"Upstairs, the first one on the right hand is the bathroom, where you can change your clothes." McGonagall looked at Camilla and said.

"Well." Camilla answered, wriggling her graceful waist up the stairs, and soon came down in the cook's suit MEG had prepared for her.

"Is sister Camilla a cook, too?" Amy asked curiously.

"It's the same chef's dress as I am." Anna nodded.

"Yes, I'm good at blood salads, cold heart slices." Camilla put out her bright red tongue and licked her lips, revealing her two sharp teeth, trying to scare the two little guys.

"Blood salad? Cold heart slice? Is it delicious? " Amy was full of curiosity and didn't look scared.

"Not bad." Camilla nodded in disappointment.

"Is it... Human blood?" Anna's voice trembled slightly, and there was a trace of fear in her eyes.

"Human blood doesn't work. Ordinary human blood is very dirty and hard to drink." Camilla looked at Anna, this little guy's performance let her very satisfied, bent down to continue with a smile: "must be beautiful and kind young lady, their blood is sweet, of course, like you such a lovely elf, is also a very good choice."

"Ah Anna screamed and hid behind MEG, looking at Camilla in fear.

"Anna, don't be afraid. She's just bluffing you." McGonagall touched Anna's head, comforted her, looked at Camilla again and said, "your main job today is to learn how to prepare ingredients with Phyllis, and remember the processing method and dosage of each ingredient."

"Do you need to learn something about such a simple job?" Camilla turned her lips and walked to the kitchen with a proud face.

"Hello." Phyllis and Camilla say hello, but the wind blade doesn't stop. The blue wind blades are like sharp knives, which can easily divide the floating food into countless pieces and accurately fall into different food boxes.

"This..." standing in the kitchen door, Camilla looked at the flying food and wind blade and opened her mouth.

How can he learn this?

McGonagall looks at Phyllis patiently teaching Camilla's cutting skills, with a smile on her face. At the same time, it's a pity that the gifted apprentice will leave. It's a huge loss.

As for Camilla, McGonagall didn't really want to do whatever he wanted with her film. After all, he was an honest man.

Let her be a pier in the dining room, on the one hand, to punish her for kidnapping him, on the other hand, to prevent her from continuing to be a demon.

He is in the light and she is in the dark. Who knows if he will be beaten when he goes out?

The best way to prevent it is to put her under the eyelids, and then use love and wisdom to influence her to give up those stupid ideas.

"It makes me angry to see this guy proud. Sooner or later, I'll tie you up again and let you taste the whip and the candle!" Camilla in the kitchen glanced at MEG and said to herself.

"Anna, don't be afraid. It's just two courses? Next time, let sister Camilla cook it for us. " Amy was also smiling and comforting.

"I... I don't want to eat." Anna shakes her head like a rattle, hesitates for a while, and chooses to help in the kitchen.

"My father," said Daphne, "they're going to have a holiday soon. Am I going to have a holiday soon? It's the kind of vacation that can be played for many days, and the kind that can sleep in every day. " Amy asked, looking up at MEG, her face full of expectations.

"Is it time for winter vacation again?" McGonagall said unexpectedly that the holiday system of chaos school is similar to that of primary schools in China. There are two months' holidays in the hottest summer and one month's holidays in the coldest winter. In all, half a month is almost a holiday time.

However, although Amy is now a student of half chaos school, he has been learning magic with Krasu and Julian. He is not sure whether they will follow the holiday system of chaos school.

McGonagall said with a smile, "when I take you to school later, I'll ask teacher Krasu to see when Xiaomi can have a holiday."

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded cleverly, shrunk his neck and muttered, "it's so cold in winter. If only I could sleep in a warm blanket every day."

MEG smiles and shakes his head. It's not Amy's fault. No one wants to leave the warm blanket in such a cold winter.

"Ding Ling."

The bell at the door rang softly, and abelmia and Elizabeth pushed the door and came in.

"Hoo, it's still the warmest in the restaurant!" Abelmia took a breath, then gave a vigorous smile and said, "good morning, boss, Amy."

"Good morning, sister mia, sister Elizabeth." Amy also said hello to them.

"Good morning." Elizabeth nodded slightly, still silent.

"I came earlier today." McGonagall looked at them in surprise, arriving about 15 minutes earlier than usual.

"That..." abelmia looked at MEG, blushed and said, "boss, can you give me another maid's dress, my work clothes are... Burst by me."

"Burst?" McGonagall was slightly stunned, and his eyes subconsciously fell on Mia's chest. Compared with the time when he just picked it up, it really became a lot bigger. But it seems a bit exaggerated to say that he directly burst his clothes?

Meg's burning eyes made MIA blush even more. She quickly shook her head and said, "it's not because of it, it's because yesterday I changed into a real dragon, so my clothes were burst."

"MIA has become a real dragon?" McGonagall was surprised and looked at MIA carefully. Compared with yesterday, although there was no special change in appearance, he had the strength of level 6.

Overnight, from a half dragon man with a little brute force to a strong man with level 6 strength, the only one who can explain all this is Hualong.

"Is it because of eating the Buddha and jumping off the wall?" Yesterday, two knights successfully broke through the wall after eating the Buddha, and Mia did show some signs of atavism at that time.

"The Buddha jumps over the wall to really have the promotion effect." Mia nodded and took a subconscious look at Elizabeth.

MEG saw MIA didn't take the initiative to say, so he didn't ask much. Looking at her clothes, he was a little strange and said, "what's the matter with your clothes? Didn't you say it was blown up? "

Then he reached out and touched her collar. The texture was smooth and comfortable, but the skin affinity was not very good. The touch was a little cool. It was a strange material.

"Strange, what material is this?" He touched her skirt again, but still didn't find out what material it was.

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