Meg's hands as like as two peas were slipped from his collar to his skirt, and he was very aware of the wonderful material of the dress.

"Ah ~ ~"

Abemia blushed and let out a long groan.

MEG Leng for a moment, some strange looking at suddenly red face, chest sharp ups and downs, biting the lips, want to talk and stop mia, he seems to have done nothing? Why does she look like she's going to die?

When Meg's slender and powerful fingers crossed Mia's collar, it was like caressing her clavicle. When he grasped her skirt, her buttocks seemed to be electrocuted, and she was rubbed by her warm hands. The numbness spread all over her body, almost making her stand unstable.

"Boss, you are good or bad!"

The strong sense of shame made Mia's face as red as an apple and exhale like silk. Looking at Meg's eyes, she was a little bit more charming and said with some difficulty: "this... This is my scale change..."

"Ah?" MEG Leng for a while, subconsciously pinch a, nodded, "no wonder so slippery."

"Ah ~"

Mia couldn't help groaning again. There were already tears in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mia. It's just the first time I've seen the clothes made of dragon scales. I'm a little curious." McGonagall slightly embarrassed to withdraw his hand, but also found his behavior some abrupt, some sorry.

"No... it's ok..." abelmia shook her head and said weakly. The numbness of her hips had not completely disappeared. After MEG took away her hand, she felt a little lost.

"What's the matter with me? no way! I'm definitely not such a person... Mr. McGonagall just doesn't know... "MIA thought in her heart, trying to throw out the strange ideas in her mind, but she couldn't help recalling the wonderful feeling.

Elizabeth looked at abelmia, then at MEG, hesitated for a moment, then slowly loosened her clenched fist.

"I'll get your clothes ready." McGonagall said, turned and went upstairs. Now the situation seems a little awkward. He'd better run away first.

"My father stroked sister Mia and made her make a strange sound. Does it need to be written down?" In the corner, Amy took out her notebook and showed her thinking expression.

"Nothing?" Elizabeth looked at Mia and whispered.

"Well, I'm fine." Mia nodded and forced out a smile. "The boss doesn't know, so he can't be blamed for this."

"Well." Elizabeth gave a noncommittal answer.

MEG went upstairs and asked the system to make a new maid's dress for abelmia. She took the dress and was about to go downstairs. Zina came out of the room yawning in dead water. Seeing MEG coming directly, she gave him a big hug and said with a smile, "good morning, Mr. MEG."

"Good morning, Gina." MEG pulled his face out of the deep ravine, took a breath, and said something helplessly.

It's very painful to experience this kind of good morning with facial cleanser every day.

This has prompted him to postpone the date of assigning Gina to the staff dormitory.

Well, it's delicious.

"I'm going back to landister today to bring you the fins and lips." Gina looks at MEG.

"You can't fly. If you want to go back, it will take a lot of time on the road, won't it?" MEG looks at Gina and buys the system's real-time translation system. He has been able to have daily conversations with Gina and teach her some common language in his spare time.

He still has two shark fins and fish lips in his hand, which is enough to make two pots of fotiaowei today. However, the ingredients for fotiaowei tomorrow are no longer available. It is really necessary to start the supply chain of landist.

Gina said with a smile: "Miss Elizabeth promised to accompany me back today, but the high priest said that he would soon find a way to deliver shark fin and fish lips."

"That's good." McGonagall nodded. With the help of the landister family, it should not be a problem to think of a transportation method. Since he didn't need to use his brain, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Mr. McGonagall is as handsome as he was yesterday." Gina looked at Meg's back as she turned downstairs, covered her face and said to herself with a smile.

"Mia, this is the dress I prepared for you. Go upstairs and change it first." MEG went downstairs and handed the clothes to MIA.

"OK... OK." Abelmia took the clothes, went upstairs, went up the stairs, rubbed her face with the clothes, and said with a happy smile, "Mr. McGonagall has already prepared the clothes for me."

"Elizabeth's clothes..." McGonagall looked at Elizabeth. He remembered that she had changed directly when she changed her body last time. Didn't she wear clothes, but clothes made of scales?

Elizabeth stepped back two steps, a little away from MEG. She looked at MEG with some vigilance, and the temperature around her dropped a few degrees.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm just curious." MEG quickly put his hands behind him to show his innocence.

"I won't let anyone touch me." Elizabeth was rather proud.

"Sister Elizabeth, let's go dancing." Amy holds the music box and gently tugs at Elizabeth's skirt.

"It seems so." MEG takes a look at Amy's hand, smiles and turns into the kitchen.

Elizabeth: --

"What shall we do?" Amy then asked.

"Just the last one." Elizabeth looked at Amy's silly appearance, but she couldn't get angry at all. She said helplessly.

"Add me one!" Mia, who had changed her clothes, came down quickly and joined the dance team.

McGonagall went into the kitchen and looked at Camilla, who used ten knives to make her feel like a sword. She couldn't help but wonder.

McGonagall was inspired by Camilla's ten sharp nails, so he asked the system to tailor two sets of finger knives for her.

As the name suggests, they are ten slender knives fixed on the fingers, which can be easily driven like nails, replacing Camilla's nails.

Just as McGonagall expected, with these ten fingers, Camilla can easily cut the food into the required shape. Although the speed is a little slower than that of Felice, there is no second person who can match her in the mcmillagall restaurant, including McGonagall.

"Brush, brush!"

When the finger knife slipped, a winter bamboo shoot turned into a pile of grains the size of rice and fell into a box.

"Oh, how can I live in such a simple job?" Camilla a little proud smile, and with the idea to control a green beans fly up, and then in the knife light cut them into the size of rice.

She likes the sound of brushing and the feeling of cutting. There is a kind of inexplicable pleasure.

"This is probably the real version of cutting fruit?"

MEG picked his eyebrows.

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