Michael, the Lord of the city of chaos, Roland, the Lord of the grey temple, and Wesley, the warden of Bastille prison, also appeared outside the restaurant.

The team members of the ash temple and the guard of the city's main residence quickly arrived to block the surroundings of the Maimi restaurant, and the idlers were moved to 200 meters away. Such a battle made the scene tense.

"What's the situation? Why did the city Lord and the temple Lord suddenly appear? And with so many people? "

The unknown melon eaters are looking around curiously. The alarm of Basti prison has not stopped. The cold look of the people in the grey Temple makes the situation more suspicious.

Maimi restaurant, which has won the top of the sixth list of delicious food, has been in the limelight recently. Every little thing will become a conversation after dinner.

After the door of the restaurant was closed, it was quiet inside. The regular customers were curious about what happened inside and whether they could eat delicious food tonight.

"Lord, do you want to attack by force?" Wesley looked at Michael and didn't explain much about the escape.

"Since he can break through the prison's prohibition and defense, it shows that his strength is still at the peak. If we start here, we can hardly bear the consequences unless..." Michael's voice stops.

"Unless Krasu and Julian are on our side." Roland took the conversation, but looking at his expression, it was obvious that even he didn't believe it would happen.

Wesley took a look at the onlookers. He was used to the peaceful days and formed the habit of watching.

If you really move your hand here, I'm afraid many people will die from accidental injuries.

It's not a child's way to fight between level 10 masters. Once you start, it's hard to control the scene.

"Do you want to clean up?" Asked Wesley.

"Within a radius of 500 meters, empty everything and keep as little noise as possible." Michael nodded slightly and looked at the sign of McMillan's restaurant, showing a smile. "Boss McMillan, this is a good place for negotiation. Since they haven't started, it's good if we don't start, of course."

What's going on outside is clear to all the people who are eating in the restaurant.

"It doesn't affect my business. If my restaurant is demolished, where can I go?" McGonagall looked back at the direction of the door, raised his eyebrows, and then looked at the three big men who were eating with calm expression. Worried that people outside would attack indiscriminately because they didn't understand the situation, McGonagall got up with a smile and said, "it seems that there are guests coming again. Let me have a look."

McGonagall opened the door of the restaurant. Michael took back his hand that was about to knock. He looked at McGonagall and said with a smile, "boss McGonagall, I heard that a different guest has come to the restaurant."

"Eating in it." McGonagall knew who he was asking, and he didn't hide it. He was a ruthless character who could make Krasu and Julian so alert. The Lord of the city and the grey temple came to him, of course, to let them deal with it by themselves. He was just a restaurant keeper.

Michael, Roland and Wesley look into the dining room. On the three tables, a stout bald man with his back to the door sits on the same table with the staff of the dining room, eating quietly, and his expression is a little strange.

The notorious ferocious God, who ranked in the top three of Basti prison's list of ruthless men, after successfully escaping from prison by violent means, sat quietly at the dining table of the staff in a restaurant separated by a wall and ate dinner. Rao Shi was surprised to see this scene as three people.

McGonagall looked at the members of the grey Temple who were driving the guests and the onlookers out. He coughed and said, "the city master and the temple master have something to say. My guests are still waiting for dinner. It's not easy to queue up for so long. I don't have to drive them away."

"There's no need to clean up yet." Michael raised his hand, and the clean-up work stopped immediately. He looked at McGonagall with a smile and said, "it's delicious, boss McGonagall is launching a new dish, isn't it? We are old acquaintances, just in time for dinner, or you can let me and Roland go in to eat and pad our stomachs, just add two stools

"Krasu and Lord Julian are Amy's teachers. It's their duty to respect their teachers. The old man is Amy's pity. Let him go in and eat something to warm up. The Lord of the city and the Lord of the temple... Didn't prepare any big dinner. I'm afraid the reception was not good." Meg's face was a little hesitant.

I'm kidding. The Buddha jumps over the wall for ten thousand copper coins. No matter what the city or temple Lord wants, there's no way to eat.

Wesley looked at McGonagall with a slightly strange expression. The owner of the restaurant was really bold. When ordinary restaurant owners heard that the Lord of the city and the main hall came to eat, they would like to have it, but he didn't want to.

"This stingy fox." Michael bowed, nodded with a smile and said, "don't worry, boss Mai. Just remember what Roland and and I ate. We'll settle the bill."

"How interesting is that? I'll remember it well. Please come in, Lord of the city and Lord of the temple." Meg said with a smile, letting the door out.

Michael and Roland look at each other and walk into the restaurant.

MEG turned and closed the door.

McGonagall added two more chairs for Michael and Roland to sit down beside Krasu and Julian. He served them a bowl of fotiaowei. He went back to his seat and sat down. He took his bowl and ate quietly.

No publisher, Crassus and Julians are unaffected and continue to eat their own.

But others are obviously not so calm. After all, Michael and Roland are the Lord of the city and the Lord of the grey temple. It's hard for such people to meet each other at ordinary times. Now they sit at the same table and eat together. It's hard to avoid some nervousness.

"How are you, Krasu and Julian Michael started with a smile.

"Well, it's good." Krasu nodded and went on eating.

Julian was even colder. He didn't even raise his head.

Michael knew their tempers, but he didn't pay attention to them. His eyes fell on Rex, who was holding a spoon and was carefully scooping the soup in the black pottery bowl in front of him. His eyes narrowed slightly and he said with a smile, "it seems that Basti's food needs to be improved. Otherwise, if everyone learns to come out for dinner, it won't be easy."

Roland did not know when he had picked up the spoon to drink a mouthful of soup, and his face showed a happy expression of intoxication. After a while, he sighed, "it's not difficult to improve, but I'm afraid those chefs can't do it all their lives if they want to change it to this extent."

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