he entered the door, the smell of barbecue came to his face, but MEG could not help frowning. The smell had the smell of mutton, and the pungent flavor was too pungent. It was a stronger flavor than pepper.

"Father, shall we have barbecue?" Amy's eyes are shining. She's never had a barbecue before.

"Yes." McGonagall, who was a little hesitant to leave, nodded when he saw Amy's expectation, and chose a seat by the window where there was no one.

This barbecue shop is popular in Aden square. It's only less popular than fryer's tavern. When I come here at night, I usually have to wait in line to eat his barbecue. Even at noon, the lobby with more than 20 tables is almost full of people.

MEG took a look at the mutton in front of the table next to him. It was cut into pieces. The color was black, and the surface was coated with a layer of blackened sauce and seasoning powder. The two guests were eating their own plate of beef, talking and laughing. They were very happy. It seemed that they were quite satisfied with the food.

"The sauce is not evenly brushed, the seasoning powder is not put for the right time, the charcoal temperature is too high, and the roasting time is too long. Is this kind of barbecue technology the level of assistant chef?" Just a glance, MEG was beginning to feel a little reluctant to make complaints about it.

"Shout... Hold back, smile, now you are the restaurant owner too. If Tucao is recognized, it is afraid that it will make complaints about it." McGonagall calmed down slowly, then opened the menu and ordered two of the restaurant's special roast mutton and roast beef. The price of one is 88 copper coins, which is the most expensive on the menu.

"No wonder they look like this when they see my menu." McGonagall raised his eyebrows and put down the menu. The cheapest children's barbecue set only costs 20 copper coins, which is not enough for him to buy an egg.

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