The delicious soup slowly infiltrates the taste buds. The dull taste buds seem to be moistened by the spring rain, and gradually wake up.

The delicious seafood, the mellow meat... All kinds of food taste, one by one on the stage, blooming on the tip of the tongue amazing delicious, taste.

Rex felt that the taste he had tasted in the past 100 years was not as good as this thick soup.

He seems to see big fish wandering in the sea, wild animals running wantonly in the mountains, mushrooms growing on the dead trees after the spring rain

What a dynamic picture.

The heart, which has been dead for a hundred years, can't help beating with these pictures.

The cloud of hatred has gone, empty heart, if these beautiful things are filled in, it seems to be a good thing.

Rich meat flavor, unrestrained publicity, is a mouthful of broth.

But it's meat but not greasy. It's just right. I can't help but want another bite.

The soup slides down the throat, moistening the throat and esophagus.

A slightly numb feeling rose from the stomach, scattered into the four limbs, and some continued to rise, until the top of the head. The scalp was slightly numb, as if something was going to break out of the shell.

The slight numbness didn't bring him any discomfort. On the contrary, it made him feel very comfortable.

Vaguely, he seems to see a young woman holding a baby, showing a quiet smile.


Rex whispered in his heart.

Totally voluntarily immersed in the delicious food.

Krasu and Julian took a look at Rex, who was a little dazed after taking a mouthful of soup. They also took a mouthful of soup with a spoon. Their eyes were all bright, and they fell into the delicious soup.


Abemia, who had just had a mouthful of soup, suddenly stood up. A golden dragon's tail was out of control. A feeling of numbness spread all over her body. There were very fine golden dragon scales on her cheeks and wrists. The Dragon horns above her head turned into bright gold, which made her look more delicate and beautiful.

Mia was still holding a spoon in her hand. Looking at the scales on her wrist, she was stunned. Then she quickly reached out and touched her cheek. When she touched the scales on her cheek, she looked flustered. She was a little worried and said, "what should I do? My face has scales too..."

People were stunned when they saw this scene. MIA only changed when she ate rougamo. Unexpectedly, today, she only drank a mouthful of soup and turned into dragon tail, and there were some small scales on her face and hands.

"What a beautiful dragon scale, sister MIA. Don't worry. This dragon scale is very beautiful. It's not scary at all." Amy looked at Mia and comforted.

"Yes, Mia, don't worry too much. Maybe this dragon scale, like its tail, can be put away." MEG was also relieved, and as Amy said, the Dragon scales on Mia's cheek looked thin and thin, and there were long and narrow triangular bands on both sides of her cheek, which seemed to add a kind of wild beauty and would not make people feel scary.

"This is... Atavism!" Elizabeth also stands up and looks at the fine scales on Mia's cheek in surprise. This is what happens when the dragon source in her body is stimulated. The dragon source left by her father has not been used yet. Because with a mouthful of soup, Mia has already taken the first step of becoming a real dragon.

"Atavism?" Mia looked at Elizabeth in a puzzled way.

Krasu looked up at Mia and said with a smile: "Miss Mia's luck is really good. None of the semi race can appear atavism, especially the dragon race. Once there is atavism, it means that you will gain some of the dragon's ability, powerful strength, or long life, which is something that others can't ask for."

"Will sister MIA become a real dragon? A dragon that can fly in the sky like sister Elizabeth Amy asked curiously.

"It can only be maintained like this now, but the soup seems to have the effect of promoting her return to her ancestors. If Miss MIA continues to take it, it is not impossible that she will become a real dragon one day." Krasu looks at the Buddha's path in front of him.

It's really a wonderful bowl of soup. Even after drinking it, he feels energetic all over, and his mental energy seems to have been washed again, which makes him feel very comfortable.

Full of tonic soup.

"Isn't it really scary? If not, will it scare the guests? " Abemia was still a little worried. She reached out and touched her cheek. She was still concerned about the guests, not the power she might gain.

"It will fade. Don't worry." Elizabeth patted her on the shoulder.

"Well." Mia looked at Elizabeth, heart suddenly settled down, looking at the Buddha jump wall some hesitation.

"It's good for you to drink it." Elizabeth saw her thoughts and whispered again.

"Then I'll keep drinking." As soon as Mia's eyes brightened, she picked up a spoon and fed it to her mouth. She showed a sweet smile and exclaimed, "it's really delicious!"

Seeing that everyone was intoxicated with the delicious food of Buddha jumping off the wall, MEG stopped looking at it. He took a spoon and took a sip of soup, then tasted shark fin and meat.

The aroma of wine permeates into the soup and food materials. The meat is soft, tender and moist, full of meat flavor, but not greasy; The taste of all kinds of food materials has penetrated into each other for a long time. There is flavor in the taste. It tastes rotten but not rotten, and has endless aftertaste.

"This is the real Buddha jumping over the wall. The system does not deceive me." McGonagall gave a sigh of praise in his heart, which was not in vain. He went to heaven and earth, and went to great pains. After tasting the delicious finished product, he immediately felt that everything was worth it.


"In here." Wesley stood outside the Maimi restaurant, gripping the knife at his waist and squinting slightly.

He can clearly feel the breath of non publisher in it.

In addition, there are two very powerful magic breath.

He had heard that the two great magicians, Krasu and Julian, were now in the city of chaos, and they had the same apprentice in the square of Aden.

Now it seems that the two Great Magicians inside are probably the two.

A jailbreak without a publisher is enough to be a headache. If those two unreasonable Great Magicians are involved again, not to mention Basti prison, even the whole chaotic city will not be able to make it clear.

"How's it going?"

A green eyed foal stops at the door of the restaurant. Michael rolls over and dismounts, looks at Wesley and asks.

"It seems to have gone in." Roland came out of the light and looked into the dining room.

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