Michael, who is trying to test Rex, is stunned. He looks back at Roland who is eating with a spoon. As the Lord of the grey temple, Roland has always been strict and dignified. Unexpectedly, in this case, he eats on his own.

"It's so delicious?" Michael had some doubts in his heart, but Rex ignored him, so he picked up a spoon and fed it to his mouth.

"Lying trough!"

The meat flavor of the soup was released in his mouth. At this moment, there was almost no words in his mind to describe the strong impact.

After a moment of surprise, the rich layers of taste began to show, overlapping each other, but not disturbing each other, the delicious ocean, wild game... People can't help but immerse themselves.

"It's... It's delicious, isn't it?" After swallowing a mouthful of thick soup, Michael had only one idea left in his heart. He had never drunk such delicious soup before, which completely overturned his cognition of soup.

The original soup, you can taste so rich taste level, can make people so amazing.

"Vivian will certainly like it, and it seems to be quite tonic. Bring her to drink next time." Michael thought in his heart, the first thing he thought of was his daughter.

After a mouthful of soup, I couldn't help eating another mouthful of meat.

The meat with strong meat flavor is rotten but not rotten. It seems to be simmered with the best wine in the world. The more you chew it, the more fragrant it is. You can hardly chew your tongue.

"This kind of delicious food is really rare, rare in the world, rare in the world..." Michael praised in his heart, a mouthful of soup and a mouthful of meat, already completely immersed in the delicious food of Buddha jumping over the wall.

The Lord of Roland hall on one side is not much different.

"It turns out that the Lord of the city and the Lord of the temple met delicious food, which is similar to ours." Mia carefully looked at the two great figures in her mind. She was addicted to delicious food and seemed to be quite down-to-earth.

In the small dining room, there are five strong men of level 10, the city master of chaos, the Lord of the grey temple, the God of fire, the Lord of frost, and Rex, who has just escaped from Basti prison.

Because of a bowl of Buddha jumping over the wall, the five people sat together for dinner in a friendly and harmonious way. If they didn't see this scene with their own eyes, I'm afraid few people would dare to believe it.

It's just like Wesley and the temple of ash, who are nervously watching what's going on outside the restaurant. They are ready to launch a strong attack when they just wait for an order from inside. They can't help themselves to get the delicious food of Buddha jumping from the wall.


Rex's spoon hit the bottom of the bowl and made a soft sound. The empty bowl had only a shallow layer of soup left.

He picked up the bowl and drank the last bit of soup. Then he put down the bowl, wiped the sweat on his head, looked at MEG and said, "thank you for your hospitality."

At the same time, Michael and Roland put down their spoons and looked at Rex, one holding the sword and the other holding the magic wand.

It's not very realistic to persuade him to give up his hand with the temper of no publisher.

But they couldn't just watch him go.

Krasu and Julian also put down their spoons.

The original harmonious scene suddenly became tense.

"Yes..." McGonagall coughed, ready to say something harmonious and friendly. After all, this is his restaurant. If these guys fight here, the restaurant will be ready for reconstruction.

"Wow! Bald grandfather, your hair has grown out Just then, Amy looked up at Rex, blinked, and then pointed his head with an incredible face.

The crowd was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes fell on Rex's head.

That is like a round smooth head like marinated eggs, it is really growing out of a fine hair!

It's like the grass coming out of the soil after the spring rain. The short one is almost negligible, and the thin one is like a baby's hair, only a little black.

But the hair is real!

"No publisher has hair?"

Everyone was stunned, including Michael and Roland.

Since his appearance, he has always been known as a man without hair. He has been in Basti prison for 100 years, but he is still bald after he comes out, but now he has hair?

"Shocked! After having a meal in a restaurant, non issuers grow a thick head of hair. This restaurant may become a mecca for hairless youths to punch in! "

McGonagall looked at the people's faces and helped the newspaper think about the headlines for tomorrow.

Is the function of the so-called high-level food in the system to let greasy middle-aged men get rid of the trouble of baldness?

Although baldness is really troublesome and almost incurable, it's a high-level recipe that he managed to get after all. Isn't it too hasty?

"Head... Hair?" Rex was stunned. He reached out his hand and touched his head. The soft touch made him withdraw his hand like an electric shock. After a while, he reached out his hand and touched his head. Although it was only a short layer, it was totally different from the feeling of going to the sun. It started from birth, He felt the presence of hair on his head for the first time.

His hand was shaking slightly, and his mood was excited.

After surviving by chance, he became the biggest difference from ordinary people because he had no hair, and he was ridiculed and insulted.

And now, he's going to have hair!

If he has hair, he doesn't look different from ordinary people, does he?

After tasting the delicious Buddha jump wall, Rex feels that his mood has changed. Originally, his empty heart seems to have been planted with a small tree. Now, it seems that there is sunshine again, and a rebirth is waiting for him there.

"I'm not going back to prison." Rex looks at Michael and says quietly.

"We're going to take you back." Michael stood up with his sword in his hand, and said with equal calmness. Roland also holds the wand.

Rex put his hand on the table, looked at Roland and said, "if you must take me back, I will destroy the whole Bastille prison. If you release me, I can join the city of chaos and promise to abide by its laws and protect it. "

Roland and and Michael's faces were reflective.

With Rex's strength, destroying Basti prison is not a trivial threat.

He joined the chaotic city and became the guardian of the chaotic city, which was full of temptation when the situation of all ethnic groups was unclear.

"The hairless man is dead. He died a hundred years ago." Rex stood up and looked at Amy. His stiff face moved and a smile appeared. "Now, I'm Rex, Rex with hair."

With hair, I'm so confident.

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