Two pairs of bright and clear eyes, looking at the door of the hairless traveler and Krasu.

The non publisher, who was just about to start, was also stunned. Looking at little Lori, who was leaning out half of her body, she was a little distracted. She was so delicate and lovely. Her big eyes were shining, like hiding the best things in the world.

After a hundred years in that dark prison, he forgot the stars, the sea and many things.

His whole life was accompanied by suffering and hatred. He watched his mother being killed. He killed his father and his people, and killed all the people who had killed his mother

He didn't know what beauty was.

Until he killed all his enemies, he even lost the goal of living.

There is no goal or desire, there is no difference between living and dying.

So he lost and was put in Bastille.

In these 100 years, he never tried to impact the cage.

For him, the world outside the cage is just a bigger cage, so why jump from one small cage to another big one.

Until just now, he felt a mysterious call.

He had forgotten how long he had not felt his desire so strongly.

Inspired by his obedience, he left the prison where he had been for 100 years, came to the outside world, and found the restaurant just a wall away from Basti prison.

The fragrance in the air was so clear that he could be sure that it was the fragrance that led him here.

Maybe it's some kind of elixir.

No matter what it is, he wants to get something with mysterious fragrance, and this strong feeling is almost out of his control.

But looking at this little girl who came out of the half open door, he felt that his heart as hard as stone suddenly trembled, like countless mud shells falling, and began to have the feeling of beating.

All about beautiful words, should be used to describe such a lovely little person as her, right?

That pure eyes, such as stars, let him subconsciously put down his big hand, was a little worried that he would scare her.

Amy's big eyes turned and said in a shy voice, "am I disturbing you? It doesn't matter. You go on. I'll be very quiet. "

After that, he slowly moved out from behind the door, put down the stool, and sat down obediently. He picked up the ugly duckling in his arms, put his head on his head, and then showed a smile, "you can continue."


Originally, the guests who watched Amy come out with a worried face suddenly turned black. This aunt's courage is really invincible.

Kelasu and Julian's eyelids also jump with them. They are good at everything. They just like to watch the fun, and they are not afraid of big things at all. They dare to sit forward with a small bench, which makes them not play well.

The door of the restaurant opened, and the rich fragrance almost came from the shop. Rex's eyes were firm again. What he was looking for was really in it.

"I'm the owner of this restaurant. May I help you?" McGonagall opened the half open and half closed door completely, stood at the door and looked at the big bald man. He asked calmly, with some vigilance and vigilance in his eyes.

Amy came out with a small bench, so he couldn't hide behind.

To make Krasu and Julian so nervous, this guy must be a tough character.

McGonagall, barefoot, dressed in shabby clothes, with a shiny bald head, tan skin and strong figure, and the harsh siren next door, had basically judged the origin of this man.

To be able to escape from the Basti prison, which is famous for its firmness, the strength of this non publisher can't be tied up with the ordinary top ten.

"Boss Mai, you take little Amy back. This old man is very bad." Crassus put his wand in front of Rex and spoke out.

In front of Amy, a small ice wall of ice blue has risen, which is hemispherical and blocks her behind.

"I want that." Rex looked at McGonagall. He could see that the man and the little girl should be father and daughter, so his voice became a little calmer and he pointed to the restaurant.

"That thing?" McGonagall was a little puzzled. What's in the restaurant worth the bald man escaping from prison?

Krasu and Julian also have some doubts. Since this guy's target is not Amy, what will it be?

"Do you want to jump over the wall? It's a super tempting fragrance, right? It's made by my father. " Amy stood up from the stool, looked at Rex and said with a smile, "if you want to eat Buddha jumping over the wall, you can come in and sit. My father has done a lot. As long as you pay, you can eat it."

"Buddha jumps over the wall? Pay for it? " Rex looks at Amy and touches his big bald head. It turns out that the thing with attractive fragrance is called fo Tiao Qiang, and it's made by this man. But what's the money?

Looking at Amy's pure eyes, he spread his hands and shook his head in embarrassment. "I don't have any money," he said

"You have no money." Amy frowned delicately, looked at Rex's bare feet and ragged clothes, sighed, looked back at McGonagall and said, "my father, this grandfather looks so poor. Can we give him a bowl of Buddha jumping off the wall?"

Rex put down his hand and looked at MEG.


McGonagall stares at this scene. For the first time, he feels that his head is not enough. Does Amy's thinking of eating goods go wrong? Is this publisher really jumping over the wall for Buddha?

And looking at Rex, I'm afraid that's true.

"Just for food?" Krasu was also stunned. He looked up and down at Rex for a while. This guy seems to be different from the one who killed God in his impression. Is he a fool after being locked up for 100 years?

"Shocked! The famous assassin without publisher escaped from Bastille prison just to eat the new product made by boss Mai

"Is the world... Crazy?"

The guests opened their mouths and couldn't believe what was happening.

McGonagall coughed and let the restaurant door open. "Well... Well, since that's the case, Amy's right. There's no need to fight and kill. Let's sit in first and drink a bowl of fresh Buddha jumping over the wall. It's over."

"Mr. McGregor, he..." Krasu was still looking at Rex with his wand on his side.

"Master Krasu, don't worry. He's not a bad man." Emily took Crassus' sleeve and asked him to move the wand away. Then she waved to Rex with a smile and said, "come in."

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