The frost Dragon flew across the sky, out of the city of chaos, and into the distance.

Abemia sat on the dragon's back, her expression gradually calmed down from the beginning of panic, then opened her hands to meet the oncoming wind, with an excited smile on her face.

Although this is not the first time for her to fly on Elizabeth's body, the feeling of being alone is still very wonderful.

She loved the feeling of the wind blowing fast by her side, and the dark mountains falling back quickly.

Just like a free bird, the vast sky can let her fly.

Elizabeth landed on the top of a high mountain, which was fairly flat and covered with gravel. Two calls of wild animals occasionally came from the forest at the foot of the mountain.

"Sister, what did you bring me here for?" Abelmia asked, looking at Elizabeth who had been transformed into human form again. She looked around curiously. It should be far away from the city of chaos.

"What I just said to you is not to comfort you." Elizabeth's hand appeared a ring, light flash, a box emitting golden light fell into her hands.

"What's this?"

"This is golden Longyuan, a gift for you from your father." Said Elizabeth.

"Father... Father prepared it for me?" Abelmia was stunned, looking at the golden box in Elizabeth's hand, feeling a little flustered.

"Yes, I've been looking for him in recent years, but I didn't find him. I only found this ring in the city of chaos. He left a message in this ring to tell me your existence, and let me give you this golden dragon source on the day of your initiation ceremony, so that you can get rid of the body of half dragon man and become a real golden dragon." Elizabeth nodded.

"But he... Why didn't he come to see me himself? Since he appeared in the city of chaos, why didn't he come to me and my mother... "Mia's lips trembled slightly, and she couldn't let her tears fall.

"I think he should have a hard time. He has too many enemies in this world. Maybe he just doesn't want others to know your existence..." Elizabeth came forward and gently hugged MIA. "Although he has a lot of bad things, I believe he still loves us."

"But... I really want to see him." Abelmia could no longer help but put her head in Elizabeth's arms and began to cry.

Elizabeth patted her on the back, tears flashing in her eyes, she is not it.

After a long time, abelmia's mood gradually eased down.

"Put this Longyuan together. Today is your rite of passage, and the effect is the best." Elizabeth handed MIA the golden box. "Just bite your fingers and drop blood on the box."

Mia holds the golden box in both hands. The warm feeling comes from the box. It seems that there is a life hidden in it.

Hesitating for a moment, she bit her finger according to Elizabeth, squeezed out a drop of golden blood, and dropped it on the box.

The pale gold light suddenly became extremely dazzling, accompanied by a click, the square box broke like an eggshell, revealing a translucent pale gold ball.

Soft touch, like a shell of the egg, and in the transparent eggshell, there is a golden dragon swimming slowly.


Just then, a light roar came from the eggshell, and the golden little dragon suddenly burst out of the eggshell. With a flutter of his wings, he directly bumped into abelmia's eyebrows, which turned into a golden light and fell into her eyebrows.

Abelmia's body was suddenly fixed like a wooden man, and her two-color eyes were full of golden light. It seemed that a magical change was going on.

"Should it succeed?" Elizabeth stood by, with a slight nervousness on her face.

The golden light flowed in abemia's body, and the golden dragon tail came out almost instantaneously, followed by the golden scales on her cheek and wrist, which was the change after she had eaten the Buddha jumping wall.

However, the change did not stop. The golden light became more and more dazzling. With a slight bone crack, abemia's body began to grow, and the maid's dress was torn to pieces.

Her body was covered with fine golden scales, which then grew rapidly.

In the twinkling of an eye, a golden dragon with a wingspan of more than 50 meters appeared on the top of the mountain.

Slender body, golden scales emitting light, shining in the moonlight.

"It's a success!" Elizabeth exclaimed in surprise. Her eyes swept over the Golden Dragon's body, and her expression became even more surprised. "She has just evolved successfully and has the strength of level 6!"


Abelmia opened her eyes and opened her mouth subconsciously, but found that she gave out a majestic dragon roar.

"Who am I?" She froze for a moment, then looked down.

Elizabeth, who had been standing in front of her, was standing there like a little ant.

"Why? Sister, how are you getting smaller? " Mia was a little surprised.

"I'm not getting smaller, you're getting bigger." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"I get bigger..." Yabei Miya Leng for a while, and then lowered her head, eyes suddenly stare round.

Golden Dragon scales, golden wings, golden claws... What a big golden dragon!

"Where's my chest?"

Said abelmia.

However, she soon recovered. It seems that this time is not the time to care about this matter. How could she become such a huge golden dragon in a twinkling of an eye? This change really caught her by surprise.

"Don't worry, after merging the Golden Dragon source, you have got rid of the identity of half dragon man and successfully evolved into a golden dragon. This is your dragon form." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Have I really become a golden dragon?"

Although Elizabeth had mentioned it before she came here, Mia still had an unreal feeling when it really happened.

The identity of banlongren made her suffer humiliation from childhood. She never thought that one day she could get rid of this identity and become a noble dragon.

"Yes, from today on, you are the real golden dragon." Elizabeth said firmly.

"Can I fly?" After a moment's confusion, abelmia finally settled down and asked Elizabeth, full of expectation.

"As a dragon, flying is the most basic ability..."

"Ah - I fell down --"

Before Elizabeth had finished speaking, abelmia, who had flapped her wings twice, fell from the top of the mountain.

"Anxious guy." Elizabeth sighed, stepped out, and dived down in the form of the ice dragon.

After a while, a golden dragon, like a drowning man, awkwardly flashed its wings and came back from the foot of the mountain in a strange posture.

An ice dragon slowly rises and accompanies her.

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