The golden dragon was flying in the sky, but under the escort of the ice dragon, he gradually mastered the flying skills and was able to fly normally, and then tried some skills such as turning and rising.

"Wow - that's so much fun!"

The Golden Dragon glides from the top of the mountain with its wings flapping, bends over the mountain stream and flies past the woods, leaving behind a string of silver bell like laughter.

"It's a wonderful talent." Elizabeth appeared on the top of the mountain, looking at mia, who had mastered her flying skills before long, and said to herself with a smile.

Abelmia had a good time, and then she fell back to the top of the mountain again. As soon as her wings closed, she became human again.

"Oh! My clothes

As soon as she fell to the ground, she found that her clothes had become crumbs in the transformation. She quickly put out her hand to cover her breasts and the bottom.

"Fortunately, the chest is still there!"

Holding her heavy breast, she was relieved.

"Sister, I have no clothes. What should I do now?" Abelmia looked at Elizabeth for help.

"The Dragon doesn't need to wear clothes, but it becomes a lot of trouble after becoming a human. You can use your scales to transform into any kind of clothes." Said Elizabeth, then reaching out to demonstrate a little magic.

As like as two peas, blonde blinked, she learned to use the magic, a golden flash of light, and a maid dress that had exactly the same appearance as her.

"There it is Abelmia looked at her clothes in surprise and touched them. Except for the slippery material, the style was no different from her previous clothes.

But, after all, it was her scales. When her hands touched the clothes, there was a feeling that her skin was touched, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"It seems that I have to ask the boss to give me a new set of clothes, otherwise it will be inconvenient to work." Mia thought to herself.

Elizabeth said: "with the scale out of the illusory clothes, you don't have to worry about being destroyed in the transformation, if you want to wear ordinary clothes, it's best not to change that day."

"Well." Abelmia nodded, hesitated for a moment, walked forward and said, "sister, there's something I've always wanted to ask you."


"I want to know, who hurt you before? Who caused you such a serious injury? " She asked earnestly, looking into Elizabeth's eyes.

Elizabeth's eyes showed a trace of surprise, hesitated for a moment, or slightly shook her head and said: "you don't need to know this."

"No, I want to know." Abelmia's eyes are particularly firm, said: "you are my only family, although I am not as strong as you, but I want to protect you, want to guard by your side."

Elizabeth felt as if her heart had stopped. Looking at MIA with firm eyes, her heart was suddenly warm.

No one has ever said such a thing to her, no one has said that they will guard her, and no one has promised to protect her.

Even her mother has been telling her since she was a child that she is the only one responsible for her life. No one will protect her or protect her.

Elizabeth was silent for a moment and said calmly, "are you going to learn to fight with me?"

Abelmia was stunned for a moment and nodded quickly: "well, I want to learn."

"Well, when you can really protect me, I'll tell you the truth." Elizabeth nodded, her mouth turned slightly upward, her hands opened, and she turned into a frost dragon again. She flew into the sky and looked down at abelmia. "From today on, I will practice with you for three hours every night, and then go back to sleep."

"Good." Abelmia nodded, also incarnated in the golden dragon, chasing the frost dragon.


"You're late."

McGonagall looked at Camilla, who was standing at the door with arms in her hands, wearing a black high fork black skirt, a black windbreaker, and a black hat on her head. She frowned and said, "what about your work clothes?"

"Although I have agreed to your request and reluctantly joined your restaurant, it's not up to you to decide when Mrs. Ben will come to work and what she will wear." Camilla looked at MEG and said with a scornful smile.

"Do you know our lady's noble status, which you, a mere human being, can command?" The servant of the black cat, wrapped in a black robe, stepped forward and said in a loud voice.

"In that case, it seems that it is necessary for me to publish the photo stone so that we can all have a look at our noble countess, who turned out to be a pervert?" Meg said with a smile.

Camilla's face suddenly froze. If the photo stone is announced, does Miss Gloria not know that she is a woman? no way! Such a thing must not happen! She had to leave a perfect image in Miss Gloria's mind.

"Well, I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I got up a little late. I'll be on time tomorrow." Camilla gave a dry cough.

"Madam..." the black cat servant's voice was a little shocked.

"And the clothes?" McGonagall asked, his eyes resting for a moment on the deep furrow in his chest.

"I've got my clothes. I'm going to change them at the restaurant." Camilla looked around, "after all, in my capacity, if people know I'm a waiter, it's not easy to go out and meet people in the future."

"Waiters are a serious profession." McGonagall rolled his eyes, but seeing Camilla carefully, he didn't say anything more and let her in.

Black cat servants also want to follow in.

"Pets are not allowed in restaurants, and employees are not allowed to bring pets to work." McGonagall raised his hand and stopped the servant in the black robe. Although he looked like a man at first sight, he knew what was hidden inside.

"I am Caesar, the most loyal servant of the countess. I must always serve the countess..."

"Wow! What a big black cat

Before Caesar's words were finished, his black robe was torn off by Amy who didn't know when. Caesar, who was suspended in the air, was stunned and fell to the ground with a meow. He arched his back and stood up with black hair like a needle. He looked at Amy in a panic.


The duckling jumps out of Amy's back and blocks Amy's body. Her paws show from her fat paws. She looks at Caesar eagerly.

"Meow ~"

Caesar immediately picked up his tail, shrank on the ground, did not dare to move, squinted at the ugly duckling secretly.

"Nothing." Camilla looked back at Caesar, waved and said, "go back."

"Meow ~"

If Caesar is pardoned, he can't even speak. He turns around and swishes away.

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