The bald man who jumped out of Basti prison, without saying a word, would kick the door of Maimi's restaurant, which made the guests outside the restaurant confused.

The alarm in the direction of Basti prison has been sounded, only separated by a wall, the sound is particularly loud and harsh.

Everyone was wondering what kind of ruthless man he was, and how he could get out of Basti prison.

And the action of directly kicking the door makes people nervous and raise their voice. Is this bald man still having a grudge with boss Mai?

Sargeras came out of the line with a folding chair, and the Burning Legion followed.

The knight in the procession holds the sword at his waist, and the magician takes out his magic wand.

No matter who this guy is, if he wants to destroy the Maimi restaurant or the boss, he is blaspheming the Holy Land in their hearts.

A thin layer of blue ice appeared in front of the wooden door.

The bald man just kicked on the thin ice.

All the metal doors with a thickness of more than one meter were kicked flat. The thin layer of ice and the wooden door behind it were so thin.


There was a crisp sound of fragmentation, and the picture that was expected to turn into powder did not appear. Countless cracks appeared on the thin ice, but it took a while to break into powder.

The power of the bald man's foot was also removed perfectly by the ice and fell on the first step.

The black robed Julian walked out of the magic potion shop slowly, holding a magic wand in his hand, looking at the bald man standing at the door of the restaurant, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a dignified color, and his voice was hoarse: "you are a publisher."

The non publisher also looked back at Julian unexpectedly. His dark eyes fell on Julian, showing a trace of thinking. However, he soon turned his eyes back to the wooden door in front of him, raised his big hand and patted toward the wooden door.

"Whether you have hair or not, you can't photograph my apprentice's door." At this moment, some angry voices sounded from a distance. A red light flashed past the guests in the queue and crashed into the non publisher. The mage's staff came out of the red light and patted the non publisher's head.

The non publisher took back half of his hand and raised it sideways in front of him.


There was a dull noise.

The non publisher stepped back two steps and a red mark appeared on his tan arm.

And the red light is also astringent, Krasu light fell to the ground, the hands of more than a person high wand to the ground a pestle, fixed the body, staring at the head of the non publisher looked for a while, suddenly could not help laughing out, "I said, a hundred years, you this guy's hair is not long at all."

"No publisher? Is it the legendary non publisher? "

Some people in the crowd exclaimed, many faces showed the color of panic, subconsciously retreated, obviously heard about the non publisher.

However, even if I have never heard of it, seeing the legendary magicians Julian and Krasu fighting back at the bald man, I have not been able to hurt him, and I can basically judge the terrible strength of the big man.

"Who is the non publisher? Who's going to popularize science? " Some people also asked curiously, since the legendary magicians Julian and Krasu have come out, it's not their turn. It's good to be a gourd eater.

"To say that there is no publisher..." soon, Carl, the storyteller in the crowd, started the Allegro and began to popularize small knowledge to the melon eating masses.

"Emergency attack approaching, defense will be overloaded!"

"The crisis is over for the time being!"


As soon as the bald man was about to kick the door, McGonagall had received an urgent notice. He had not put down the lotus leaf in his hand. He was a little surprised and looked towards the door. Who was this? He had chosen such a time to smash the door. McGonagall's two masters were at this point.

However, he soon felt a strange strong atmosphere outside, a top ten, which made him have a trace of vigilance.

Ten strong smash the door, this situation has not appeared, is the Red Dragon strong to trouble?

"What a powerful breath

Elizabeth stepped in front of MIA and looked nervously at the direction of the door. It was not the breath of Julian and Clarissa, but it was not under the elder. She was a rare master in the world.

"Is there a fight outside? You must be very busy. I'm going to have a look. " Amy picked up the stool and ran to the door.

"Amy, wait..." McGonagall threw the lotus leaf aside and followed Amy to the door.

With Krasu and Julian around, he didn't worry about Amy's safety, but he was also curious about which top ten hit the door.

"It's you." After being beaten back two steps by Krasu, the hairless traveler looks at Krasu, and his eyes stay on his magic wand for a while. There is a trace of color on his face, and his voice is slightly low.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to remember me after so many years." Crassus curled his mouth.

"I remember it." The hairless one looks at the wand.

Krasu touched a short beard: "a hundred years ago, I was in my prime and handsome. Now I'm old, and it's nothing if I can't recognize it."

"Ha ha, what they mean is that you don't have the recognition of a mallet." On one side, Julian rolled his eyes.

The guests who retreated 20 meters away raised their heads and tried not to laugh.

Crassus put down his hand, looked at the publisher and said, "since you have run out of that prison, why don't you find a place to hide and come to smash my disciple's door?"

Julian's face was also cold. The blue light on his magic wand flickered little by little. It seemed that magic might rush out at any time.

"There's something in it that I want." The non publisher took a deep sniff, with a trace of indulgence on his face. Looking at Kelasu and Julian, there was a trace of killing in his eyes. He said in a cold voice, "I'll go if I get it. If you stop me again, I'll kill you."

The cold air diffused from Julian's feet in all directions. Frost appeared on the ground, like a white trail extending towards the non publisher.

The magic wand in Krasu's hand also lit up a dazzling red fire, and the warm breath raised a heat wave, as if even the void would be burned.

The guests at the door of the restaurant retreated for tens of meters. The battle of the top ten might be the result of the ashes.

There was silence all around.


Just then, the dining room door opened out slowly.

A little Lori leaned out half of her body with a small stool, and a fat, round, orange cat squeezed a head from her feet.

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